File parsing consists of reading the output, string, or file content, and then breaking it into individual lines of text and parsing each line into zero or more tokens. The for loop is then called with the iterative variable value set to the token. By default, /f passes the first blank separated token from each line of each file. Blank lines are skipped.

Parsing a string: You can use the for /f parsing logic on an immediate string by wrapping in either: double quotes (without usebackq) or in single quotes (with usebackq) --for example, (MyString) or ('MyString'). is treated as a single line of input from a file. When parsing in double-quotes, command symbols such as (\ & | > < ^) are treated as ordinary characters.

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Parsing output: You can use the for /f command to parse the output of a command by placing a back-quoted between the parentheses. It's treated as a command line, which is passed to a child Cmd.exe. The output is captured into memory and parsed as if it's a file.

This command parses each line in myfile.txt. It ignores lines that begin with a semicolon and passes the second and third token from each line to the for body (tokens are delimited by commas or spaces). The body of the for statement references %i to get the second token, %j to get the third token, and %k to get all of the remaining tokens. If the file names that you supply contain spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, File Name). To use quotation marks, you must use usebackq. Otherwise, the quotation marks are interpreted as defining a literal string to parse.

You can run multiple commands from a single command line or script using conditional processing symbols. When you run multiple commands with conditional processing symbols, the commands to the right of the conditional processing symbol act based upon the results of the command to the left of the conditional processing symbol.

A number of processing symbols can be used when running several commands on the same line, and may lead to processing redirection in some cases, altering output in other case, or just fail. One important case is placing on the same line commands that manipulate variables.

As you see in the above example, when commands using variables are placed on the same line, you must use delayed expansion to update your variable values. If your variable is indexed, use CALL command with %% modifiers to update its value on the same line:

So, I was trying to enable the specific task of running RegAsm (register assembly) from a context menu. The issue I had was that the result would flash up and go away before I could read it. So I tried piping to Pause, which does not work when the command fails (as mentioned here Pause command not working in .bat script and here Batch file command PAUSE does not work). So I tried cmd /k but that leaves the window open for more commands (I just want to read the result). So I added a pause followed by exit to the chain, resulting in the following:

& and && work perfectly, as djdanlib said, but when I tried && to run a lot of setup programs consecutively it didn't wait for each one to finish before moving to the next. It works fine for command line apps and commands, but when you start a gui app (like a setup program) then windows returns success as soon as it successfully launches the program, without waiting for it to close.

The Windows command line is one of the most powerful utilities on a Windows PC. With it, you can interact with the OS directly and do a lot of things not available in the graphical user interface (GUI).

Windows has two command-line shells: the Command shell and PowerShell. Each shell is a software program that provides direct communication between you and the operating system or application, providing an environment to automate IT operations.

The Command shell was the first shell built into Windows to automate routine tasks, like user account management or nightly backups, with batch (.bat) files. With Windows Script Host, you could run more sophisticated scripts in the Command shell. For more information, see cscript or wscript. You can perform operations more efficiently by using scripts than you can by using the user interface. Scripts accept all commands that are available at the command line.

You can also enable or disable file and directory name completion per instance of a Command shell by running cmd.exe with the parameter and switch /F:ON or /F:OFF. If name completion is enabled with the /F:ON parameter and switch, the two control characters used are Ctrl-D for directory name completion and Ctrl-F for file name completion. User-specified settings take precedence over computer settings, and command-line options take precedence over registry settings.

A lot of Windows users have never touched the Command Prompt. With today's streamlined operating systems, it's easy to use a computer without ever worrying about entering old-school text commands in the command line.

However, it's a good idea to become familiar with command line basics in Windows. It helps you appreciate the OS more and can come in handy for some tasks. Here's a beginner's guide to the Windows Command Prompt for those who aren't yet familiar.

The Command Prompt, officially called the Windows Command Processor and often abbreviated to CMD, is the command line interface for Windows operating systems. A command line interface is a way of interacting with a computer directly using text commands.

These hearken back to the early days of computers, when you had to type commands into a terminal to execute processes on the machine. Early PC operating systems, like MS-DOS, operated exclusively through command-line interfaces. There were no mouse cursor, window management, or similar graphical user interface (GUI) elements we take for granted today.

Another term you should know is the word "shell," which is used to describe a program that allows the user to give commands to the computer. So a command line interface, as well as a GUI, are both shells.

The command line will run whatever you tell it, as long as it's a valid option. So you should always double-check what you're about to do before you fire it off, and don't use an admin Command Prompt for general purposes.

Now you're familiar with the basics of the Command Prompt, even if you've never used it before. Some tasks, like managing files and folders, will probably feel clunky in the command line if you're used to doing these with the GUI. But for other tasks, like checking your IP address, running a quick CMD command is much more convenient than clicking through a bunch of menus.

The other answers are certainly good options that will serve you well in an automated system because of their command line nature (and I see from the tag that that's what you wanted). Of course, some folks might want to explore this kind of info with a GUI, so here's an alternative along those lines.

Process Explorer is a Sysinternals tool maintained by Microsoft. It can display the command line of the process in the process's properties dialog as well as the parent that launched it, though the name of that process may no longer be available. Here's the process properties dialog:

The command line interface is accessible and working on Windows too.

The where command only searches in the current directory and in the directories configured in the PATH environment variable. Since cppcheck (or better the installer) does not add it's directory to the PATH variable (and IMHO should not do that), you will get no results until you are already in the correct directory.

When calling cppcheck via a batch script i use the full path, for me that is "C:\Program Files\Cppcheck\cppcheck".

I guess you can just add the path to cppcheck.exe to the PATH environment variable so you do not have to enter it all the time, but i have not tried that yet.

The Audit Process Creation policy is a security audit policy that determines whether the operating system generates an audit event when a process is created. By default, this policy is not configured and no audit events are logged when processes are created. When this policy is enabled, event ID 4688 is generated and logged in the Windows Security log. Enabling this policy is required to make the expanded command-line auditing feature that's described in this security advisory work. For more information about the Audit Process Creation Policy, see the following Mimcrosoft TechNet article: 

This policy setting determines what information is logged in security audit events when a new process is created. 

This setting applies only when the Audit Process Creation policy is enabled. If you enable this policy setting, the command-line information for every process will be logged in plain text in the Security log as part of Audit Process Creation event 4688, "a new process has been created," on the workstations and servers on which this policy setting is applied. 

If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the process's command-line information is not included in Audit Process Creation events. 

Default: Not configured

Note When this policy setting is enabled, any user who has read access to the security events can read the command-line arguments for any successfully created process. Command-line arguments may contain sensitive or private information such as passwords or user data.

119591 How to obtain Microsoft support files from online servicesMicrosoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

At the command line level the only interpreter the OS sees is the Python installation of record. Only while in an instance of those IDEs will you be faced with whatever version of Python they installed with, or be able to access the APIs they house. 9af72c28ce

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