Let's grow together.

The Best Support for Turning Your Passion into a Profitable Business.

Don't procrastinate on your dreams anymore.

Join my Mastermind group today!

I am one of you.

I returned to Prague after living abroad filled with anticipation, excitement, and creative drive. I had of plenty ideas, but I was also terrified. This wasn't the first time I had thrown myself into a project headfirst, I have co–owned a business and did several creative projects but it was the first time I had ventured into business on my own. I was consumed by the fear of failure. Some days I felt my energy washing away, and on others I felt like I was the only person on the planet going through these struggles. My friends and family didn't really understand what I was going through - understandably, they were all focused on their own lives and entrepreneurship isn't exactly a traditional path. Starting a mastermind group was the best decision I made. Every week, my mastermind group motivates me, challenges me, and provides me with the support I need. I could have done it alone, and so can you. There's no doubt about it. But with a mastermind, you can achieve your goals exponentially faster!

It will be my honor and joy to witness you thrive!

You got this! 

I am a fierce believer in an infinite potential of every single individial. 

You are perfectly capable of achieving your goals, with or without masterminds. Masterminds simply help you accelerate your growth. 

Starting a project or a business feels like getting into a war sometimes. Wouldn't it be better to have an army by your side?

Small Group of Like–Minded Women

The most important pillar of Mastermind is the supportive group of maximum of 5 women. You will join a group of carefully selected and matched women, that will be your safe base. 

8 Weeks of Accelerated Growth 

Each week during our 1 hour and 15 minutes online session, we will go through dedicated topic, that will push you closer to achieving your goals. The sessions will be facilited by me so everyone has enough space to share.

Tangible Outcomes Each Session

To maximize our meeting value, let's strive for concrete outcomes. We will complete tasks, develop ideas, gain personal insights and offer or receive group feedback, ensuring clear next steps for your work.

No magic tricks. Simple tools. Tangible results.

Read Martina's story

Last year, Linette approached me with the offer that I could join her newly emerging mastermind group for young women who are running businesses or creating other interesting projects. At that time, I had my own business as a strength training coach for women, and with it a rather loud imposter syndrome. Especially when I read how amazing the other women are in the group are. I was also a bit scared about the high time requirement – for an hour and a half every week?

But a few months before, I took it upon myself to meet other creators - and this was the right opportunity. So I went for it.

My fears melted away during the first few meetings and were replaced by relief (that these super succesful women are dealing with the same things as me), joy (that I have something to say about it too) and a huge sense of belonging. We hadn't even met offline yet and it felt like we'd known each other for years.

If you prefer it in numbers, I doubled my income in the first two months of masterminds. Pretty good for a trainer in the summer, mostly a summer slump. I gained the courage to set a fair prices for my clients and increase the price of my services, which I did not dare to do myself before. There were a lot of great collaborations in our group and we connected each other with dozens of other people. We broached the topic of personal and business finance, which was a game changer for me – in how easily and shamelessly we can talk about this topic and how much we can learn from each other. And that's how it is with everything.

 You bring a topic to the mastermind with the feeling that you are the only one in the world who is struggling with it - and you will receive understanding, acceptance, experience, advice, help and usually a solution. I love it.

But it's not free. Masterminds need your undivided attention, willingness to push yourself and improve, courage to receive and give truly honest feedback, and repeated exposure to discomfort. Because that's where the growth happens.

Going to mastermind was the decision with the clearest positive impact on my business. In my lifetime, very likely too. Thank you, Lin. ❤️

What do other women say about Masterminds?

Mastermind has changed my life, I feel more confident now. I used to feel alone in business, but now I am surrounded by amazing women with whom we share not only our successes, but also challenges and support each other when we find ourselves in challenging situations. I am getting closer to my goals faster and thanks to Mastermind, I have new successful and inspiring friends.

Ivana Z. – CEO, Cyber Society

For me, Mastermind is another beautiful place where women support each other. Thanks to the sessions, I gained wonderful connections, which resulted in beautiful collaborations and mutual expansion of the scope of our brands. It's a place where I'm not afraid "to bounce my ideas and thoughts off of the others" and thanks to that I get beautiful new points of view and support in moments when I'm tired. 

Jevgenia O. – Founder, ConfiDance

I first met my mastermind group when I was changing my job. I knew that my new role would be much more demanding. Being at home in front of the computer 4 days out of 5 is a big challenge for an extrovert like me. I need a lot of stimulation and motivation for my creative work, and self-inspiration has its limits. But thanks to Monday Masterminds, I never have to worry about motivation or inspiration. I'm really grateful for that.

Katerina B. – CMO, Flow Nutrition

What to expect?

Weekly Currated Support

A group of like-minded women

Space to present your ideas and get feedback

Potential  Project & Business Collaborations

Facilitated and Guided Sessions

Short Homeworks

Energy & Confidence Boost

Getting Shit Done

What not to expect?

Manifestation Techniques

Quick Cheap Fixes

Unrealistic Shortcuts

Romaticising of Situations

Results without Real Work


Short-term fake connections

Unstructured  sessions

Book a call with me

Would you like to get to know me first and understand the mastermind more in depth. Book a quick call here.

Who is it for?

Have you been dreaming about starting a new project for a long time?

Do you have a hobby that you would like to turn into a profitable business?

Are you working on your project or business and do you sometimes feel alone?

Are you looking for a supportive environment where you can bounce ideas and get feedback?

Are you a startup founder or owner looking to level up your game?

If you've answered yes to one of these questions, you are at the right place!

How can you join?

I want to make sure that our groups are full of wonderful talented women and that we can give each other the most.

I will be matching the group of women based on their current stage of the project, the area and time possibilities. Filling the form will make it easier for us to match you correctly.

2. Pass the screening call

Masterminds are people-centered. I will do my best to ensure that we have a good energy within our mastermind group. During our 30 minutes call I will make sure Masterminds are good match for you.

3. Start your Mastermind

 If you are a good fit for the new Mastermind group, you will receive an email. Since the group is small, we will find suitable time according to our schedules. Then we will start our Mastermind.

Rules & Values

Have a question? Book a call.

Send an email to manuel.linette@gmail.com, or book a call with me! I am happy to connect and assist you with anything