Winning Sports Betting Tips and System

"Discover the simple techniques and strategies to win BIG when placing Sports Bets!"

Sports Betting is something a lot of people are interested in these days. It is no more just a football match being played by 11 players. It is no more only a game of Tennis being played by two tennis professionals. It is an established fact that people from all walks of life and from all parts of the world are involved in sports betting in one way or the other. Few of the people take it lightly and enjoy poker or such other activities while keeping different sports the main focus of that poker game. Others take it far too seriously and are either bookmakers or are interested in getting their deals made with the bookies.

Sports betting create a lot of fun and thrill for people who are interested in sports. It is just like gambling. You decide even before the match begins that who will win the game. You use your hard earned money in sports betting just like you use your money in gambling at a casino or while playing poker. This is thrilling for those who enjoy such activities. Many people are against gambling and sports betting, but those who are involved in this are always busy finding new ways of creating some thrill for themselves. If they win a bet, they win...

Do you like sports betting? Perhaps you are thinking that you would like to have a good system when it comes to betting on sporting games. Betting on sports takes a certain amount of skill and knowledge. If you want to make bets on sporting matches or games, you should take some tips on how to use sports betting systems.

If you enjoy betting on sports, you probably lose some and win some.

Wouldn't it be so much nicer to win most of the time rather than losing? Now you can if you follow tips and techniques on sports betting systems. Instead of just betting by guessing, you can place more scientific bets rather than just bets that you make out of your head.

I used to enjoy betting on football games myself, but I found out that I was losing more than I was ever making on my bets. Sure, when I had a lucky streak I felt really good, but when I lost - it was terrible.

All that changed when I met an old friend who seemed to be doing pretty well with his betting. It seemed as if he was always winning. I asked him what his secret was and he was kind enough to share some tips with me as long as I would "pay it forward" by telling others when I started doing well. I agreed but found it hard to believe that there was any sort of way that anyone could make money on some sort of system.....

It sounded a little too good to be true for me

I couldn't believe that he actually had a real "system." It didn't make sense until he started teaching me his techniques. The first time I placed a bet and won using his sports betting techniques I was still a little hesitant. Until I won the next bet. And the next. Then I started to believe that there was something to his I continued to keep winning.

The past year has been a whirlwind for me. I began winning good money when I was placing bets. After a good long time of using the tips and techniques taught to me by my friend, I decided to make good on my promise to him. It was soon time for me to start telling others about the system. So I did. I started talking about my friend's techniques and letting others know how they, too, could make money on sports betting. Some listened, some didn't. That's when I realized I had to write it down in a book.

The book has done well for me, but has done even better for those who have read it and have taken the tips and advice to heart.

Sports Betting Systems - Tips On Sports Betting And Techniques

1). A Winning System is of Ultimate Importance

In sports betting, as in most types of gambling, the advantage is not on your side. However, the knowledgeable bettor has better odds of enjoying a successful sports betting experience than the spontaneous gambler who places a bet following his gut feeling and wishful thinking. Therefore, do your homework and make sure you understand the basics of sports betting.

Learn everything you can about the odds, the type of sports, the teams or players who take part in the match you are betting on. All the information you are seeking is available online within a mouse click distance, so there is no reason to be lazy about it.

While you can win here and there, on and off, you must have a system to win consistently. These systems are automated and programmed to use updated algorithms which compute for the result probabilities of sports games.

They mainly provide you with up-to-date data and statistics on what their betting history was and how successful their predictions were. You can even view the history on a daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal basis.

Betting systems are supposed to show you results so you can make an informed decision for profit. The site gives you full access to the profits that the system has made, dating back to its beginning. With that, you can examine the profit lines that have shown a steady increase. This is how you know your money is in good hands.

Online gambling ticks the boxes of fun and profitable–that is, when you’re winning.

2) Placing sports bets

If you are just starting to place sports bets and want to make sure that you win more than you lose, you can use the tips and techniques in this book. When reading "Sports Betting Systems - Tips On Sports Betting And Techniques" you will learn everything you need to know about placing sports bets to win.

3)Techniques and Tips

Once you start following the techniques and tips found in this book with regard to sports betting, you will start winning with your sports bets. If you are tired of backing the losing team all of the time or placing bets that you think will do well but never pan out, it is time to start backing the winning team with the tips and techniques that you learn.

4). Proportion Is a Keyword

If you win big time, do not invest your entire winning on betting at once. It will be wiser and more responsible to be satisfied with betting only a certain portion of your winning.

Remember, proportion is a key word. Taking everything in proportion, including when winning, losing your money and or watching your favorite team lose, is the best strategy to minimize the financial and emotional damage.

5). Never Gamble While Drinking

This may be common knowledge to some, a great shock to others. However, when you drink an alcoholic beverage, your judgment will be significantly clouded. A drink may also give you that extra courage to make a rash and expensive decision.

6).Square or Sucker Lines

Many betters try to stay away from square lines (that is, lines that are designed to lure public opinion into betting a certain way) and in the end, can even make money off these phony wagers if they can closely monitor the betting percentages.

7).Choose the Underdog at Home

Statistically speaking, its a good idea to bet on an underdog at home. A team will put forth their best effort at home stadium and underdogs have a way of triumphing over the odds in general. Using this strategy you may beat the odds too.

8).Bet Against the Public

There are some that claim that fading the public can be profitable. This has led many bettors to bet on the other team than is predicted.

9). Money Management - A Fundamental Strategy to Grind Out Long Term Profits

Lets face it: the number one goal of anyone who bets on sports is to win money. No one likes the feeling of wagering on a sporting event and then losing their hard earned money because their team didn't win the game or cover the point spread. It has been well discussed in the past that most people who bet on sports lose money in the long run. After analyzing this trend, one of the biggest problems that most amateur bettors have is a poor, or nonexistent, money management strategy. While nothing in sports betting is ever for certain, there are some very important skills that you can learn, and implement today that will set you apart from a majority of the people that lose money betting on sports. You can become one of the few who shows a nice profit.

This article is by no means all that there is to know or consider with a money management program, but it will give you a SOLID foundation from which to build your bankroll month after month, and year after year.

Establishing Sports Betting Goals

As I said earlier, people bet because they are trying to show a profit. One of the main questions that you need to consider when developing a winning plan for success is:

1. How much money do I want to make monthly or yearly from betting on sports, and do I have enough money to start with to accomplish this goal?

Its ok if you don't have a clear understanding of what the answers to the above two questions should be. Very shortly it will be perfectly clear.

Lets use an example of an unrealistic goal: I would like to make $500 per month betting on sports. I have $500 to start with at the beginning of the football season.


Now lets use an example of a realistic goal: I would like to make and extra $100 – $300 per month betting on sports. I have $3000 to start with at the beginning of the football season.


Just as with any business, if you treat sports betting as a serious business, money can be made, if you understand what is involved. Most people have unrealistic expectations that they can bet $50 a game with a $500 bankroll and be doubling their money in no time. It just DOES NOT AND WILL NOT work this way. We will now look at how to establish a proper bankroll for your betting habits, set realistic goals, and run your sports betting just as you would do with any other business.

Bankroll Size

The first thing you need to do is establish a starting bankroll for your sports betting, and then decide how much you will be betting on each particular game. Your bankroll should always determine your betting size, and the size of your bets should correlate with the size of your current bankroll.

Lets define bankroll size as the amount of money available to place your bets with, and the investment vehicle to build your profits. The main betting technique that we use, and that we recommend you use for long term success with a majority of your bets is a basic 2% flat rate of bankroll. What this means is that if you start with a bankroll of $1000 your first bet would be for $20, or 2% of your bankroll. Why 2% you may ask? By betting 2% you will have nearly no chance of losing your entire bankroll during a losing streak, because as your bankroll decreases, a 2% bet will also get smaller as well. When things turn around and you go on a hot streak, and your bankroll grows to more than your initial $1000, you get to increase your bet size, simply by being disciplined and sticking with the 2% flat rate of bankroll system. Below you can see what 2% of different bankrolls looks like.

% of bankroll Initial Bankroll Bet Size

2 100 2

2 500 10

2 750 15

2 1000 20

2 1500 30

2 2000 40

2 5000 100

2 7500 150

2 10000 200

2 20000 400

2 50000 1000

Now you can see that if you are the type of person who feels comfortable betting $20 a game, you should start with a bankroll of $1000. You need to use this type of system to minimize your losses during cold streak and maximize your profits during a hot streak.

Now you have everything, include a winning system, you need to go out, have fun and most importantly, win money!