After you've installed the .NET Upgrade Assistant CLI tool, open a terminal window and navigate to the directory that contains the project you want to upgrade. You can use the upgrade-assistant --help command to see the available options the CLI provides.

Run the tool with the upgrade-assistant upgrade command, all of the projects from the current folder and below, are listed. The CLI tool provides an interactive way of choosing which project to upgrade. Use the arrow keys to select an item, and press Enter to run the item. Select the project you want to upgrade. In the example provided by this article, there are four projects under the current folder:

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Add an account for Home Assistant Core called homeassistant.Since this account is only for running Home Assistant Core the extra arguments of -rm is added to create a system account and create a home directory.

Once you have activated the virtual environment (notice the prompt change to (homeassistant) homeassistant@raspberrypi:/srv/homeassistant $) you will need to run the following command to install a required Python package.

Start Home Assistant Core for the first time. This will complete the installation for you, automatically creating the .homeassistant configuration directory in the /home/homeassistant directory, and installing any basic dependencies.

Hi, you need to analyze this because the update assistant installs the latest available version of Windows!

But it leaves the settings and files unchanged.

Perform on several computers to check it.

Good luck

The default assistant in the English version was named Clippit, after a paperclip. Although the name Clippit was used in all versions of Microsoft Office that supported the Office Assistant feature, the assistant became commonly referred to by the public as Clippy, a name which later occasionally bled into Microsoft marketing materials.[1][2][3][4] Clippit was the default Assistant, and by far the most notable (partly because in many cases the setup CD was required to install the other assistants), which also led to it being called simply the Microsoft Paperclip.[5] The Office Assistant and particularly Clippit have been the subject of numerous criticisms and parodies. In November 2021, Microsoft officially updated their design of the paperclip emoji (?) on Windows 11 to be Clippit.[6]

The Office Assistant was an intelligent user interface for Microsoft Office. It assisted users by way of an interactive animated character that interfaced with the Office help content. It was included in Microsoft Office for Windows (versions 97 to 2003), in Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Project (versions 98 to 2003), Microsoft FrontPage (versions 2002 and 2003), and Microsoft Office for Mac (versions 98 to 2004). The default assistant in the English version was named Clippit,[1] after a paperclip.[7][8]

The Office Assistant used technology initially from Microsoft Bob[9] and later Microsoft Agent, offering advice based on Bayesian algorithms.[3] From Office 2000 onward, Microsoft Agent (.acs) replaced the Microsoft Bob-descended Actor (.act) format as the technology supporting the feature. Users can add other assistants to the folder where Office is installed for them to show up in the Office application, or install in the Microsoft Agent folder in System32 folder. Microsoft Agent-based characters have richer forms and colors, and are not enclosed within a boxed window. Furthermore, the Office Assistant could use the Lernout & Hauspie TruVoice Text-to-Speech Engine to provide output speech capabilities to Microsoft Agent, but it required SAPI 4.0. The Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine allowed the Office Assistant to accept speech input.[10]

The default assistant in the English version was called Clippit.[7][8] The character was designed by Kevan J. Atteberry.[8][18] Clippit was by far the most notable Assistant (partly because in many cases the setup CD was required to install the other assistants), which also led to it being called simply the Microsoft Paperclip.[5] The original Clippit from Office 97 was given a new look in Office 2000.

In Office 2000, the Hoverbot, Scribble, and Power Pup assistants were replaced by F1 (a robot), Links (a cat), and Rocky (a dog). The Clippit and Office Logo assistants were also redesigned. The removed assistants later resurfaced as downloadable add-ons.

The Microsoft Office XP Multilingual Pack had two more assistants, Saeko Sensei (Japanese: ), an animated secretary, and a version of the Monkey King (Chinese: ) for Asian language users in non-Asian Office versions.[19] Native language versions provided additional representations, such as Kairu the dolphin in Japanese.

In 2001, a Microsoft advertising campaign for Office XP included the now-defunct website, which highlighted the disabling of Clippit in the software. It featured the animated adventures of Clippit (voiced by comedian Gilbert Gottfried) as he learned to cope with unemployment and parodied behaviors of the Office assistant.[31] These videos could be downloaded from Microsoft's website as self-contained Flash Player executables.[31]

On April 1, 2014, Clippit appeared as an Office Assistant in Office Online as part of an April Fools' Day joke.[34] Several days later, an easter egg was found in the then-preview version of Windows Phone 8.1. When asked if she likes Clippit, the personal assistant Cortana would answer "Definitely. He taught me how important it is to listen." or "What's not to like? That guy took a heck of a beating and he's still smiling."[35] Her avatar occasionally turned into a two-dimensional Metro-style Clippit for several seconds. This easter egg is still available in the full release version of the Windows Phone operating system and Windows 10.[36]

In 2015, a music video directed by Chris Bristow was released for Delta Heavy's song Ghost, which features Clippit discovering Shania, a modern voice-activated digital assistant, and later on Clippit becomes angry upon discovering the modern landscape of the world.[39]

I see you guys are working on a home assistant app for Mac OS. There are apps avalable for ios/android, so I think there should be one for windows. Doing so could potentially allow for notifications on the desktop and easy access to HA.

Clippy is the paperclip office assistant character created by Microsoft for Microsoft Office (97 and 2003). Like all office assistant characters, Clippy can help office users in many ways (such as writing a text document in Microsoft Word and creating presentations in Microsoft Office PowerPoint).

Like other assistants, Clippy is implied by many users that he was annoying because he kept asking certain questions. For example, if the user writes "Dear" and then a name, Clippy will prompt the user and say, "It looks like you're writing a letter. Would you like help?" Therefore all office assistant characters were removed in Microsoft Office 2007.

The Windows Web Application Migration Assistant is an interactive PowerShell script that migrates entire websites and their configurations to Elastic Beanstalk. The migration assistant is available as an open-source project on GitHub, and can migrate entire ASP.NET applications running on .NET Framework in Windows, as well as on ASP.NET Core. Elastic Beanstalk also runs ASP.NET Core applications on Windows platform. For ASP.NET applications, you can use this tool to migrate both classic Web Forms applications, as well as ASP.NET MVC apps.

The Windows Web Application Migration Assistant allows you to migrate your database(s) during or after migration of web applications. In either case, your migrated web applications should be modified to point any connection strings to the new database endpoints. The migration assistant script also helps you to modify connection strings.

The migration assistant is a PowerShell script. Open a PowerShell window as administrator in your web server and run the MigrateIISWebsiteToElasticBeanstalk.ps1 script. Assuming you have copied the content of the GitHub package to your C: drive, launching the script looks as follows:

Having acquired access credentials, the assistant script then prompts you to enter an AWS Region. Enter the identifier of the AWS Region in which you want your migrated web application to run. If you are not sure which values can be used, check the list of available Regions using following cmdlet (in another PowerShell window):

After specifying the Region, the migration assistant script starts scanning your web server for deployed web applications. You can then choose one of the discovered web applications by entering its application number as shown in the list.

Once you enter the number of the web application that has to migrate, the assistant takes a snapshot of your environment and lists any connection strings used by your application. To update a connection string, enter its number. Optionally, you could choose Enter to skip this step, but remember to manually update connection strings, if any, before bringing the web application online.

The assistant then prompts you to update any connection strings selected above. If you choose M, you can update the string manually by editing it in the file path provided by the migration assistant. Otherwise, paste the contents of the new connection string and choose Enter.

By default, the migration assistant automatically creates an environment with a name prefixed with MigrationRun. It also creates a package containing your web application files. This package is called application source bundle. The migration assistant uploads this source bundle as a version inside the Elastic Beanstalk application.

Elastic Beanstalk automatically provisions an Amazon EC2 instance to host your web application. The default Amazon EC2 instance type is t3.medium. When the migration assistant prompts you to enter the instance type, you can choose Enter to accept the default size, or you can enter any other Amazon EC2 Instance Type. ff782bc1db

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