Women in Web Data Science

Third Workshop on Women in Web Data Science

Our mission is to engage more women in the Web Data Science field as well as present their research in the area. We would like to increase the impact of women in Data Science in both academic and industry communities.

The Third Women in Web Data Science (WinDS) workshop is a half-day event that will be held on May 13th, 2019 in San Francisco, US in conjunction with The Web Conference (WWW 2019). Our goal is to create opportunities for women to engage in substantive technical and professional conversations in a positive and supportive environment.

This workshop event brings together female faculty, graduate students, research scientists, and industry researchers for an opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from each other in the field of Data Science. WinDS wants to support and promote women that work in the data field area regardless of nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, or politics.

Underrepresented minorities, graduates, and undergraduates interested in pursuing web data science and machine learning research are encouraged to participate. While most presenters should be women, everybody is invited to attend.

We will strongly encourage female students, post-docs and researchers in all areas of data mining, graph analytics, machine learning, and applications in data science related to health, financial, sports, natural resource, and so on.

The first workshop was held in Houston, Texas in conjunction with SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2017).

The second workshop was held in Lyon, France in conjunction with The Web Conference (WWW 2018).