
I am having issues viewing my Vision windows from my Designer project (see "Windows" tree image below). Once I log in with Vision Client Launcher, select Windows it is blank with no available Windows to view (see Vision Launcher image below). I have verified in Designer that my project properties, Vision, Launching, Hide from Launcher is "Un-Checked" (see Project Properties image below). The only other thing I can think of is either, I am still on the "Trial" version and this version doesn't allow you to view through Vision Launcher, or my project started as a "Perspective" project...? The Perspective session launcher works and I can see everything on a web page from my Perspective tree. Any thoughts on the issue?

I am super new to Ignition. I spend about 5-days working with Perspective designer. I have moved to Vision as some colleagues have stated that they strictly use Vision for their SCADA. Still figuring out what will be better for my system, I am debating using both workstations and mobile devices. I have heard that Perspective was integrated for mobile reasons. I will check out the template projects in the next few days. Thanks for responding. I see you and PGriffth names on a lot of forums, really appreciate both of you responding so quickly. I do wish there was a way to show Vision windows in Perspective containers. I have not seen a post on how to do that.

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EDIT3: After some "difficult" testing, just set anaconda as your default install for Python3.4 and grab the py.exe from another install. That is all. So you can install Python3.4 from another source, uninstall it, and save the py.exe, make sure it is in the system path, and the python launcher is fully installed.

It looks like the python executable is part of the conda command if you're using Anaconda, according to their website. According to Alexander Huszagh (see his answer), the python launcher doesn't come with Anaconda python.

I don't like the auto hide launcher for it is too annoying for me. The launcher stays hidden and to reveal it, the mouse pointer has to be moved to the default hot spot. I'd instead like to have the hide to dodge windows previously available in Ubuntu 11.10. How do I change back to this behaviour?

If users encounter the dodge by moving windows againstthe launcher, then it is fine. They see that the dodge happens whenthey push the launcher away, they discover they can move the windowback and the launcher will reappear. So far so good.

Here's the problem. Most users don't discover the dodging by moving a window tillit touches the launcher. They first encounter it when they maximise awindow. So, they login to the desktop. Good. They start an app. Good.Then they maximise a window, and the launcher "disappears". To theseusers, the behaviour is deeply uncomfortable, random. And these are infact the majority of users. It also turns out that users who can workwith dodging launchers can also work perfectly well with launcherswhich always hide when not used."

I tried out the "real dodge" version, and it works so-so in my opinion. Most notably, the launcher does not "go above" active windows, but pushes them to the side, where it sometimes gets stuck (so the launcher doesn't go away again). In general, when the launcher shifts position, so does many other things on screen (e.g., icons on the desktop).

Unity 2D is the only way to have dodge in Precise out of the box. After logging in, open dconf-editor and navigate to /com/canonical/unity-2d/launcher/hide-mode and set its value to 2 (the default is 0).

The other script brings back the old style of dodging windows(almost) in that it will hide the launcher when any window is in it's(the launchers) space. The biggest limitation that I noticed is that if any window is open that is in the launcher's space, the launcher will stay hidden even if that window is minimized.

As an editorial note(read my opinion, which in worth exactly what you paid for it); These "dodge windows" question and workarounds are all over AU and the internet, I don't understand why Canonical is so married to the idea that it was a bad feature. Yes I have seen the articles about why they removed it and it seems like "thin soup" to me, obviously many user want it, and the scripts work well enough.

To give credit where it is due(I think*), I believe that @JorgeCastro wrote the first work-around script back in 12.04(the dodge maximized windows one). Thanks a bunch Jorge, this missing feature was a deal breaker for me and I was considering switching away from Unity(was considering Cinnamon but it was buggy, so you really saved me at least.)

In my testing I have found that the "Dodge Windows" script (that would nearly restore the old behavior of the dodge windows) no longer works....when it is installed, the launcher hides constantly and changing the behavior in the System Settings does not work until the script is removed.

This PEP describes a Python launcher for the Windows platform. APython launcher is a single executable which uses a number ofheuristics to locate a Python executable and launch it with aspecified command line.

This PEP specifies features of the launcher; a prototypeimplementation is provided in [3] which will be distributedtogether with the Windows installer of Python, but will also beavailable separately (but released along with the Pythoninstaller). New features may be added to the launcher aslong as the features prescribed here continue to work.

The launcher installation is registered inHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLswith a reference counter.It contains a version resource matching the version number of thepythonXY.dll with which it is distributed. Independentinstallations will overwrite older versionof the launcher with newer versions. Stand-alone releases usea release level of 0x10 in FIELD3 of the CPython release on whichthey are based.

The launcher is not tied to a specific version of Python - eg., alauncher distributed with Python 3.3 should be capable of locating andexecuting any Python 2.x and Python 3.x version. However, thelauncher binaries have a version resource that is the same as theversion resource in the Python binaries that they are released with.

The launcher will support fully-qualified paths to executables.While this will make the script inherently non-portable, it is afeature offered by Unix and would be useful for Windows users insome cases.

If no minor version qualifiers are found, the environment variablePY_PYTHON{major} (where {major} is the current major version qualifieras determined above) can be set to specify the full version. If no such optionis found, the launcher will enumerate the installed Python versions and usethe latest minor release found for the major version, which is likely,although not guaranteed, to be the most recently installed version in thatfamily.

In addition to environment variables, the same settings can be configuredin the .INI file used by the launcher. The section in the INI file iscalled [defaults] and the key name will be the same as theenvironment variables without the leading PY_ prefix (and note thatthe key names in the INI file are case insensitive.) The contents ofan environment variable will override things specified in the INI file.

The launcher offers some conveniences for Python developers workinginteractively - for example, starting the launcher with no command-linearguments will launch the default Python with no command-line arguments.Further, command-line arguments will be supported to allow a specificPython version to be launched interactively - however, these conveniencesmust not detract from the primary purpose of launching scripts and mustbe easy to avoid if desired.

It may be surprising that the launcher is installed into theWindows directory, and not the System32 directory. The reason isthat the System32 directory is not on the Path of a 32-bit processrunning on a 64-bit system. However, the Windows directory isalways on the path.

Ideally, the launcher process would execute Python directly insidethe same process, primarily so the parent of the launcher process couldterminate the launcher and have the Python interpreter terminate. If thelauncher executes Python as a sub-process and the parent of the launcherterminates the launcher, the Python process will be unaffected.

Given these considerations, the launcher will execute its command in achild process, remaining alive while the child process is executing, thenterminate with the same exit code as returned by the child. To addressconcerns regarding the termination of the launcher not killing the child,the Win32 Job API will be used to arrange so that the child process isautomatically killed when the parent is terminated (although children ofthat child process will continue as is the case now.) As this Windows APIis available in Windows XP and later, this launcher will not work onWindows 2000 or earlier.

You can install the IT Managed Launcher to a specific location by adding the /D parameter to the end of the filename. Example: ./omniverse-launcher-win-enterprise.exe /S /D="C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA Omniverse Launcher"


I'm an old KSP player and did a fresh install on a new computer today, using the installer on a windows 10 machine.

After the installation finishes, running KSP opens a launcher. Using the launch button here open a modal windows asking for admin rights. This is not expected. The installer probably did not install KSP correctly, or there is a long standing bug. Not sure what to do to fix it.

So I edited the shortcut to launch the game directly instead of using the launcher by running "KSP_x64.exe". The game launches, but graphic setting get lost when loading screen open. The graphic settings I set are properly saved in settings.cfg in the root of the game folder, but these setting gets dropped for god only knows what reason.

This is a fresh install and it looks like I will not be playing today. I'm very disappointed and would like to simply use the game rather than mess with this. 006ab0faaa

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