Wook Lee

I have been working on development of CMOS image sensor pixel based on TCAD simulation for long, at Samsung Electronics. Before this, I got a Ph.D. degree from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta in 2006, in the are of optical MEMS (mciro-electro-mechanical system).

 During 2019-2020, I was also a visiting researcher at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, working with prof. Frans A. Oliehoek. My research topic was application of Reinforcement Learning for autonmous design of semiconductor devices. I developed a sample-efficient, generalizable RL algorithm for optimization and evaluated it with analog circuit design. 

I have a strong background on image sensors, optics, TCAD simulation, MEMS and keen interest in learning-based design automation and optimization. Love to challenge interdisciplinary problems and learn something out of them. Feel free to get in touch with me :)               

Research Updates

(1) one patent application was filed in June (US application # 18/331,343), which is about improved fabrication method and design for self-aligned dual-VTG (vertical transfer gate) in miniaturized pixels. (2) another one, which covers proposed methods to boost quantum efficiency based on various grating structures, was finally issued in May (US patent # 11,658,194).


- Keywords: sensors & microsystems, diffraction analysis, CMOS readout chip design | advisor: prof. F. Levent Degertekin

- Thesis: diffraction-based integrated optical readout for micromachined optomechanical sensors Link

- Keywords: optics | advisor: prof. Ruyan Guo

- Thesis: theoretical and experimental studies on Gaussian beam propagation in uniaxial crystals

Professional Experiences

- Keywords: image sensor pixel design, optics, TCAD simulation, DTCO 

- Keywords: reinforcement learning based optimizaiton,  analog circuit design automation

- Keywords: uncooled IR image sensor (aka microbolometer) developement

Selected Publications & Patents