When I upload Word Documents to Dropbox, the formatting gets messed up when people are viewing in Dropbox. I have created a side-by-side image to showcase this issue. On the RIGHT is the ORIGINAL Document that was developed in Word. On the LEFT is the exact same document opened up in Dropbox. Notice the spacing/formatting differences? How do I resolve this other than saving the document as a PDF?

Hi I am looking for a way that I can export to a word document. I work on a local magazine published in several different areas. One of the features of the magazine is a list of local clubs and societies. We currently just have the list in Word which we then copy and paste the relevant parts each month into our design package. As we cover 7 areas and some of the clubs cover both areas every time we make a change we have to check 7 word files to make the change in each. There must be an easier way! I was hoping I could create a database with all the info and export the info to be printed onto a word document but can only see that I can do this to a CSV file which is no good for then placing into the magazine. Any help would be appreciated

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I created an Excel file that has a lot of information, so, based on the rows selected by a user, I want it to export out separate word documents based on those rows only and the word document would include the information from each column and that word document would be company branded.

MS Word has a native Mail Merge function that works well with MS Excel. Despite the name, Mail Merge works well for longer documents and reports, not just mass mailings.

If you want to use On2Air Docs (an excellent tool!), I believe that the template needs to be a Google Doc, even if the final format is MS Word. So if you need to start with an MS Word template, you might need a different method.

Another consideration is whether your files already exist in the cloud, or if they are only available on your local computer. If they are only on your local computer, that limits your choices.

Has anyone had any experience with Word documents that are, presumably, unable to publish to PDF due to file size? There have been multiple times where I encountered documents that are not publishing; and after some investigating, I am still unsure of why they will not publish. However, the trend I am noticing is that usually when I cannot find a cause, they are also very large documents. I think it is somewhere in the ballpark of 100mb where I notice the issue.

Something to note: MS Word actually has a hard limit itself at 512mb (and yes, we have hit that limit before). Really, the only way you get to 100mb+ in a word document is if you have a whole mess of pictures or scanned documents inserted into the document.

If the issue happens only sometimes for the same documents, then it will be more difficult. Such random issues rather point to some performance/timeout issues which might depend on the current workload of computer, network, etc...

Still, I am going through the efforts of testing the latest Creo 3 Adapters (M032) to see if this issue is resolved at that datecode. I am just trying to figure out right now how (and if I can) set up LiveCycle on two separate servers. Unfortunately nothing was well documented on what sort of license we have, and we have always treated our Office worker as the Rube Goldberg it-works-dont-mess-with-it machine, so nobody knows anything about it. So, it has been a slow process to try and test.

I have Word 2016 on my PC, when I browse through the activeX class libraries, I cannot find any reference to word. I have gone through all the relevant looking microsoft libraries including office and nothing obvious to me.

For example, if my survey has 100 single choice questions with the answer "Yes" or "No", I would like Survey123 to only pull 5 of the questions with the answer "Yes" into a word document. The remaining questions are answered "No" but I do not need them in my word document.

I could set up the driver, add my accounting ID and user ID successfully. I can easily print a word document with no problem. The problem is that whenever I want to print a pdf using "Preview" and "Adobe Acrobat", the pdf file from my Mac is sent to the printer successfully after accounting pop-up is shown, also, the printer receives my pdf document, but its status changes to "Held" on the printer's touch-screen and nothing is printed. However, with a word document, there is no problem.

Is there any issue regarding setting up the driver for printing pdf files? Do I need to install the driver for pdf documents one more time (though I don't think the driver is the issue as it's working with Microsoft Word)?

In C# programming, there is a way to just enter the complete path to the document, and it will find the program associated with that type document on that computer and open it in that application. Surely the same ability exists in Java, eh?

A good solution might be a tool that read the word document and input one row for each paragraph, including some paragraph information like style (e.g. Heading 1, Heading 2, Normal, Punctuation etc.). Where there are tables in the document; several fields should be added and separated in Field 1, Field 2... in order to extract and analyse the content of each table.

When working as a team on Word files within SharePoint, I constantly have problems with things like heading numbering disappearing (or changing from numbers to bullets), bullets going missing or bullets turning into numbers. From what I can see, the custom list styles in the documents go missing. Other formatting things happen, like table column widths messing up. I can fix it all, PDF it, save and close, and when I open the Word doc again it's all gone haywire once more.

I was always approaching this from a Word bug perspective, but maybe it's something I'm doing wrong in regard to SharePoint. Essentially, this is my workflow:

1. Create Word template.

2. Create documents from Word template (bid response schedules, one for each).

3. Upload all files to SharePoint.

At this point, the template resides on my computer, in my OneDrive folder. As I understand it, this shouldn't be an issue because unless people play around with what template the document is linked to, it shouldn't change. However, often I found that the template had reverted back to "Normal". So, I started saving the template in a location on SharePoint (along with the documents) and making sure it was linked to it.

When the document styles go haywire, to fix it all I need to do is link back to the template and update the styles. I have a macro that has the location of the template hard coded, and it links the document to the template, updates the styles, then turns off the checkbox again. (Note: I always make sure the "update styles from template" is kept off). Whether the template is on my computer or on SharePoint, once the styles start messing up they will continue to keep messing up, so putting the template on SharePoint doesn't seem to have fixed it.

I'm outlining this process because all the forum posts I've found seem to treat SharePoint more as a space where templates are uploaded and people use the "New" button to create and then save documents straight into SharePoint from Templates that are uploaded into the site library. This is obviously not how we are using it: these Teams sites are created per project, we do our submission and then move on. I'm the only one creating documents and other people contribute to them.

Is there something I'm doing fundamentally wrong and that's why these issues happen? If not, has anyone seen this issue and worked out what causes it?

We also experience similar problems b/w Word and SharePoint. Specifically, we have lost the heading number on two of our sections in a document. However, the rest of the document is correct. Even the table of contents is correct. This occurs most often during collaboration. The most frustrating part is that when this is fixed by one of our team members, it doesn't take long before the document is reverted back to missing Heading Numbering. We do not require checkout on the Sharepoint library. I've only seen this with collaboration.

Thanks for your note. I haven't tried using SharePoint with forced check outs, as one of the main advantages is collaboration. I suspect it is multiple users that causes this to happen, as the document most usually messes up once two people have it open at once. I'd love to know why, and get Microsoft to come up with a solution as it's a huge issue given collaboration is one of their main selling points.

Curious if anyone ever helped you find a solution to this? I'm having the same problem and struggling to find the workaround. From what I can tell, the problem occurs because (at least in our case), the template is actually launching from a locally synced version of the company sharepoint folder. When I create a document based on this template the document template path becomes c:\Users\(myusername)\(synced sharepoint library folder name\template.dotx. When a colleague enters the same document (which also resides in sharepoint and is accessible to all parties) his/her version of the document is still pointing to the local template on my C drive, and obviously his/her computer is not finding that path. I haven't found a way to attach a document template in word to an actual network location (that doesn't include a local c drive and username in the path), so essentially every time a different person opens the file, it breaks. I do find it strange that this only applies to the automatic bullets and numbering, while not affecting the styles. Especially considering that the auto numbering and bullets in this template have been associated with styles in the template. I also was under the impression that word only calls to the template file when you first create the new document (or go to use in building blocks, etc.), so I'm not sure why it seems to happen repeatedly. 2351a5e196

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