Wordbox Privacy Policy

Data collection.

Wordbox will not access any locally stored data on your device. This includes contacts, phone history, messages or any other stored files or documents. When not logged in, Wordbox will not track any personal data. Some data might be tracked by our ads provider if personalised tracking is not disabled on your device, such as your IP address and device identifier.

For more information about what exact data is stored by our ads provider, see their privacy policy linked below. Here you can also find more information about disabling personalised ads.


Logging in using Facebook or Apple.

When logging in to Wordbox it is necessary for us to have access to read some of the information on your Facebook or Apple account. This includes, but is not limited to, the reading of the following data:

  • Facebook/Apple Name

  • Facebook/Apple Email for authentication (Apple users can opt to hide their email while logging in)

  • Facebook/Apple ID

  • Facebook Challenges

Your challenges will only ever be available locally within the application where they are displayed to the user, as well as to others that are part of the same challenge. Names might be displayed to others after completing ranked games and daily challenges if the user chooses to enter them, including the leaderboards corresponding to these game modes. Your Facebook user might also show up to your Facebook friends while they're creating a new challenge. Otherwise, they will not be shown to anyone but the user themselves.

User data will be stored in a cache for faster access during the time of which the application is installed, and all data will be deleted upon logging out or removing the app. A modified version of the ID will also be used for identification within the Wordbox databases.

The provided data is only ever used for authentication, with the exceptions stated above. Also note that Wordbox has no access to actions that can be performed on your accounts directly, such as deleting or modifying your Facebook/Apple accounts.

While logging in to the application your password is never read or stored by Wordbox, and is sent directly to Facebook/Apple for verification.

Delete my data.

To have all your account data deleted from Wordbox, please follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your account in the Wordbox app.

  2. While on the account screen, click the Delete Account option.

  3. Confirm that you'd like your account information to be permanently deleted from our databases.