Wing Hong Leung (Joseph)

Postdoctoral Researcher in Math at the Texas A&M University

I am a Math Postdoctoral researcher at the Texas A&M University, working with Prof. Matthew Young. Before coming to Texas,  I was working with Prof. Valentin Blomer and his group in the University of Bonn and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. Before that, I was a PhD student in the Ohio State University, working under the supervision of Prof. Roman Holowinsky. I am mainly working on analytic number theory, applying the circle, delta and moment methods to study special values and bounds of L-functions. I also work on combinatorics problems that interest me.

Research Interests:

See here for a list of my preprints and publications.

Here's my CV, Google scholar and my LinkedIn account.

The Lord is their inheritance, as he promised them. - Deuteronomy 18:2b