2023 WJCL Program

WJCL State Convention

Park Hotel Madison and Monona Terrace

January 26th to January 28th, 2023

Caelum, non animum, mutant qui trans mare currunt. - Horace, Epistles 1.11

"They who rush across the sea change their sky, not their soul."

Important notes:

  • It is imperative that you wear your nametag at all times. You will be denied admittance and participation if you are without it.

  • II. If you submitted art in one of the art contests, be sure to pick it up before checkout. All artwork left behind will be thrown away.

Letter from the President:

Salvete amici!

I am so thrilled to have all of you here for our 62nd Annual WJCL State Convention! To start off strong, gratias maximas to our truly incredible state chairs, Magistra Marianne Wallach (Homestead) and Magistra Lindy Stone (Divine Savior Holy Angels), not only for your assistance in making this convention run smoothly, but in all of your efforts to guide the WJCL as a whole. You make the magic happen. With that, we thank all of the wonderful magistri across the state for making all of this possible. Without your encouragement and dedication of the Classics, this organization as a whole could not thrive as it does. Lastly, but anything from least, gratias to all our parents and guardians that recognize the immense benefits, both academically and socially, that this weekend offers.

I have had the great pleasure of working with 8 of the most hardworking board members I could ask for. Your Technological Coordinator, Corrina Callahan, kept your website updated, and worked diligently on even the smallest of details to ease the navigation of each tab. Your Editor, Reena Singhal, tackled each torch with greater poise than imaginable, keeping me looking forward to each edition. Your former Historian, Elizabeth Foster, represented the WJCL so well not only with her exceptional scrapbook, but with her new title as “NJCL Editor”. We are endlessly proud of our incredible WJCLer. Your current Historian, Bella Cicero, has tackled her new job with incredible grace and enthusiasm, and we could not have asked for a better addition to our team. Niels Armbruster, your Treasurer, introduced JCL Kazoos to this past years National Convention, running an incredibly successful (and noisy) Bazaar. Your Secretary, Kyle Jain, is easily one of the most dedicated and Latin-loving people I have ever met. With fun and engaging minutes, this board member is unmatchable in passion for the WJCL. Your Parliamentarian, Ben Lorenz, recruited a great number of candidates for state office in 2020/21, building a better and brighter future of the WJCL. Your 2nd Vice President, Arushi Dhingra, single-handedly rattled the NDSU Stadium with her cheers and overall boundless spirit . And lastly, your 1st Vice President, Caleb Saffold, has been an incredible officer this year, ready for any and all challenges thrown his way (namely by me). I could not have been given a better right-hand-man. This years convention, and overall prosperity, could not have been done without this exceptional board.

I can attribute some of the best times of my high school career to the Park Hotel late nights and early mornings. This years NJCL theme reads, "It benefits all to strive with greatest effort, lest they pass their lives in silence." Do not leave this convention silent. Make the greatest effort in every elevator ride, certamen match, memorized oratory, and Friday night dance. Whether your first or your last, this is your year to make noise.

E corde,

Hope Judge

WJCL President, 2019-2020