Have you wanted to test features of WordPress, or even within a plugin or theme but needed demo or dummy content? Demo content includes posts with nearly every variety of formatting, including various types of blocks, images, and more. The Themes team leads the way with resources used when evaluating theme submissions to the repository.

When reviewing themes submitted to the WordPress Themes directory, the Themes team needs a standard set of content that containts nearly every formatting scenario. That includes bulleted lists, gallery blocks, and so much more.

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The same steps as above can be used to import Gutenberg-specific test data. You can locate the Gutenberg XML file in its GitHub repository. This demo content is intended to commonly used blocks in conjunction with the Gutenberg plugin.

Creating demo content for custom post types, additional users, and areas outside the scope of the Theme Test Data can use the FakerPress plugin for additional options. FakerPress uses Lorem Ipsum content as it uses the Faker library. Lorem Ipsum content is less ideal, but acceptable for these other use cases.

In our opinion creating some demo content by yourself is probably the easiest and cleanest solution. Usually you know best how many posts, categories, pages, etc. you will exactly need for your website to make your layout work as expected. After you quickly have created some dummy content, you can selectively delete or replace it later on with your own real content.

Another approach to get demo content on your WordPress website is by importing XML files with sample content. You can import XML files in your WordPress dashboard under Tools => Import and then select WordPress to install the WordPress Importer plugin.

Importing demo content through XML files usually is a quicker approach, however you should make sure you know exactly what is being imported to your website to prevent gathering needless content. The third solution would be the plugin approach, but as already mentioned, here you should be cautious and aware of the plugin functionality, otherwise you might experience unexpected issues or even loss of data when you delete content through the particular plugin.

Of course you can, use the ocdi/before_widgets_import action. You can also target different predefined demo imports like in the example above. Here is a simple example code of the ocdi/before_widgets_import action:

This will greatly improve the time needed to import the content (images), but only the original sized images will be imported. You can disable it with a filter, so just add this code to your theme function.php file:

And also, please increase your PHP time out to at least 300s. You only have 60s which could also be the reason why every time you import the demo, it will not continue because of getting timed out. To increase it, please check out this links:

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily add dummy content for theme development in WordPress. You may also want to see our ultimate list of the best free WordPress themes for some theme development inspiration and our guide on how to use shortcodes in your WordPress themes.

i did as told but on uploading it shows this message

Failed to create new user for themedemos. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.

Failed to create new user for chipbennett. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.

Failed to create new user for lance. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.

Failed to create new user for emiluzelac. Their posts will be attributed to the current user.

please help as I cannot see any dummy post in my wordpress except form hello world.

if its an empty installation with just the dummy content then you can reset your WordPress database to default settings. But if it has other content that you do not want to delete, then back up it first.

Are you using a theme and would like to add WordPress demo content to it? This will help you view the theme layout and you can use the demo content as an example to build your site around. There is a fantastic plugin that can help you with this.

The WordPress theme unit test data file is an XML data file that contains a bunch of demo content for theme development. It is there so that developers can use it when building and testing the WordPress themes they build.

The WordPress theme you are developing needs to be ready for all of those elements. The test data file full of WordPress demo content helps you test and get ready for all of this. Using it will allow you to create a theme that will be accepted into the WordPress theme directory.

In case you have X installed and the child theme activated correctly and you are not seeing the demo content options, please double check the X and Cornerstone version and make sure they are updated to the latest version.

This might be caused by a third party plugin that is active on your site. Since you are just starting the development, please try to disable all third party plugins then clear your browser cache and go back to the import demo content area.

The other option would be to setup a local server using WAMP/MAMP, generate demo content and then you can migrate your local data using our migration guide here ( -content-builder-migration/126). Or else you can use the template manager to export/import pages. Please follow this guide for more information ( -manager/20364).

Nozama comes with a myriad of layout options and widgets allowing you to build a truly unique e-shop. From layout column setup to specially designed content elements you're guaranteed to find the right one for your online store.

Note: We do not recommend this if you have existing content in your WordPress installation, as it will add numerous posts, pages, categories, media and more to your site. Also, we recommend replacing all content as soon as possible to avoid negative SEO effects or image licensing repercussions.

If you wish to remove the demo content after installing it, you could use a solution such as the WordPress Reset plugin. Note: Using this plugin will delete ALL content within your WordPress installation. So use this plugin at your own risk.

If I do manually remove images how will this affect my importing a full store from another site? I assume the import will populate their own product posts/pages not affecting the demo content at all. is this correct? Or does it overwrite demo content?

Shoptimizer includes speed related theme options which include automatic minification of the main CSS file for super fast loading. Also, it dynamically creates a 'critical CSS' stylesheet so that it loads almost instantly the contents of a user's viewport.

When scrolling down an individual product a sticky bar keeps the product thumbnail, title, price and add to cart button in view encouraging conversions on long single product pages with lots of content.

We've included a gorgeous homepage, about, contact, FAQs and sales pages within the one-click demo data to enable you to get up and running quickly. Plus, as the images are almost entirely from unsplash they're included too!

01Before importing new demo content, you should always navigate to Appearance > Menus and delete all imported menus (all menus that you did not create from scratch yourself). If you do not do this your menus will duplicate on import, which can lead to further issues.

02If you are planning to import another demo, it is good practice to first clear your existing demo using the WordPress Database Reset plugin (please note that this plugin will clear all WP content, basically reverting your site to the point when you just installed a fresh copy of wordpress).If you are using multisite, please use this plugin carefully because it can reset all network installations.

03All options that were imported with the demo you currently have active on your site will be overwritten with the options for the demo you intend to import. After import, go to Qode options and hit Save Changes. In this way you will make sure that all options are properly loaded.

With the Bridge theme, you have the option to either start creating your site from scratch, or choosing to import one of the included demo sites to use as a starting point, and then modifying it to suit your needs. In this section we will explain how to do the latter.

You can also import a Bridge demo using the classic WordPress import and the Bridge XML files. To do so, first download the latest Bridge zip file from your ThemeForest downloads page and extract it. After this you should navigate to the demos folder, where you will locate the index file.

Please note that you can only have one demo imported at a time - otherwise the content gets overridden and duplicated causing improper theme behavior. So, before importing a new demo we recommend running this plugin to revert WP to its original state and then re-activate our theme and import the demo.

Besides the standard theme demo content, certain Bridge demos also contain separate demo content related to the plugins the theme uses. In this section we will explain how to import this demo content.

The Elementor Booster module brings to the table seven new premium widgets, content protection, animations and much more, to help you build an interactive page in no time. This modules brings a multiple widgets and features for Elementor as:

CONTENT Install Theme Allow SVG before demo import Import Demo If Import Fails Note: 39 pre-made demos are available. For each demo we have detailed video tutorials: -import-video-tutorials/ This help lists...

Warning: include(/var/sites/a/domainname.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/uploads/avia_fonts/medical/charmap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/sites/a/domainname.co.uk/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/font-manager.class.php on line 469

Apologies, but because i have been trying other recommendations such as compressing the xml file into a gzip before importing, i have done a few wordpress resets since adding that user and therefore the login info was removed. I have re-added the user, so the same login info should now work. ff782bc1db

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