Postdoctoral researcher

Department of Mathematics, Yonsei University, South Korea

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I am interested in Partial Differential Equations from hydrodynamics. 


H. Bae, W. Lee, J. Shin. A blow-up criterion for the inhomogeneous incompressible Euler equations. Nonlinear Anal. 196 (2020).

H. Bae, W. Lee, J. Shin. Gevrey regularity and finite time singularities for the Kakutani-Matsuuchi model. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 63 (2022), 103415.

H. Bae, W. Lee. Existence, Gevrey regularity, and decay properties of solutions to Active models in critical spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 506 (2022) 125700.

H. Bae, W. Lee, J. Shin. Global existence and decay rates of solutions to the viscous water-waves system. Nonlinear Anal. (2022), Paper No. 113062.

Y-P. Choi, K. Kang, W. Lee. Global existence and asymptotic stability for the Toner-Tu model of flocking, arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.09114