A Stroll Through the Woods

Your phone notifications are off, your walking shoes are on, and your mind is open. It's a perfect day for a walk in nature to escape the stress of your day-to-day life and refill your creative well.

Speaking of refilling, you pull out the thermos from your backpack and pour yourself a cup.

Select one of the options below to start your first challenge!

If you brought coffee...

You get a burst of energy! Sprint for 5 minutes.

If you brought tea...

You're reinvigorated. Sprint for 3 minutes, rest for 2, then sprint for 3 minutes again.

If you brought cocoa...

You take 300 words to enjoy it.

Without the beeps and trills of apps, you can fully appreciate the forest's birdsong and—what's that? The babble of a nearby brook?

Sure enough, you walk a little longer on the trail to find a small river. Two things at opposite ends of the river catch your eye.

Select one or both objects to investigate.

Pick up the message in a bottle.

You pop the cork, pull out the paper, and unfurl it. The neat, handwritten note reads:

I'm not too long, yet not too short,

An end you'll meet with a little effort.

Half a thousand words is your goal,

Write them down, then replace this scroll!

Pick up the large, spherical rock.

You suspect you know what this kind of rock is. Chip away at it, 50 words at a time. Roll two dice and add them together to see how many times it takes.

Sure enough, on the last blow, it cracks open. Inside are breathtakingly dark amethyst crystals! You place your new treasure gently in your backpack.

Just as you're about to settle by the river for another drink from your thermos, a new sound reaches your ears. A twig snaps, and then there's a squeal. There's an animal nearby that's injured. You know it in your gut.

Which animal did you hear?

A puppy!

Lock in your answer by writing 250 words!

A kitten!

Lock in your answer by writing 250 words!

A bunny!

Lock in your answer by writing 250 words!

You can't just leave the poor thing there to suffer. Who knows what predator might snatch it up? You wrap the sweetie in a towel from your backpack.

Call the local veterinarian! Add all of the single digits in the phone number together. Multiply that number by 10 and write that many words as fast as you can.

You're in luck—they can squeeze you in! You rush to the vet office. Sprint for 15 minutes while you wait to be seen by the vet.

Your furry friend is given an adorably tiny cast and will be just fine. The sweetheart does need some place to call home, though, and who better to adopt than you?

What kind of name are you going to give your new pet?

Something Descriptive

It takes you a 10-minute sprint to fill out the paperwork, then you pay 200 words.

If you haven't written at least 1,667 words yet, pick a name for your new pet and sprint for as many minutes as there are letters in the name.

Something Symbolic

It takes you a 15-minute sprint to fill out the paperwork, then you pay 150 words.

If you haven't written at least 1,667 words yet, pick a name for your new pet and sprint for as many minutes as there are letters in the name.

Something Creative

It takes you a 12-minute sprint to fill out the paperwork, then you pay 180 words.

If you haven't written at least 1,667 words yet, pick a name for your new pet and sprint for as many minutes as there are letters in the name.