I messed this up and thought I was choosing the option to fill in my choices, but apparently I turned it off, so now I'm wondering if I should do the whole prologue over. What is the default world state in this case? In my Witcher 2 game,

CDPR have yet to bother telling us what the default world state is and there loads of other things are broken a f*#@ in this game I doubt they would bother with something caused by unwanted teleportation.

Witcher 3 Default World State

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As @JohnathanHyde noted, the game does correctly import the world state THAT YOU'VE MARKED FOR IMPORT in the DA Keep. As one can create and edit a large number of them, deciding which WS to use, and tagging it properly, is up to the player. (I do agree that the importance of doing so could be better highlighted.)

@ThandalNLymanYou say that, however, I have run into the same issue rather recently. I picked the game back up after a long time, I went to start playing, and it defaulted to the normal tapestry it gives you when there's no sort of import data or anything. Despite the fact that I have only one tapestry, it's set to be used on a new DAI game, and so on. I checked everything several times so no, it doesn't always correctly import the world stat that you mark. If it did, then this wouldn't be an issue. Regardless of that fact, considering the first real opportunity most people are going to notice is when they get to Skyfall, and hear about their character from the second game. It's a pretty big issue that you can't change world states for an existing saved game. Also before you want to go saying something about internet connection being an issue, I keep my games and system regularly updated and it's on console so even less of a reason for this to pop up as an issue. The fact that it can't be changed and the fact that there's not a clear indication until you wasted, depending on your schedule, days of playing and around 15 hours of gameplay time, is rather inexcusable. Due to this issue, I actually find myself not wanting to play the game because of the fact I now have to recreate my character, ensure the world state is properly loaded, then replay through all that stuff and see everything all over again, including some of the more rage inducing bits. Then with there being no way to ensure, in game, that it's loaded properly, I could potentially end up wasting another dozen hours of gametime and days of playing just to find out in Skyfall that it didn't import correctly.

I need help, I don't know what happened, I altered something in Dragon Age keep, and now I want to revert it back to the original world state from all the original playthroughs that I've made, is it possible to fix it without making a new game?

@Nomansir9 Unfortunately once you've imported your world state and started your game with it, you can't change it without starting a new playthrough (importing the changed world state). Sorry I couldn't give you better news.

@Nomansir9 If you are talking about changing the Keep to reflect your original world state, sure, you may already have a save version of it on the keep you just have to choose it again and set it for download and lock it in. If you are talking about changing a world state during play of a DA:I run, then @Leora85 is correct and you would have to restart a new game with the new world state.

If you are wanting to change the world state back, then simply access the tapestry on DA: Keep website and click on what you want changed and agree to the changes. Once all changes are made, use the icons on right to lock it and set it as your default downloading world state.

More confusion arises when you start the save as you don't get the option to dictate your world state immediately. Instead, a few hours into the story - right before meeting Emperor Emhyr - you'll have a discussion with Morvran Voorhis. He will ask you several questions about your escapades in the previous game, allowing you to rebuild the world as you see fit. So, this is the right choice for those wanting their decisions to carry over.

Picking to not simulate a Witcher 2 save doesn't just randomize the decisions of the previous game. The game gives you a set world state that the developers have chosen. Here are the choices that are made:

Yet, there are a few benefits to importing a completed game. For instance, the process is quicker as you can skip the conversation with Morvran Voorhis, and more importantly, the blue stripes neck tattoo carries over. Therefore, if you want your Witcher 2 world state to remain the same, and it's possible to import, then there's no reason not to do so.

Level Designer Miles Tost spoke with Joystiq regarding the news. According to Tost, The Witcher 3 will look to simulate world states based on actual conversations in-game. "If you choose 'yes,' then you will get a special conversation at one part of the game," said Tost. "I don't want to spoil where it happens. It's basically a conversation with a character and the conversation is about the adventures of Geralt of Rivia. And you can basically deny or confirm whatever [the character] has heard of whatever tales of [Geralt.] It's actually kind of a cute mechanic."

PC users will have the option to import a save file from The Witcher 2 to directly impact The Witcher 3. For the console versions, the method discussed by Tost will be the only way to impact the world state with previous decisions. It is also implied that the simulated world state is an option for the PC version as well.

Importing saved world states is not something new. Franchises such as Suikoden, The Ultima Series, and Might and Magic have used saved data to import bonuses, rewards, even minor story elements from game to game.

Today, companies such as BioWare and Telltale Games have refined the practice of save state importing. Most recently was Dragon Age: Inquisition, where BioWare developed an online application, the Dragon Age Keep, to hold onto world states that can cross console generations and what will likely be multiple entries into the series. CD Projekt Red has also used save imports for the previous entries of the Witcher series, on PC only.

The Witcher 3 is going for a more practical approach, confining the world state into the game itself through simulation, rather than a direct import. According to Tost, the studio prefers the world state be decided in game, rather than being confined into a menu or checklist. Tost also jokingly stated that it would be a good test of memory for the players, since it has been seven years since the first Witcher title.

This bonus feature continues the story straight into the third RPG in the long-running Polish fantasy series, letting you see how previous choices have changed the world. There are multiple world states, and new adopters or console players can simulate old choices with a quick menu, similar to the options available in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

My personal guess is: it is either driver related (driver switching between power states)

or it is the GPU chip becoming unstable above its rated manufacturer specs.

(I do not understand why AMD decided to use 2100 MHz at 1200 mv as driver default!)

Your GPU also has deep sleep (DS) enabled by default.

Which means: desktop/idle usage lets the core clock drop down to a few MHz (0 - 200 MHz)

You can think of DS as power state 0 (idle/P0) - which is below the P1 that you can change.

Actually the Witcher universe is science fiction. Humans came into the world of elves and dwarves and magic by the conjunction of spheres. There is an interesting part in "The Tower of Swallow". There the elven mage Avallac'h is forging prehistoric cave paintings as fun to mislead future historians. Because there were no prehistoric humans on the continent. In the following talk with Geralt he makes it clear he knows humans evolved from apes but not on this world. Furthermore, he states the human race is around 5 million years old. Homo Sapiens is only 300,000 years old, and the genus Homo is approximately 1.5-2.5 million years old.

While not playing through The Witcher 3's Death March difficulty, getting the best ending is tricky. Like the Witcher ending, the Empress ending requires more positive points than negative points. But the game also checks the state of the world and will default to the normal ending if certain conditions are not met. First, Nilfgaard must win the war, meaning the player must be polite to Dijkstra during Blindingly Obvious and then side with Roche in Reason of State. They will also need to complete the Assassin Quests in The Witcher 2 or to have decided to kill the kings in the simulation conversation with Morvran Voorhis.

To get around that on consoles, developer CD Projekt devised a scene in which a character asks Geralt a few questions about his choices in the previous game's various plot points. Your choices matter, as they alter the world state and other small storylines in the game.

The default for a situation in Fallout 4 is to kill everyone. There was to be no engagement with this lovingly crafted setup, and no interaction with the audience or the managers that wasn't in the language of bullets and death. Instead, my mere arrival resulted in the announcer summoning the audience to attack me. The scenario in my head remained there; the game was more interested in violence than world-building.

Using final states in composite states is useful when you want to hide the internal details of a composite state; i.e. the only thing the outside world should be able to do is enter the state, and get a notification when the state has completed its work. This is a very powerful abstraction and encapsulation mechanism when building complex (deeply nested) state machines. (In the above example, you could of course create a transition directly from s1 's done state rather than relying on s1 's finished() signal, but with the consequence that implementation details of s1 are exposed and depended on). be457b7860

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