Wanna be
Image delivered from google site (I guess)
I'm an Assistant Professor at JBNU.
Office: School of Natural Science (Main Building) Rm 403
Email: hwangwon@jbnu.ac.kr , hwangwon@kias.re.kr
Research Interests: Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, (Finite) Group Theory, Hyperbolic Geometry, Arithmetic Dynamics, Complex Geometry
Sequence motivated by one of my papers (thanks to Michel Marcus):
Please cure my my stupidity : (delivered from Youtube)
Congratulate Prof. Sarnak for the Shaw Prize.
I will move to JBNU as of 2021.09.01.
SJR teacher: I truly wish your recovery. Give many thanks to you, and hope to visit you someday after the covid-19 is settled down. Rest in peace SJR teacher.
As of 2024. 09. 01, I am advising one masters' student, and will be advising another master's student. Right now, that is it for me, and I do not have any sparing time for more than 2 students. Sorry for that.
From now on (as of 2023. 03.01), if someone wants to study with me either for master or phd, then the students must appeal how much basic math material they know in Algebra, Analysis, and Topology. To be fair, I am thinking of giving a basic written test (because oral test does not exist as a proof), and those who pass the basic exam are welcome to work with me, if any. If cannot pass, then I will not be able to work with you because my research area needs a lot of work, and please find someone else. I am sorry for that. Also, if nobody wants to work with me, then of course, it is fine with me. Some of you might think I am rude or harsh or arrogant, but if you got to know my situation, you will not say like that. Thanks for understanding !
(Homepages of) my former grad students (if any):
Tokhirbek Sobirjonov https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tokhirbek-Sobirjonov
Ei Thu Thu Kyaw https://sites.google.com/view/eithuthukyaw/
2021.09.01 ~ : Assistant Professor, JBNU (Jeonbuk National University)
2021.09.01 ~ 2025.12.31 : Associate Member, KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Study). My sincere thanks to KIAS.
2018. 08 .01~ 2021.08.31 : Research fellow, KIAS (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Indiana University Bloomington (under Prof. Michael Larsen) 2018. 6. 30
M.S. in Mathematics, Korea University (under Prof. Euisung Park) Thesis: On hypersurfaces of projective variety
B.S. in Mathematics, Korea University (Minor: Statistics)
Mathematics Genealogy Project: https://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=244847
Modular curves with infinitely many quartic points. (with Daeyeol Jeon) Math. Comp., 2024+
On the reciprocal sum of the fourth power of Fibonacci numbers. (with Jong-Do Park and Kyunghwan Song) Open Math., 2022
Counting the number of the twists of certain polarized abelian varieties. (with Keunyoung Jeong) Finite Fields Appl., 2022
A classification of the automorphism groups of polarized abelian threefolds over finite fields. (with Bo-Hae Im and Hansol Kim) Finite Fields Appl., 2022
Automorphism groups of simple abelian fourfolds over finite fields and Jordan constants. Transform. Groups., 2024
Jordan constants of quaternion algebras over number fields and simple abelian surfaces over fields of positive characteristic. Math. Nachr., 2022.
Absolutely simple polarized abelian varieties of odd Sophie Germain prime dimension over finite fields with maximal automorphism groups. J. Number Theory, 2021.
On a classification of the automorphism groups of polarized abelian surfaces over finite fields. Finite Fields Appl., 2021.
On the integer part of the reciprocal of the Riemann zeta function tail at certain rational numbers in the critical strip. (with Kyunghwan Song) J. Inequal. Appl., 2019.
Automorphism groups of simple polarized abelian varieties of odd prime dimension over finite fields. J. Number Theory, 2019.
Algebraic Number Theory (Grad), Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Fall, 2024
Introduction to Algebra II, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Fall, 2024
Mathematics for Machine Learning, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Fall, 2024
K-theory (Grad), Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Spring, 2024
Introduction to Algebra I, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Spring, 2024
Topics in Algebra, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Spring, 2024
Linear Algebra I, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Fall, 2023.
Mathematics for Machine Learning, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Fall, 2023.
Advanced Algebra I (Grad), Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Fall, 2023.
Topics in Algebra, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Spring, 2023.
Algebraic Geometry I (Grad), Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Spring, 2023.
Applied Algebra, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Fall, 2022.
Topics in Algebra II (Grad), Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Fall, 2022.
Advanced Algebra I (Grad), Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Spring, 2022.
Topics in Algebra, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Spring, 2022.
Linear Algebra II, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Spring, 2022.
Linear Algebra I, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, Fall, 2021.
PreCalculus with Trigonometry, Indiana University, IN, USA Spring, 2018.
PreCalculus with Trigonometry, Indiana University, IN, USA Fall, 2017.
PreCalculus, Indiana University, IN, USA Spring, 2017.
PreCalculus, Indiana University, IN, USA Fall, 2016.
Rothrock Teaching Award, Indiana University 2017. 04. 28
Presentations (Some usual seminars are omitted.)
2024 Workshop on Number Theory and Algebra (2024. 01. 31 ~ 02. 02)
97th KPPY Combinatoric Workshop (2023. 10. 07)
France-Korea Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory, Topology, Probability Theory, and Partial Differential Equations (2023. 08. 21~25)
2nd Workshop on Combinatorics and Graphs (2023. 07. 17~18)
The 28th KIAS Combinatorics Workshop (2023. 06. 01~03)
Korea-Japan Conference in Algebraic Geometry (2023. 02. 13~17)
2022 SUMMER KU-JBNU 대수기하 워크숍 (2022.08.08~10)
Thanks to Prof. Euisung Park at Korea University, there will be an Algebraic Geometry Summer workshop between KU and JBNU.
2022 Workshop on Number Theory and Algebra (2022.07.21~23) https://sites.google.com/view/2022-workshop-on-number-theory
Arithmetic Geometry Day in IBS-CCG (2022.02.22) https://ccg.ibs.re.kr/event/2022-02-22/
Arithmetic of Modular Curves and Modular Forms (2022.02.18) https://sites.google.com/view/amcmf/home
Workshop on Algebra at Sono Belle (2022.01.19) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J61QFg0AODnAkbHGpxdkK2uwJsEVVXbhY990mQz1zmw/edit
2021 Symposium in Algebraic Geometry (in memory of Professor Bumsig Kim) (2021. 12. 20) http://events.kias.re.kr/h/SAG21/?pageNo=4501
Build a network of young researchers in mathematics I (2021. 04. 28) http://www.kms.or.kr/2021young-researchers/
2019 East Asia Number Theory Conference (2019. 08. 26~30) https://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~jinhyun/conferences/eantc2019/EANTC2019.html
2019 Postech-PMI(Korea) and NCTS(Taiwan) Joint workshop on number theory (2019. 05. 30~06. 01) https://sites.google.com/view/pmi-ncts-2019/home
Annual number theory workshop 2019 (2019. 02. 09) https://sites.google.com/view/koreanant2019/home
2018 Symposium in Algebraic Geometry (2018. 12. 25~27) http://events.kias.re.kr/h/SAG18/
2018 Algebra Seminar, University of Virginia (2018. 03. 21) https://math.virginia.edu/seminars/algebra/2017-18/
Algebra 2022 and beyond
A conference in honor of the mathematical contributions of Michael J. Larsen
Korea-Japan Conference in Algebraic Geometry
2023 JBNU Miniwork shop