The circular arrows over the OneDrive or OneDrive for work or school notification icons signify that sync is in progress. This includes when you are uploading files, or OneDrive is syncing new files from the cloud to your PC.

If you see a yellow warning triangle over your OneDrive or OneDrive for work or school icon, it means your account needs attention. Select the icon to see the warning message displayed in the activity center.

Windows 7 File Explorer Icon Download

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If you see a "people" icon next to your OneDrive files or folders, this indicates the file or folder has been shared with other people. If there's a line under the sharing icon, it means that the file is on the device.

Like many of the finer things in life, File Explorer has gotten better with age. To check it out in Windows 10, select its icon on the taskbar or the Start menu, or press the Windows logo key + E on your keyboard.

When using (Windows) File Explorer to browse the contents of a folder, the icon changes to match the icon of the current folder. In most folders, this icon is a little image of a manila folder, however for special folders, it is a different icon. For example, when viewing the "Music" folder, the icon becomes a musical note.

Unfortunately the icon changes not only in the Explorer window's title bar, but also in its tab on the Taskbar. Is there a way to disable this behavior and keep the icon for all Explorer windows the same?

I had the windows file explorer folder icon pinned to my taskbar with grouping of windows always enabled, but when I would open a window with the pinned icon, it would show another icon that would change when I navigated to desktop or downloads.

I fixed it by trying to pin the additional icon that was showing up as the desktop or downloads icon. It immediately changed back to the windows folder icon. Then I removed my first pinned shortcut and did testing to confirm. Seems to be working.

In Windows Explorer, the View > Small icons gives 16x16 icons which are too small. The View > Medium icons option, however, gives 64x64 icons which are way too big and quite ugly and pixellated.

After I commit files, the icons stay on either modified or waiting for commit for a long time. Is there any way to force a refresh to ensure that the icon that I am seeing is the correct state of the file?

Disadvantage: Since only one folder is cached, the overlays don't show the status recursively. For big working copies, it can take more time to show a folder in explorer than with the default cache. Also the mime-type column is not available.

I'm not sure if this is exactly related to your issue but I have found TortoiseSVN can sometimes be quite slow when dealing with repositories that have a lot of files in them. This manifests itself in the tsvncache.exe process taking up a lot of memory. The tsvncache.exe process scans files and folders and associates the familiar icons with them to denote changed/ignored etc. files.

Create an empty text file in the folder you wish for the icons to refresh in by right clicking and selecting "New" --> "Text Document". The icons should magically refresh. Delete the empty text file after of course.

If you want to check if you comitted everything, there is the "svn check for modifications" menu option. If you press F5 there it will update and show you the truth. If it annoys you that the folder icons are out of date, you can turn the icons off.

Windows' "refresh" (F5) mostly works for me (OK, I press it obsessively, too), but sometimes a window doesn't have any icon overlays at all. In these cases, "Cleanup" doesn't help either, no matter which options I choose, including "Refresh Shell Overlays".

I had a similar problem. I'v created a new branch and afterwards checked out to a new working copy. The new working copy didn't have the icon overlays as it should. Nothing showed up. Only after killing the TSVNCache.exe process via the Windows task manager, did the icons appear correctly.

Go to the directory under which you want the icons to be updated. Right click on that directory with your mouse and in the SVN context explorer menu select 'cleanup' and then press F5. It should refresh all SVN icons under that directory for you. It did for me.

I work on a huge project with thousands of files and a SVN 'cleanup' is very fast on my computer so I do it at the root level for the most part, thus refreshing all icons. For slower computers without much memory a full cleanup for a big project might take a while. In that case you can refresh just the directory you need.

So... of all these answers/tricks/solutions, honestly all you have to do is switch to another pre-existing branch using the dropdown - right click > Git Branch, then switch back to the branch you were working on in order to see the status icons updated. Voila!

Since Dropbox recently limited free accounts to three devices I had to delete it from my desktop PC and a laptop. The deletion from the laptop went OK. The deletion from the desktop (Windows 10) occurred, but left a sort of transparent document icon in File Explorer. See screen snap. I can't delete this, even after a reboot. If I right click on the icon there is no delete option, nor can I use the delete key if I click on it - nothing happens. Any ideas on how to force a deletion? It seems to be a shortcut type link that points to the now deleted dropbox folder on the C drive.

I found a fix by using regedit to search the registry for the string "c:\users\peter\dropbox". If you use this, obviously the string would be the name that is in the Properties dialog box of your ghost system folder icon. It found one entry, "under" a clsid. See screen shot below. I searched for the string that is the clsid (the thing between curly braces), and found it in several places. One of them was here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{E31EA727-12ED-4702-820C-4B6445F28E1A} That contained these values:

I figured from the other data similar to it in the registry that it is where file explorer finds the info it uses to display these icons over to the left. For example, the value right above that reg entry is similar and has "data" = "Onedrive", which is another icon in file explorer. I deleted the key and the ghost icon is gone. Now, since the clsid appears in other places in the registry I likely have some leftover, useless data, but I hope it is not harmful.

Thanks, no I have not found a solution. I am pretty sure it is a registry issue, but I have no idea how to fix it. I suppose I could reset the Windows OS back to factory config and then let it update, but that is probably too much of a hassle when I can just leave this ghost icon there.

Hi everyone, just want to say many thanks to proxima5 for this solution, copying the DLL to the previous name WD_MYCLOUD_2_2_0.dll in system32 solved the Windows Explorer blank icon display of my WD MyCloud 2TB. Amazing tip. Running Windows 7 x64 SP1 etc.

File Explorer is the default file management application which comes bundled with every modern version of Windows. It allows the user to perform all basic file operations like copy, move, delete, rename and so on. Windows 10 Build 18298 introduces a new File Explorer icon.

In Windows 10 build 10158, Microsoft mixed the updated icon from build 10130 with the "old" icon from build 9926, so the resulting icon had the shape of the icon from build 9926, however, it had the colors and size from build 10130's Explorer icon:

While the icon was good for blending in with Universal apps in the Start menu, most users seem to have sent negative feedback about this new icon. So, in Windows 10 build 14352, the previous colorful icon has made its return:

Finally, Windows 10 Build 18298, that represents the upcoming version Windows 10 "19H1", comes with an updated File Explorer icon with a darker yellow color. It is less flat, looks more like a classic 3D icon.

Windows Vista had the same File Explorer icon as Windows 7 and 8.1. I think the reason you remember it much differently, was because the User Document Library Icons had Green Glass Folders (Regular folders were still yellow) in Windows Vista. They were then changed to Yellow solid ones in 7.

The changes from Windows 10 to Windows 11 will be received well by most of my clients, because there are so many lists of text beautifully laid out, particularly in the Settings App, but many of my clients who "read all the text on their screen" before feeling confident to click or tap a button, will find the difference between the clear ribbon/toolbar buttons in Windows 10 File Explorer to the minimalistic Windows 11 File Explorer icons extremely confusing and frustrating.

This is really backward recession by microsoft. A lot of people have aphantasia (they do not have a minds eye) and the images are just useless. I would only use text labels if they were available. Please, please, please microsoft bring back the text options (or at least the labels). Currently I have a printed version with the icons and have to match them manually to click everytime. Please bring back text labels. This has rendered other apps useless for me as well (like the screen snipper)

After upgrading to v2, the small icon on the thumbnail in the windows explorer next to the .afphoto files has disappeared. If I have turned off showing file extensions, I don't know which is a .afphoto project and which is a .jpg photo, because both thumbnails are the same. Is it an update or windows problem? Yesterday, before the update, the icons were still there.

Thank you, I already have that done but this doesnt help me as I like to view files by looking at the large icon view so I can quickly see what design it is I am looking at so it is super frustrating for me. I hope there is a fix for this. ff782bc1db

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