Bilston Sculpture Route

This walking and cycling route follows some of the sculptures along the Black Country Route in Bilston. We have extended the route in our video which creates a walk/cycle from the Walsall Canal, near Darlaston/Willenhall and through via Bilston to the Birmingham Mainline Canal. Below is a map and video of walking this route. The map only shows the main walk/cycle route, for a map of the walk featured in the video look for the purple line on the main map on our home page. The video leaves the main route at Bilston Bus Station and goes off around the town before returning at the bus station to continue along the route alongside the Black Country Route.


This is a mainly off road route with some minor road, starting at Midland Road, Darlaston, on the canal bridge take the path to the right of the canal, opposite the main towpath, follow this until it brings you out onto Darlaston Lane, turn right, pass under the Black Country Route bridge and shortly after look for the path and cycle lane on the left hand side leading away from the road. If you reach the school entrance you have passed the path. Follow this path/cycle lane passing some of the sculptures on the route until the path leads out onto Lunt Road. Cross the road and take the road leading away opposite the road you have crossed, it runs parallel with the Black Country Route, this is also Lunt Road, you soon pass Bilston Football Club on your left hand side. Bear strait (Even when it looks like the road itself turns a 90 degree right bend) as Lunt Road turns into Queen Street, Eventually the road takes a 90 degree bend right and there is a roundabout on your left hand side, at this bend take the path/cycle lane on the pavement on your left hand side, just after the bend this path leads up to Oxford Street and the Oak and Ivy pub, follow the path and cross the A41 Oxford Street at the crossing. As you cross take the path straight ahead which veers slightly left behind the Totems sculpture. When this path reaches the Black Country Route, turn right and follow the path/cycle Lane alongside the Black Country Route until it leads away and onto Pipes Meadow, a short block paved road, follow this to the end and turn left onto Hall Street. Pass the Bus Station and at the markets bear left picking up the pathway alongside the Black Country Route again. keep to this path, passing the markets and then car parks until the path goes uphill and arrives at a footbridge crossing the Black Country Route on your left hand side, cross using the footbridge and then turn right on the opposite side, go down the ramp, which bends to the left at the bottom, the bear straight ahead, picking up the path that goes slightly uphill and bends around to the right, (new houses on your left and Bilston Fire Station on your right. This leads onto Coseley Road. Cross the road and pick up the path/cycle lane again on the opposite side that leads up away from the road into the trees. This path leads up to the Black Country Route again. Cross the two carriageways using the crossings and then turn right and nearly immediately turn left taking the path leading away from the road. There is now a bingo hall on your right hand side, keep straight on this path until it leads out onto Springvale Way, pick up the pavement/cycle lane again on the right hand side of the road. Pass the Matalan store and then take the path on the right hand side immediately after the store, keep following this main path, with exits to housing estate on your right and factories to your left, this narrow greenway path eventually leads onto the towpath of the Birmingham Mainline Canal.