Weapon – ‘New Clear Power’

(Pride & Joy)

Weapon were a NWOBHM band blighted with bad luck and only existed for a short period of time but did enough in that time to gain cult status. This status meant the band belatedly got their start over the past decade or so. Frontman Danny Hynes may be the only member left, unsurprising given the bands beginnings and the fact it was over 40 years ago.

This latest opus sees Hynes going for a more traditional NWOBHM sound than previously displayed since Weapon’s comeback. Not only is Hyne’s working with some varied European musicians he also collaborates with Robert Majd (Captain Blackbeard) on the song writing.

It’s very heavy, with songs full of powerful fast paced drums and bass lines. It is probably too heavy for me and the aggressive edge of the songs is where these songs lose me, I think. There is still plenty of melody as you’d expect with traditional NWOBHM bands with some big choruses and anthemic chest beaters.

There is some very strong musicianship on display, the rhythm section is dynamic and explosive the guitars are intriguing and headbang inducing. It seems Hynes has been rejuvenated and is clearly inspired by this next chapter as he is on point throughout the album giving a career high performance with his impressive vocals.

‘Drumbeats of War’ is a good choice of opener as it really does set you up for the sound of the rest of the album. The anthemic chest beating chorus, the pounding rhythms and that Saxon inspiration of power and melody melded in harmony.

It does get a little samey for me, but the highlights for my tastes are the more melodic tunes like ‘Hard Road’ and album closer ‘Riding With The Angels’ which is more of a Saxon inspired Hard Rock track

I can see ‘New Clear Power’ going down really well with NWOBHM fans quite well, especially those denim and leather clad ones who support Saxon. Personally, I was little underwhelmed, not that it’s a bad album, far from it as I previously stated I think genre fans will eat this up and lick their lips with relish. I just don’t connect with it and whilst I can appreciate it and acknowledge what is good about it, I can’t say I enjoyed it. So, if you’re into traditional Heavy Metal, give it a spin you’ll more than likely enjoy it!


Essential Track - 'Riding With The Angels'

Review by Woody

Track Listing -