From Theory to Practice: Workshop on Large Language and Foundation Models (WLLFM'24)

In conjunction with the IEEE BigData Conference 2024

Washington DC, USA

December 2024 


About the workshop

Large language and foundation models have had a significant impact on the field of Artificial Intelligence. These models excel at complex language-related tasks like text generation, sentiment analysis, machine translation, and question answering, often surpassing human performance. However, there is still a gap between theoretical understanding and practical implementation. To bridge this gap, our workshop brings together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to share experiences, insights, and best practices in leveraging these models. The workshop aims to foster collaboration between academia and industry, providing a platform to discuss advancements, address challenges, and explore opportunities in the field of foundation models and large language models. Additionally, this year's workshop will feature keynote presentations from renowned experts and a group discussion on problem-solving with large language models, complementing the innovative research papers that will serve as a basis for discussion.

Call for Papers and Submission

The topics of interest are, but not limited to:

Paper formats as well as submission instructions will be made available soon.

For Tutorials: Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit suggestions for tutorials. Please contact us via with the title WLLFM Tutorials

Important Dates


Workshop Chairs 

Publication Chair

Program Committee


For questions and comments please contact Rafet Sifa at: