Tip 7: Google Lens

There are so many uses for Google Lens! It is an app for your phone (iPhone & Android), and can also be used on your Macbook Google Chrome browser.

Scan barcodes. Easily find exactly what you are looking for with one quick scan in the app.

Copy text from anywhere. In the example to the left, I have taken a picture of a printed article using Google Lens. Change the mode in the app to TEXT instead of SEARCH and you will be able to select and copy the text just like you do on a webpage. In addition, you can have the text read-aloud to you.

Send text to desktop. Send the text that you have scanned to your computer. Select all text, and then choose "copy to computer." It will list all of the computers that you are logged into your Google Chrome browser. Just paste the text by pressing Command + V on your computer.

Save contacts from business cards. Google Lens can pick up all the contact details from a business card and create a new contact. You can also email or call if you scan a billboard or banner with contact info.

Homework help. Use Google Lens to point toward a math equation to see how to solve the problem step by step. This is hit or miss and only works with math right now.

Shop anything you see. Select "shopping" and point the camera at anything. The lens will scan it and provide you with links to buy that item.

Multi-search. Search with both images and text at the same time. See my example to the left where I took a picture of my office phone and added the text "How to use."

Use Lens on Google Photos. Since Google Lens is integrated into the Google Photos app, you don't need to download an image and open it with Google Lens to scan it.

More things Google Lens can do:

Find best dishes on a restaurant menu. Open Google Lens and switch it to "Dining" mode. When you scan the menu, it will highlight the best dishes they serve based on the Google reviews people have left at that rest

Find nearby restaurants.

Save calendar events.