Playing Card Word Crawl

For the purposes of this word crawl, the face cards will have the following values.

The ace is equivalent to one.

The jack is equivalent to eleven.

The queen is equivalent to twelve.

The king is equivalent to thirteen.

Now, scroll down and open as many challenges as you want to create a custom word crawl!

Challenge #1

Draw two cards. Add the value of the cards and sprint for that many minutes.

Challenge #2

Draw a card until you get a card with a value greater than three and less than ten. Divide 1,667 into that number and write that many words.

For example: 1,667 divided by 6 is about 278 words.

Challenge #3

Draw until you get a face card that isn't an ace. Multiply its value by ten and write that many words.

Challenge #4

Draw a card for every letter in your name. For every red card, write 25 words. For every black card, write 50 words.

For a twist on this challenge, do the same thing for a character's name or the name of your setting!

Challenge #5

Take your main character's age and double it (or your age, if you prefer). Draw a card and triple its value. Add them together and write that many words.

Challenge #6

Draw cards until you find the Ace of Spades. However many cards you had to draw is the number of minutes you'll write.

Note: you can draw up to 25 cards at a time from the random card generator above.

Challenge #7

Draw two cards. If they are the same suit, write 600 words. If they are different suits, write 450 words.

Challenge #8

Draw a card. If the value is greater than your birth month, sprint for that many minutes. If not, sprint for ten minutes.

For example, if you were born in June—the sixth month—and drew a king, you'd sprint for thirteen minutes. If you drew an ace, you'd sprint for ten minutes.

Challenge #9

Draw three cards, add their values together, and multiply by ten. Write that many words as fast as you can.

Challenge #10

Draw a card. Write until you've made that many typos.

For example, if you drew the Seven of Hearts, write until you make seven typos.

Challenge #11

Think of your favorite playing card. Draw seven cards. If your card is one of those seven, write 150 words. If not, write 300 words.

Challenge #12

Discover what your birthday card is. Multiply its value by 25 if it's red or by 50 if it's black, and write that many words. You can repeat this for your main character's birthday or today's date.

Challenge #13

Guess which suit you'll draw next, then draw a card. If you're wrong, write 400 words. If you're right, write 300 words.

Challenge #14

Draw five cards. Add four of the five cards' values together and multiply the sum by ten. Write that many words.

Challenge #15

Draw a card. If its value is nine or less, multiply it by 100. If its value is ten or more, multiply it by ten. Write that many words.

Challenge #16

Draw a card. Search your doc for the card's suit, value, and color. If you can't find any of them, write for 15 minutes. If you do find one, write for 25 minutes.

For example, if you drew the King of Diamonds, search your doc for the words "thirteen," "diamonds," and "red."

Challenge #17

Ask a friend to guess which color you'll pull. If they're right, write 300 words. If they're wrong, write 200 words.

Challenge #18

Draw cards until you pull a face card. If it's a jack, write 350 words. If it's a queen, write 450 words. If it's a king, write 500 words. If it's an ace, write 700 words.

Challenge #19

Whatever the last card you drew was, multiply its value by 30 and write that many words. If you can't remember, sprint for 15 minutes.

Challenge #20

If you dare, draw a card and write as fast as you can. If it's from the suit of hearts, write 2,000 words. If it's spades, write 1,500 words. If it's clubs, write 1,800 words. If it's diamonds, write 2,200 words.

Challenge #21

Draw two cards. The first card is how many minutes you'll be sprinting, and the second card multiplied by 30 is your target word count.

Challenge #22

Ask a friend to pick a number between 1 and 13. If the next card you write has a higher value, double it and sprint for that many minutes. If it's lower, multiply the number by 40 and write that many words.

Challenge #23

Draw a card. Multiply its value by how many days are left in NaNoWriMo and write that many words.

Challenge #24

Draw 3 cards. Add the first 2 together and multiply it by the last. Write that many words.

Challenge #25

Draw four cards. If they're all the same color, write 800 words. If they're different colors, write for 8 minutes.

Challenge #26

Draw until you have one of every suit. Multiply the number of cards you pulled by 10 and write that many words.

Challenge #27

Draw until you pull a face card that isn't an ace. Write 500 words in that many minutes.

Challenge #28

Draw 3 cards, repeating if you happen to draw a face card or a 10. Read the value of the cards as the hundreds, tens, and ones place. Write that many words.

For example, if you pulled the Two of Hearts, the Seven of Clubs, and the Six of Spades, you'd be writing 276 words.

Challenge #29

Draw 10 cards. Add them all together for a target word count for a 10-minute sprint. If you fail, write another 200 words.

Challenge #30

Draw a card. Its value is how many minutes you'll sprint. Its value multiplied by 100 is your target word count. If it's red and you fail, you have to write 250 words to make up for it. If its black and you fail, you have to write 350 words to make up for it.Â