The dragons of Pyrrhia and Pantala have joined forces to fight terrible evil and bring peace to their world. Now they're embarking on a new mission: to put together a true, definitive guide to the lives and history of each tribe - as told by the dragons themselves.

With the help of beloved series characters, old myths with be exposed and dark secrets revealed; queens illuminated and princes vindicated; and at long last, every tribe will have a chance to tell their own stories.

Wings Of Fire Guide To The Dragon World Pdf Free Download


This full-color collection includes exclusive maps, letters, interviews, journal entries, legends, and more than forty pieces of brand-new, stunning art throughout. A Guide to the Dragon World is a must-have for every reader, dragon or human, who wants to know absolutely everything about Wings of Fire!

The book opened with a letter by the dragonets of destiny stating their project to gather information from Pyrrhia and Pantala to create a more comprehensive guide to the dragon world, including commentary from Sunny, Fatespeaker, and Glory in the margins.

The well-known dragon scroll, The Legend of the Scorching, was featured in the guide. It told the events of the Scorching through the dragon perspective of the story that was told throughout history.

Starflight opened the MudWing section with a note about the scrolls in the academy library and Sepia before he presented the academy's copy of Wisemind's The Sluglike Qualities of the MudWings with Sepia's commentary in the margins. He then assigned Sepia the task of writing her own scroll about MudWing siblings which was then published in the guide as A Few of the Many Noble Qualities of MudWings.

The most ancient scroll in the MudWing palace library, The Mysterious Egg by Moccasin, was then featured in the guide. It recounted Moccasin's mysterious blood-red egg and how she discovered that dragonets hatched from blood-red eggs have fireproof scales.

A scroll about the MudWing Succession Crisis titled But Who Shall Wear the Crown? by Prince Sawgrass was then featured. The scroll recounted Sawgrass and his sibling's hatching and how they were raised in the MudWing palace as royals. It detailed how the MudWing Succession Crisis happened and how it was resolved.

A scroll by Coral about the War of SandWing Succession was then featured in the guide, titled How the SeaWings Ended the Great War and Saved the World! Coral explained a biased perspective on how the SeaWings affected the war and saved everyone.

Titles and summaries of several of Coral's most popular scrolls were then featured, titled A Brief Summary of Some of the Greatest Scrolls of All Time by the Most World-Renowned SeaWing Author in the History of Pyrrhia, Queen Coral.

Turtle wrote a letter to Starflight about spending his hatching day at Jade Mountain Academy and the customs of SeaWings during hatching days. He then provided Starflight with a letter from Fin, one of Turtle's brothers, about their hatching day celebration in the Kingdom of the Sea.

A short story by Kinkajou titled The Stupendous Story of a Snuggly Sloth, a story she wrote for her creative writing class, was then featured in the guide as one of the first scrolls written by a RainWing in centuries. The story was from Silver's point of view, and it "recounted" how she and Glory met.

Starflight wrote a note about the history and traditions of RainWing storytelling before including a letter by Princess Python to her grandniece, Queen Jacaranda. The letter was found in Possibility and it explained how Jacaranda made changes in the Rainforest Kingdom that would lead to the RainWings becoming pacifists.

Moonwatcher wrote a letter to Starflight about spreading the truth about NightWing powers as most tribes still do not understand it. She then provided Starflight with a scroll she wrote titled The Truth About NightWing Powers which explained how NightWing powers worked.

A scroll titled Studying the Studiers: Interview with a NightWing, transcribed by Deathbringer, was then featured. It recounted an interview that took place between Glory and Mastermind which included information about the achievements of NightWings in the past and how they were trained to feel superior to other tribes.

After being pestered by Fatespeaker, Fierceteeth wrote a scroll about the new Renewal NightWing encampment and the history that was discovered while creating it. Fierceteeth then provided Starflight with a scroll from their library about Queen Vigilance's Glass Jubilee.

The SandWing chapter opened with a wanted poster for several artifacts of SandWing treasure, describing many things that remained missing after the War of SandWing Succession that were being looked for.

Smolder wrote a letter to Starflight about his observations on Flower the first week he had her before sending his notes to be included in the guide. His observations, titled Strange Time For a New Pet, explained how the days after Oasis's death went in the SandWing Stronghold.

Snowfall opened the IceWing chapter with a letter to Starflight about the IceWing version of Guide to the Dragons of Pyrrhia. She explained some of the documents she sent Starflight to be put in the guide, along with Mink's Jade Mountain Academy application.

Snowfall gifted a piece of the ranking wall to the Jade Mountain Academy museum for the students to study. She then provided information about the IceWing animus gifts in the Ice Kingdom, with some extra notes, titled The Animus Gifts of the IceWings.

Caribou wrote a scroll about their outer IceWing village titled In the Village-of-the-Plentiful-Seals. The scroll explained how the village was gifted with one of the three gift of subsistence holes from the animus princess Caribou and how it affected their life in the village.

An explanation of the Clash of Claws tournament was provided, detailing an old tournament that used to take place at the SkyWing palace where SkyWings from all across the kingdom would come to compete.

A scroll by Tailwind titled This is Why We Don't Marry Psychopaths was then featured, detailing pieces of Queen Firestorm's rule as queen, Scarlet's life as a princess, and how Tailwind's brother, Canyon, married Scarlet, along with his death in the arena.

The SilkWing chapter opened with a guide by Io on the rules SilkWings had to follow while living under the HiveWings in the Hives. It included the SilkWing curriculum taught in schools and the common professions that SilkWings would get assigned as soon as they went through Metamorphosis.

A letter from Tau to Cricket about an old piece of writing found in Wasp's quarters that was the last piece of writing by Queen Monarch was then featured. The writing by Monarch was shown, describing Monarch's history with Queen Wasp and Queen Sequoia along with her guilt and doubt about giving her tribe to Wasp. The writing seems to be a prayer to Clearsight.

Willow wrote a letter to Cricket thanking her for the scroll she provided on HiveWing abilities in order to determine if Bumblebee had any of those abilities. However, Willow wrote that Bumblebee did not show any signs of having one. The scroll Cricket wrote about common HiveWing abilities was then featured, detailing several types of natural weapons that HiveWings could hatch with.

Hazel then featured a letter she wrote about the history and importance of LeafWing literacy before including a list of several LeafWings' favorite books, including Sequoia, Willow, Sundew, Bryony, Mandrake, and Cobra Lily.

Sundew wrote a letter to Starflight explaining that she had found several letters between Queen Sequoia and Linden, Sundew's grandmother, which were published in the guide. The back-and-forth letters detailed the founding of the PoisonWings and the progression of the two factions through leader changes.

Hello! Welcome to A Guide to the Dragon World in my edition! I have the original book and will be using that as reference but in case you don't want to buy it here's a version that you can read. Not all of it will be canon but most of it will.

Last, time the Dragonets of Destiny came together and wrote the book. This time however, we are doing a little council thingy of every important person! Of course we included the dragonets, the Jade Winglet, the queens, and the dragons who destroyed the breath of evil! This should be more inclusive!

Glory: *epic eye roll* nobody cares. Anyways, they form groups of siblings of huge numbers and live like that together. They would build mounds of mud to sleep together in and just pile up together into a snug heap. Now that I'm describing it I'm glad I am not a MudWing.

Glory: Like... you know... Oh well. Moving on. While the others were all busy working on the school, I had to make diplomatic trips to the other kingdoms since I was an official queen. At the MudWing palace Queen Moorhen treated me to a dinner of cows and a lot of other food. Does this symbolize your tribe loves eating?

Umber: *totally ignores what just happened* I don't know anything about the queen's palace, I am a commoner but I can confirm everything Glory said is true. We do indeed stick close. I would describe the pain it is to lose one of us but-

Queen Moorhen's Palace is really close to the rainforest according to the map like almost touching. It looks all formal and regal and I can confirm it is since I have seen it in real life. It has domes and stuff. Not what I expected but WOW that thing was fancy. Way fancier than the SandWing palace or NightWing palace or that boring Talons of Peace hideout like CLAW ME TO DEATH ALREADY but don't tell any of the designers I said that! They will actually claw me to death!

The Diamond Spray Delta is something we shouldn't be talking about. It mean just another patch of mud except given a sparkly name. It is the closest to the Sky Kingdom that is more famous for it's jewels and glam from Queen Scarlet's reign(you'd be shocked how much of this I learned from hanging around Starflight well maybe not but anyways) That doesn't make it sparkly give it a different name. 152ee80cbc

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