You can also use the copy command, with different parameters, from the Recovery Console. For more information about the recovery console, see Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE).

If /a precedes or follows a list of files on the command line, it applies to all files listed until copy encounters /b. In this case, /b applies to the file preceding /b.

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The effect of /a depends on its position in the command-line string:- If /a follows source, the copy command treats the file as an ASCII file and copies data that precedes the first end-of-file character (CTRL+Z).- If /a follows destination, the copy command adds an end-of-file character (CTRL+Z) as the last character of the file.

If /b directs the command interpreter to read the number of bytes specified by the file size in the directory. /b is the default value for copy, unless copy combines files.

If /b precedes or follows a list of files on the command line, it applies to all listed files until copy encounters /a. In this case, /a applies to the file preceding /a.

If a write operation cannot be verified, an error message appears. Although recording errors rarely occur with the copy command , you can use /v to verify that critical data has been correctly recorded. The /v command-line option also slows down the copy command, because each sector recorded on the disk must be checked.

If /y is preset in the COPYCMD environment variable, you can override this setting by using /-y at the command line. By default, you are prompted when you replace this setting, unless the copy command is executed in a batch script.

If the connection is lost during the copy phase (for example, if the server going offline breaks the connection), you can use copy /z to resume after the connection is re-established. The /z option also displays the percentage of the copy operation that is completed for each file.

If destination is a device (for example, Com1 or Lpt1), the /b option copies data to the device in binary mode. In binary mode, copy /b copies all characters (including special characters such as CTRL+C, CTRL+S, CTRL+Z, and ENTER) to the device, as data. However, if you omit /b, the data is copied to the device in ASCII mode. In ASCII mode, special characters might cause files to combine during the copying process.

If you don't specify a destination file, a copy is created with the same name, modified date, and modified time as the original file. The new copy is stored in the current directory on the current drive. If the source file is on the current drive and in the current directory and you do not specify a different drive or directory for the destination file, the copy command stops and displays the following error message:

If you specify more than one file in source, the copy command combines them all into a single file using the file name specified in destination. The copy command assumes the combined files are ASCII files unless you use the /b option.

If you combine files, the copy command marks the destination file with the current date and time. If you omit destination, the files are combined and stored under the name of the first file in the list.

I'm currently using shutil.copy2() to copy a large number of image files and folders (anywhere between 0.5 and 5 gigs). Shutil works fine, but it's so slow. I'm wondering if there is a way to pass this info over to Windows to make the copy and give me its standard transfer dialog box. You know, this guy...

Many times, my script will take about twice the time the standard windows copy takes, and it makes me nervous that my python interpreter hangs while running the copy. I run the copy process multiple times and I'm looking to cut the time down.

If your goal is a fancy copy dialog, SHFileOperation Windows API function provides that.pywin32 package has a python binding for it, ctypes is also an option (google "SHFileOperation ctypes" for examples).

You can also perform the same copy operation in "silent mode" (no dialog, no confirmationsm, no error popups) if you set the flags above to shellcon.FOF_SILENT | shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | shellcon.FOF_NOERRORUI | shellcon.FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR. See SHFILEOPSTRUCT for details.

Use ROBOCOPY if you're creating backup scripts. xcopy has been deprecated and will likely be phased out of use in the near future. robocopy can do everything xcopy can. It is also more flexible and reliable. Creating scripts with robocopy will future-proof them.

Use robocopy to easily copy folders. The robocopy command replaces the xcopy command. It can quickly copy entire folders without having to worry about defining the contents. For example, to copy all of the contents of the C:\tools directory to the new folder D:\backup\tools, enter the following:

The /e modifier tells robocopy to include all subdirectories. This includes empty folders.robocopy will automatically copy hidden and system files. It will create new directories if they don't exist at the target location.

Mirror a directory. Mirroring a directory is great for making backups. The mirror option of robocopy will copy all of the contents from the source to the destination. It will then delete anything at the destination that doesn't exist at the source. This ensures that your backup only has the latest versions of your files. For example, to mirror C:\Users\My Documents to D:\backup\My Documents, enter the following:[4]

If you want the ability to synchronise the copy and other advanced features (ignore certain folders, only include certain wildcards) then look at robocopy. Included in Vista and beyond, optional (from resource kit tools) in earlier versions.

xcopy will create the directory structure for you. Trick is to use the /I option and throw an asterisk at the end of the file name so xcopy thinks you're copying multiple files, otherwise it asks you if the target name is the file name you want, or the directory name you want. For example.

The above command creates an additional directory level with the name of the source file. So...xcopy /I srcdir\dir1\dir2\file1.txt* destdir\dir1\dir2\file1.txt results in destdir\dir1\dir2\file1.txt\file1.txt

This isn't a file conversion technique (i.e., the EXE file isn't really being converted to MSI) but instead a way to make an identical copy but with the destination file saved under a different name and inside a different folder.

For windows users, if you use (Shift + right-click) on any files in the file explorer or the desktop.

You will get a new entry in the right-click menu witch is call copy as path click on it to get the full path in the press-paper.copyaspath613510 79.8 KB

What actual Windows commands can achieve this effect? I tried xcopy and robocopy, and they do not work as desired. For example, xcopy c:\libsrc\include d:\temp\dest /s would copy contents inside include, not creating a mirrored include directory in destination folder.

/I: If Source is a directory or contains wildcards and Destination does not exist, xcopy assumes Destination specifies a directory name and creates a new directory. Then, xcopy copies all specified files into the new directory. By default, xcopy prompts you to specify whether Destination is a file or a directory.

You mention java package cache relocation in this blog, but I asume Java (maven/gradel) does (not yet?) make use of the new copy-on-link ApI. Is that correct? If so are you plan to provide Java bindings and/or integrate it with Maven?

I personally have no such plans, and am not wired into the Maven ecosystem. I simply added information for all the package managers I could think of for completeness. My hope is that copy-on-write is added as a default into the filesystem itself so that tools do not need to be upgraded individually. Or else that Maven will make use of this in the future. We will see what happens over time as Dev Drive becomes generally available later this year and as more people start using it. Notably there is a proposal to add CoW to .NET 8.

To combine files, specify a single file for the destination, but multiple files as the source. To specify more than one file use wildcards or list the files with a + in between each (file1+file2+file3).

 When copying multiple files in this way the first file must exist or else the copy will fail, a workaround for this is:

COPY null + file1 + file2 dest1

I know that the Windows copy dialog (in Windows XP) stores the copy in memory first, and it is still copying after the dialog closes, so the time is off, but why is the estimation of the time it will take to make a copy so inaccurate, even when memory copying has been disabled (in Vista and Windows 7)? It seems so arbitrary! How does the whole copy procedure work, and why can't Windows estimate it correctly?

"Because the copy dialog is just guessing. It can't predict the future, but it is forced to try. And at the very beginning of thecopy, when there is very little history to go by, the prediction canbe really bad.

File copying is the same thing. The shell knows how many files and howmany bytes are going to be copied, but it doesn't know know how fastthe hard drive or network or internet is going to be, so it just hasto guess. If the copy throughput changes, the estimate needs to changeto take the new transfer rate into account."

Because the copy dialog is just guessing. It can't predict the future,but it is forced to try. And at the very beginning of the copy, whenthere is very little history to go by, the prediction can be reallybad. 2351a5e196

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