The icons in File Explorer have been redesigned. They are flatter and simpler in design. The window border padding is thinner than previous versions. Windows 10 Creators Update and later versions come with a new Universal File Explorer (also known as the UWP File Explorer). Although hidden, it can be opened by creating a shortcut pointing to "explorer shell:AppsFolder\c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515_cw5n1h2txyewy!App" [48][49]

In Windows 11, File Explorer had undergone significant UI changes with the Ribbon Interface simplified into a command bar. Translucency, shadows, and rounded geometry have also been added, following the Fluent Design System. In March 2022, Microsoft introduced adverts into the file explorer, but later stated that these were 'not intended to be published externally'[54] after significant negative media coverage.

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Unbelievably enough, this was fixed in July 18th 2017 on Windows Server 2016 in KB4025334:


"Addressed issue where File Explorer does not refresh changes automatically when using RemoteApps on Windows Server 2016. "

My employer uses dropbox as a shared drive, and has done so successfully for several years. However I've just started, and have run into an issue where many files are not openable via the windows file explorer folder.

I have 2 instances of Windows Explorer opened in the task manager at random times. It happens when i restart my computer, use it for some time and after a while i notice the fans ramp up, i go to the task manager to find two processes of windows explorer, one is normal in my opinion which has 200-500MB RAM usage while the one is the problem, it consumes 2000MB of RAM (I have only 8 gigs ram so I am always anxious about that). I kill the process with the high ram usage and the computer runs normally. It is also worth mentioning that when i kill the process; the explorer and all the windows and task bar does not close or crash. The computer cools down and everything goes back to normal. The explorer.exe file is also normal. I was hoping that it might get fixed in the update but its still here.

Thank you for much for the suggestion but the issue still remains the same. I am fully updated and for some reason I can not find the feedback hub. It used to be in windows 10 but now when i search for it, it gives me "Feedback and Diagnostics" which has no option to report a bug, apparently there is a option to give feedback though, when you search something on the start menu; on the right top side there is an option to give feedback, just a little tiny button. I did that and lets see what happens...

I am sorry i could not try safe mode before, this time i used it for 30 minutes and the issue still persists. Even after closing all the windows the process remains in task manager with high memory use.

I have the same issue. After few seconds of starting windows, CPU1,3, and 5 go to 100% (I have intel i9-11900K). I know this by checking it on AIDA64 app.

When pressing ctrl+shift+escape the CPU usage goes back to normal, but if I close task explorer it goes back to 100% on CPU1, 3 and 5. This is why I am thinking it is a malicious virus.

So after I looked more, I found out in the details page that there are 2 "explorer.exe" running. If I terminate the second one the issue is solved.

Any idea how can I fix this once and for all without having to terminate explorer.exe each time I start windows? I tried Malware scans and everything stated above with no help.

@Reza_AmeriThank you for the response, I've tried everything you said, no files are corrupted and everything checks out but the error remains, even after windows update I thought Microsoft might fix the issue but it still remains.

The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The topwindow always shows a list of the currently active processes, includingthe names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed inthe bottom window depends on the mode that Process Explorer is in: ifit is in handle mode you'll see the handles that the process selected inthe top window has opened; if Process Explorer is in DLL mode you'llsee the DLLs and memory-mapped files that the process has loaded.Process Explorer also has a powerful search capability that willquickly show you which processes have particular handles opened or DLLsloaded.

I recently started using WSL2, and I've noticed that it starts running every time I open the file explorer in Windows. I'm guessing this is because WSL2 lets you access your Linux filesystem from the file explorer.

Is there some way to prevent this behaviour? I'd be fine not to have my Linux filesystem show up automatically in the file explorer. Thanks in advance, and my apologies if similar questions have been asked here before.

I am aware of Power Toys "Command Prompt", but that only works as a context menu item on the folder, and not from inside the folder if you are already there. I know you can navigate to the parent directory, and use it from there, but if the parent has thousands of directories in it, this is not so convenient. I have tried some home-brewed batch files associated with folder actions in explorer, but those suffer from similar problems.

BTW, I looked up "how to change default detail columns in windows explorer" and read through a number of "hits" that specifically mention doing this by type already. Also, looked up "how to change default detail columns in windows explorer by file type."

Alternatively, you can change the "music" template itself. So that any folder that windows explorer opens which it automatically applies the "music" template, will display whatever customized view you made.

It might also be the windows version,or the fact that there are pending updates. I have that a lot that as soon as there are updates that were downloaded, things do not work anymore (especially media related (audio, video)) until I actually rebooted and installed the updates. I just installed a fresh early copy of windows 10 without updates and installed ue 4.20. Context menu options were missing and also some solutions on this thread were not working for me. I removed everything and downloaded the latest version of the epic launcher installer and after updating windows to the latest version and installing the epic launcher + ue 4.21 I have the context menu entries back.

its not that i want to use txt files. but whenever i have to jot down something urgently, for example:

normaly we have windows explorer opened while working. now i have to jot down soemthing quick, would i just create a notepad (.txt) file in the working directory; or open up obsidian, then find the working move to working directory, then make a new file. seems a lot of extra work, no?

Mostly, explorer doesn't seem to recognize SAS programs. The icon next to a program is generic. When I right-click on a program in an explorer window, it doesn't give me the option to open in SAS (if I try open-with, it batch-submits rather than opening a SAS session). I can't right-click within an empty folder and insert a new SAS program, either. None of these are preventing me from getting any work done, but they do introduce some inefficiencies.

Then, for some reason, that stopped working. I was stumped until I tried creating a LibreOffice document as administrator. That worked for me. I can now view .odt files in explorer. I am using Windows 7

I have purchased a Canon R5c and shot a video in 8k Raw Light at 60fps. when connecting to my windows 11 computer, in explorer there is no video while it is visible in the camera. The files does not show. Any thoughts. Since I cannot see the file, i cannot work on it in a computer environment. While video shot in 4k and normal pictures are visible. I have tried dpp4, no luck with that. Canon Transfer utility only sees pictures. I am stumped. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

It didnt have my file explorer with images instead of .psd. icons.

it then managed to freeze up, couldnt close it, had to uninstall it. couldnt even end task it as it was not in the list.

Rubbish prog. I dont like doing a positive PC build then ripping stuff out !

The PDF Shell component in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader allows you to see the thumbnails of PDF documents in Windows explorer, on both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows. By default, this feature is OFF. You can enable it using a specific setting available in the preferences.

I have the same issue, I uploaded a video file through windows explorer (the installed app with the mounted drive) and it permanently corrupted the file, even if I download it back by the other provided means (thru web browser, or even with the portable app)

The reason behind the existence of the Windows File Explorer is that the developers FreeSoftLabs wanted an alternative to the current Windows explorer function that comes into action when users sort view add or remove files.

Many private users may figure &quotWhat is the point&quot in making such seemingly minor changes to the file explorer. Others may like the minor changes and welcome the software. However it is professional persons who use and sort files regularly on a Windows desktop device that will really appreciate the Windows File Explorer. It allows for a level of process streamlining and sorting that is simply not available at the moment.

Though any of these options will require some scripting to fetch/open a file (not a "link") or require writing custom application which will process custom URL scheme (say "myapp://", e.g. like described here -do-i-register-a-custom-url-protocol-in-windows). ff782bc1db

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