(Pride & Joy Music)

I have to admit even though Jonas Erixon has written songs for other bands, many of which I own and enjoy – he and his band Alicate have flown well under my radar until now. So, I wasn’t fully aware of his talents and how good this album could potentially be. I hear a lot of music and just assumed this album at best would be a middle of the road average release. I was wrong, very wrong. ‘Butterfly’ isn’t just a solid album it is a thoroughly enjoyable slab of Melodic Hard Rock from a seriously talented song writer. It’s always nice when an album takes you be surprise!

Erixon has a real ear for hooks and atmospherics and throughout ‘Butterfly’ he really mixes it up with varying tones and tempo’s but on the whole, I found the album to be spirit raising and joyous. These songs are well rounded with no empty spaces been left and filled with lots of smooth melodies and instrumentation filling it out to create enveloping atmospherics.

Vocally I adore Erixon’s performance, he has a smooth voice which is highly melodious and it really boosts the warmth these songs exude. His voice is perfect for this style of music and he is also a very gifted guitarist delivering some cool melodic guitar work which helps make Alicate stand out amongst the Melodic Hard Rock crowd. I really hope people don’t overlook this release much like I would have done had I not received ‘Butterfly’ for review.

The album opener ‘I Can Run’ is an excellent choice to start as it is a great example of what is to come, with its insistent chorus hooking you in and assuring the rest of the album your attention. The title track ‘Butterfly’ is an emotional ballad with beautiful atmospherics and is a real stand out track. The album never lets up with the joyous ‘Let it Out’ and unforgettable ‘Out Of Control’ still stunning you as the album comes to a close.

‘Butterfly’ is definitely one of the best Melodic Hard Rock releases of the year, its solid with all the songs having a positive impact and some truly impressive songs that will stick with you. Alicate create modern edged Melodic Hard Rock with catchy choruses, evocative atmospherics and smooth memorable melodies. Put this one to the top of your must check out lists as its certainly amongst the cream of the crop the genre has to offer.


Essential Track - 'Out Of Control'

Review by Woody

Track Listing -