Windows Atlanta

Argon gas 3 is used in between panes of glass to drastically decrease the transfer of hot and cold air. The gas is three times more dense than regular air to better protect seals and eliminate drafts. This was not possible a decade ago and makes a huge difference in the energy-efficiency of vinyl windows available today.

Sometimes Replacing Windows is Cheaper than Keeping Old Ones

Most homeowners think twice before embarking on home improvements because of the investment required. There are some circumstances that make improvements, such as Window Replacement, more cost-effective than continuing to pay repair bills and increasing utility bills. If repair bills add up to fifty percent or more of the replacement costs, replacement is recommended.

Utility bills that rise constantly for no apparent reason tend to indicate drafts and windows that are not energy-efficient. In cases that involve Windows Atlanta that are over ten-years old, the efficiency was never great. Technology has advanced significantly in the past decade and energy ratings are much higher.

Examples of Technology

Argon gas 3 is used in between panes of glass to drastically decrease the transfer of hot and cold air. The gas is three times more dense than regular air to better protect seals and eliminate drafts. This was not possible a decade ago and makes a huge difference in the energy-efficiency of vinyl windows available today.

Another new technology is called low E glass and it keeps air inside the house from escaping and air outside the house from entering. That means in the winter heated air stays in and cold air stays out. The reverse is true in warm weather, so savings occur every month and adds up quickly.

Other Window Options

Vinyl is the most energy-efficient material for Window Replacement Atlanta but is not the only option. Wood is a possibility but may not be more cost-effective than the current windows. Wood is expensive and requires major maintenance to prevent the surface from splitting, rotting, corroding, and becoming infested with insects.

Cellular PVC offers the appearance of wood without the high maintenance. Homeowners will want to compare current costs against estimated costs and savings to determine if replacement will save money. Warranties will eliminate most repair costs for new windows for a few years at least.

Considerations before Replacing Windows

Finding a Window Company Atlanta that also provides other improvements is wise because homeowners will want roofs and gutters inspected before spending money on windows. The most common problem that results in damage is water. It makes no sense to replace windows if the roof or the gutters are not functioning properly.

Water will end up running down the side of the house instead of being directed away from the building. Cracks, leaks and other damage will ruin the new windows. Be sure all external aspects of the house that effect the windows are in excellent condition.