2nd Women in Mathematics Meeting
September 7-9, 2022 - University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
This is the second edition of the Women in Mathematics Meeting in Portugal (WM22) to be held at the Center of Mathematics of the University of Minho from the 7th to 9th of September 2022.
One of the main goals of this conference is to cover, as broadly as possible, the diversity of interests of portuguese female mathematicians. To this purpose, the talks will explain the motivation of the problems discussed and focus on the main ideas.
In Portugal, as in many countries, the top positions of the higher education institutions, and also the invited speakers for national and international conferences happen to include very few women. Also, the number of female undergraduate students proceeding to a PhD in Mathematics is very limited and needs to grow. This conference will be an opportunity to share different experiences, and, building on previous editions, will help to develop a more supportive community that can inspire future women mathematicians.
In the WM22 meeting, beyond the Plenary Talks, we will have Contributed Talks and Posters, and also a Special Session followed by a Panel Discussion on the gender gap situation in Portugal.
Participation and/or presentation of communications are not restricted to women - all are welcome!