Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a remake of the original Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap, with gameplay reverse engineered from the original Master System code, featuring brand new hand-drawn graphics and musical rearrangements.[4] Set immediately after the events of Wonder Boy in Monster Land, players control an adventurer who, upon defeating the Mecha Dragon, has become afflicted with a curse turning them into a Lizard-Man. The player must journey across the world and defeat all the other dragons in the land in order to return to their human form. As in the original game, players explore various lands, defeating enemies to earn items, such as arrows and fireballs, and money which can be used to purchase new weapons and armor. Over the course of the game, the player gains new animal forms, each with new abilities allowing for additional exploration. These include Lizard-Man, who can spit fire, Mouse-Man, who can cling onto checkerboard-patterned blocks, Piranha-Man, who can swim underwater, Lion-Man, who can perform a vertical slash attack, and Hawk-Man, who can fly through the air.[5]

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap has received mostly positive reviews, with the Switch version currently holding a score of 79/100 on Metacritic.[29] IGN said that "while (the original game)'s design definitely shows its age, (the remake) still has a few wonders in store for us thanks to a solid foundation, aesthetic upgrades, and some much-appreciated updates to the original programming."[35] GameSpot praised its visual enhancements and called it "one of the best retro remakes yet".[34] Eurogamer also praised the game, saying that it sets the bar for updating classics.[33] As of September 2017, the Switch version of the game has outsold all other versions combined.[41] As of April 2019, the game has sold nearly 500,000 copies.[42] Nintendo Life later called it one of the best metroidvania games on the Nintendo Switch, "a perfectly-pitched non-linear action adventure [and] a Metroidvania before the term coagulated into existence".[43]

Wonder Boy The Dragon 39;s Trap Download Pc

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You begin playing as Wonder Boy or Wonder Girl (you can toggle who to play before starting a new save and even tap on the logo on the title screen to see the new artwork) trying to take down the dragon. You start off pretty strong but get cursed into a half human half lizard and now look for a way to lift the curse as you traverse through some gorgeous and well designed levels. Progression is fairly non linear and you have the ability to transform and use various skills to uncover more secrets throughout. Expect a single playthrough of the main campaign to take around 6 hours.

The game itself remains much like the original, though to be honest I'm recalling a game I played decades ago so my memory is foggy. You play as Wonder Boy (or girl, in a nice update by Lizardcube) cursed at the outset of the game into the form of Lizard Man. From there you take on various other animal forms, each with its own special powers. The game centers around a hub town, and levels are essentially spokes that branch off from that hub. Certain areas are gated off until you can transform into the proper animal form (unlocked by beating various dragon bosses) and many areas need to be revisited once you find the right form.

Hey Dan,

Thanks for your review. I was wondering, can you play this game in local co op? And also,  am looking for a game for my four year old son to introduce him to gaming, would this be suitable or is it too difficult?


West One and West111111 are both codes. More accurately they are WE5T ONE and WE5T 111 111, since the alphabet The Dragon's Trap provides opts for a 5 that doubles as an S. At school - The Dragon's Trap was the great love of my first year of secondary school, which would make this 1990 - my friend Gareth and I had heard rumours about a code for the game's password screen which took you almost to the end of this huge, sprawling adventure. This code was weird, we had heard: there was something not quite right about it. After all, the third Wonder Boy outing is a game in which you rarely play as Wonder Boy himself. The dragon has cursed you and so you play as the various creatures Wonder Boy has been transformed into: a lizard, a mouse, a lion, a hawk, a...um...merman? This code, though, this magical code dropped you into the endgame and gave you a tonne of gold and gear, but it also made you play as Wonder Boy - at least until you found a transformer room. Like I said, the code was weird.

In a move that perhaps inspired the intro to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Wonder Boy III actually begins at the end of Wonder Boy in Monster Land, as you traipse through the castle (thankfully simplified from the original maze) and fight the final boss, the Meka Dragon. Unfortunately, as you deal the killing blow, the monster curses you, turning you into a dragon humanoid. Once you escape the collapsing castle you must venture through the land to find the Salamander Cross, the only item that can rid you of this curse.

Several different dragons must be killed throughout your adventure, each with some sort of theme: the Egyptian stage has a mummy dragon, the jungle stage has a zombie dragon, the underwater pirate ship level has a pirate dragon, the Japanese level has a samurai dragon and so forth.

Set immediately after the events of Wonder Boy in Monster Land, players control an adventurer who, upon defeating the Meka Dragon, has become afflicted with a curse turning them into a Lizard-Man. The player must journey across the world and defeat all the other dragons in the land in order to return to human form. Like in the original game, players explore various lands, defeating enemies to earn items, such as arrows and fireballs, and money which can be used to purchase new weapons and armor.

Gameplay is similar to Monster Land, however the "arcade" elements of the previous game, such as time limits and a linear progression through levels are dropped for a more open-ended world, with Wonder Boy visiting areas more than once. The objective is obtain all the parts of the "Salamander Cross" by beating "boss dragons", allowing Wonder Boy to return to his human form. As more pieces are collected, Wonder Boy will receive powers allowing him to travel to previously inaccessible parts of the map.

This is absolutely not the OST. This is a half-ass game rip with a PS4 notification sound like the user said above me. The audio quality is very subpar as well. I would avoid this release like the plague, and try to track down the real deal.

 -boy-the-dragons-trap - The real OST actually has 89 tracks, and is listed up on Bandcamp for purchase. You can see full track names, and there is even bonus music that comes with it.


 You can only play as Wonder Boy for a short time. After beating the first dragon you'll change into a lizard. However with the WE5T 0NE password you start in the village as Wonder Boy. Now can enter several location and even complete the game in this shape.


 You can reach the desert by going through the tower. The key to open the tower is located at the end of the sea. Once in the desert you can go to the right and try to get the Dragon Mail. This armor allows you to walk through lava in other shapes. It's dropped by enemies who live in the lava puddle, but it's very rare so it can take a while and it isn't necessary to get it at this point. The left path will lead to the pyramid where the Mummy dragon lives. Game Gear: You can't enter the lava pit area as a Lizard-Man. The key to open the door in the pyramid lies inside the Sphinx left from the pyramid.


 The jungle is located left from the village. Climb over the mouse blocks to reach it. But before you go battling the dragon try to get the Showgun lamellar first. It doesn't only give you a better protection but you also have more cp points when you wear it. You need these to buy the dragon mail when turned into a piranha. You can also try to buy the dragon mail because the Mouse-Man has more cp than a Piranha-Man. At the end of the jungle you have to climb up, but first defeat the red ghost to receive the key.

 Game Gear: In the Game Gear version you have to defeat the Will 'o Wisp near the entrance to get the key and you can't get the dragon mail as a Mouse Man.


 The ship wreck lies on the bottom of the sea right from the village. But to reach it you need to get the Thunder Saber first. This weapon allows you to shatter the gold rocks which blocks the path to the ship. The Thunder Saber is located at the end of the lava area which is right from the desert. To cross some lava puddles you need the dragon mail, you can buy it in a shop on your way, but 62 cp are required. With the showgun lamellar you get 45 so with 17 extra charm stones or less you can buy it. Game Gear: To reach the lava pits, jump into the underground river, swim to the right and swim to the surface at the end. 


 As a bird you can finally reach the ruins of Monster's Castle, right from the village. Here you'll find the Legendary armor, shield and sword. The entrance to the castle of Vampier dragon is located a little bit right from the tower. You can buy a key in the town in the same shop where you can buy the heavenly shield. After opening the door you'll find yourself in a room with stones, marked with stars. Use the magical saber to turn those stones into gold blocks and shatter them until a door will appear. In the last castle you have to play parts as different animals. As a mouse man you can walk through some of the walls. As a lion man all the rooms are dark but remember that the rooms have the same layout as the ones you've entered as a Mouse-Man. When you're in the lighted room again press up in the middle to enter a secret room.

tag_hash_107 Fall into the gab where the fire spitting enemy's are in the desert, you'll now see a underground river. walk to the left until you see a door, enter it and open the chest. tag_hash_109 Jump over the gab at the end of the pyramid near the Mummie dragon and walk through the wall. tag_hash_111 In the underground cave just before the 2nd lava puddle there is a hospital. tag_hash_113 Return to the Sphinx after you've got the Thunder Saber, now you're able to shatter the gold blocks, go downwards where 9 chests are waiting for you. You can only open one chest a time. Press up to exit the Sphinx. tag_hash_115 Master System: In the village fly to the spot under the door which leads to the desert. Now press up to enter a secret shop where you can buy charm stones and thunders. tag_hash_117 Game Gear: Press up when you stand between the 2 doors of the big house in the village to enter a shop. tag_hash_119 On your way to the japanese temple the background will turn blue. Walk a little further and take the upper road, walk to next room and press up to enter a shop (Master System) or a room with a chest (Game Gear). tag_hash_121 Right from the door to the Daimyo Dragon in the japanese temple. tag_hash_123 Game Gear: On the top of the piramid is a secret shop. tag_hash_125 Game Gear: On the 2nd level of the pyramid there's a secret door in the left corner. tag_hash_127 Go to the surface at the room with the trampoline and the gold blocks in the sea. Walk to the right and jump in the water, now go to the left and open the door. tag_hash_129 Game Gear: Enter a secret shop in the dead-end near the japanese temple. tag_hash_131 Master System: Return to Monster's Castle and go to the spot where you left the castle. Stand beyond the wall and press up. 2351a5e196

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