Wonderful Geometry

Art and mathematics are seemingly two very distinct fields, but it hadn't been so for the centuries of Renaissance. Great Renaissance artists were also doctors, mathematicians, and scientists. With this set of NFTs, we try to prove that math can be indeed nice. 36 math and geometry theorems are visualized in 36 sets of pictures as a tribute for science and ancient scientist. OPEN COLLECTION AT OPENSEA

Number of the NFTs

The 36 sets are composed of 4 blocks. Each block contains 9 different sets of pictures, the source code for each set, the code for feature and color selection, one physical painting, airdrops, and postcards. Altogether 2222 items in each of the four blocks, giving altogether 8888 NFT items in this NFT set. Note, that the source code generating the pictures is also tokenized, which ensures the originality of the items. Furthermore, each set of NFTs has a number of features (3, 4, or 5) depending on the dimensions of the underlying object. The underlying feature space is also tokenized and all pictures in the feature space are generated and uploaded in the set, making sure that are no more items added to the collections. The rarity of the individual feature is maintained. (Right: representation of the 'pyramid' distribution.) OPEN COLLECTION AT OPENSEA

Content of a 2222 items block:

- Image set 1 with cube distribution (3D cube 6n = 6x6x6) :: 216 images

- Image set 2 with 4D cube distribution (4D cube 4n = 4x4x4x4) :: 256 images

- Image set 3 with 5D cube distribution (5D cube 3n = 3x3x3x3x3) :: 243 images

- Image set 4 with tetrahedron distribution (Tetrah 12n) :: 364 images

- Image set 5 with pyramid distribution (Pyramid 8n) :: 204 images

- Image set 6 with 4D tetrahedron distribution (4D tetrah 8n) :: 260 images

- Image set 7 with octahedron distribution (Octah 7n) :: 231 images

- Image set 8 with hexagonal distribution (Hexa 6n) :: 216 images

- Image set 9 with sphere distribution (Sphere 5n) :: 195 images

- Physical painting :: 1 item

- Source codes of image generation :: 9 items

- Source code for feature and color selection :: 9 items

- Airdrop for all image sets (generated at 100k quantity) :: 9 items

- Postcard for all image sets (generated at 100 quantity) :: 9 items

See how many of the items have been minted so far at the bottom of this page.

Example for feature selection. - Visualization of 'pyramid' distribution.

Example for color selection scheme.

Generation of the images

All images are generated with ImageJ JavaScript code. The image generation carried out by the codes themselves contains no additional steps. Thus running the code again would generate the same set of images ensuring their originality. The code is tokenized and uploaded with the image set.

Physical items

One physical painting per block and 100 postcards per image set is part of the set. The physical painting will be sent to the owner of the adherent NFT at the end of the 6 month sale period. While postcards will be sent out in sets of tens whenever ten corresponding NFT find its owner. The content of the painting and the postcard is selected by the owners of the NFTs.

State of the minting

updated @ 09.11.2022