Now insert the Windows 2000 Professional CD and reboot your computer. The first menu will now appear, it will say "Press any key to boot from CD...." at this point press the space bar on the computer. Now the Windows 2000 setup will begin (This is needed for the repair process)Now the Windows 2000 Pro setup menu. Press "R" to continue. Now the repair options will appear, press "R" again.Now select "F" for fast repair.As you have no ERD disk press "L" and try and let Windows fix itself.Windows will detect the installation needing repaired, press "ENTER" again to continue.Setup will now examine your system, and perform all repairs.Once finished you will have to reboot.You will get the following message if you left the Windows 2000 CD in the drive. Do nothing, as it will go away in a few seconds.Windows will begin to load...and load....and load....and with any luck you will get the login screen. Input your username and password and click "OK"Next you should see the desktop. THE END  

Before you begin to make a Windows 2000 Emergency RepairDisk, make sure that you have a high-density floppy diskavailable. Since floppy disks can fail unexpectedly, you shouldprobably make more than one Emergency Repair Disk. Follow these steps:

Windows 2000 Emergency Repair Disk Download


A Microsoft Windows Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) is a specially formatted diskette that creates backups of important system files and settings and is used to troubleshoot and repair problems in Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems. An ERD is used in conjunction with the Windows repair option. The Emergency Repair Disk provides only the ability to restore the system to a bootable state. It is not a replacement for system and file backups.[1] Note: The emergency repair disk is not to be confused with a standard boot diskette as it cannot be used alone.

Unlike the ERD in Windows NT 4.0, the Windows 2000 ERD does not store registry information. Rather, Windows creates a copy of registry files in the \Winnt\Repair\RegBack directory when the ERD is created.[2] The ERD is not bootable. The original Windows NT or Windows 2000 setup disks need to be used to boot the computer. From there, choosing the option to repair the system will prompt the user for the ERD.[3]

Microsoft Windows operating system (OS) installation disks (beginning with Windows 2000) include the Recovery Console, which allows the user to perform administrative operations on services, drives, and local data.[6]

This problem may occur if the basic input/output system (BIOS) on your computer is outdated, or if one or more of the following Windows boot files are missing or damaged:



To resolve this issue, verify that the BIOS on your computer is current, and then use one or more of the following methods, as appropriate to your situation, to repair the Windows 2000 startup environment.

Modify the Boot.ini file to point to the correct hard disk controller and to the correct volume for your Windows installation. For more information about how to create a boot disk, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

311578 How to edit the Boot.ini file in Windows 2000

Press the DOWN ARROW to select Continue (perform selected tasks), and then press ENTER. The following message appears:

You need an Emergency Repair disk for the Windows 2000

installation you want to repair.

Swimpy ;) RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 Swimpy (IS/IT--Management)3 Jul 03 05:18Try reinstalling a new windows 2k installation on the primary partition and back up all files on all partitions and repartition your drives.

An crc error is quite a severe error. Swimpy ;) RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 drkestrel (MIS)(OP)3 Jul 03 05:50My Primary partition is my c:\ DOS Partition, which is a mere 10MB partition.

I can't resize my d: or f: (because of the CRC error). I could delete it and reformat it, but I would lose my data if I do that!

Could I install Win2K on g: (temporarily) to allow me to copy d:\document and settings to h:\ before trashing g:\ and d:\ and reinstalling win2K on d:\ ? RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 wolluf (TechnicalUser)3 Jul 03 07:23You could install 2k on another partition temporarily (or even in the same partition - use a different system folder, ie, not \winnt. This is known as parallel installation, often sugested for data recovery.

You could also try a repair reinstall - if install process recognises your 2k installation. For this, boot from 2k CD, choose new install (NOT repair options). It will then look for existing installations & if it finds any, offer to repair (type R). If this happens, accept the repair. Otherwise quit the install (or install your alternative version elsewhere). Repair should leave apps, data & settings intact, but will lose windows updates.

On the recovery console - how long did you wait at the screen you detail above. It can take a while for it to find the installation(s) and prompt user to select one. RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 drkestrel (MIS)(OP)3 Jul 03 19:05I now managed to use the "Recovery Console". I would rather not install Win2K in spare partition, because I don't think doing so would leave me with enough free space to back up data prior to trashing d:\ and f:\ for reinstallation.

Problems though

1) I did a chkdsk /r /p d:, after reboot, I went further than last time, but still complained a file under \winnt\system32\config is corrupted. What could I do?

2) I consider "replacing" the corrupted files but

2.1) How could I use the Recovery Console 'expand' command to extract files from the Win2K CD?? How could I access my CD ROM from the Recovery console

2.2) typing cd winnt results in Access is Denied error. When Recovery Console starts up, it didn't ask me for my Administrator password. How could I force it to accept one? RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 drkestrel (MIS)(OP)3 Jul 03 19:14Btw, chkdsk d: /r /p does NOT found any Bad Sector, even though it did appear to recover \winnt\system32\config\system and \winnt\system32\config\system.alt

Confused what is going wrong! RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 drkestrel (MIS)(OP)4 Jul 03 03:45For same reason, when booting up it's complaining \WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEMced is missing or corrupt now?

This file isn't even on a normal Win2K Built. I checked using Recovery Console both SYSTEM and SYSTEM.ALT are present.

IF my system proves to be unrecoverable, would installing Windows NT4 on my spare partition by good enough for data recovery purposes (NT4 is preferable because it takes 1GB) RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 wolluf (TechnicalUser)4 Jul 03 05:31drkestrel - NT4 should be fine for data recovery, as it can access the NTFS filestore (and in fact can install in c. 100MB). You asked earlier 

Have you tried the repair reinstall I mentioned earlier?

The type of errors you are getting are often caused by hardware faults - I know problem started with Norton Personal Firewall - but did you have any issues prior to that?

The fact that Recovery Console isn't asking for a password is odd - perhaps the corruption in the registry files is causing that (presume you do have a password on Administrator user..). btw, You should be able to manipulate files/folders in \winnt in Recovery console (eg, back up \WINNT\system32\config\system and replace it with system.alt or \WINNT\repair\RegBack\system - if you've backed up registry, or \WINNT\repair\system - which is copy of original when first installed - this one probably no good) RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 drkestrel (MIS)(OP)4 Jul 03 07:04I have had no problems with my PC whatsoever prior to this.

I do have an Administrator password for Windows 2000, and fortunately on the second pass of CHKDSK, I did manage to get into \winnt\system32\config and I could see the SYSTEM and SYSTEM.ALT file. No clues what SYSTEMced is.

Quite strangely, CHKDSK D: /R /P did NOT report any bad sectors or anything unusual, except that the CHKDSK from REcovery Console does seem to take much longer than the CHKDSK invoked from Windows 2000 (which get run when on next restarts). I would be extremely disappointed and surpsied if Norton Firewall messed up my OS/HDD. Btw, CHKDSK does report some freespace (100MB +) on my D:\ despite Partition MAgic 6.0 thinking that I have no unused space.

Not too sure what the problem is although it would be preferable to avoid re-installing everything! It would be nice if there are shareware/freeware that allows me to burn CDRW from the Recovery Console .

I wonder whether the CHKDSK from Recovery Manager is any different from Windows 2000's or WinNT4's. RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 wolluf (TechnicalUser)4 Jul 03 07:33Recovery console's chkdsk is different - it has less options, but still fully functional.

 =8 - has some detail about SYSTEMced errors - might be useful.

I keep saying it - but what about repair reinstall (should leave data, apps, settings intact, loses windows updates) - described in my first post in this thread?

PS. This forum (and others) have many posts which begin, I've just installed Norton blah blah and now my machine won't boot.... (or similar) - so I tend to avoid using their software (though I do use Ghost). RE: Cannot repair Windows 2000 drkestrel (MIS)(OP)4 Jul 03 20:30Windows2000 set up won't let me do a manual repair without a emergency disk!!

wolluf, your link on SYSTEMced is useful. Following the first steps, at least I get Windows 2000 to get pass all the progress bar in the black screen, progressed to the more colourful Windows 2000 screen. It did a CHKDSK on my f:\ and found 30KB of bad sector and then after reboot and the colourful starting Win2K screen shown again suddently a blue screen is shown for 0.5 second and the PC reboots!

The blue screen was too quick for me to catch

but when I go into Recovery Console again, disabling literally all Services except those appears to do with Logica Disk Manager, IDE, Hard disk drivers, etc. I get a blue screen saying





What could I do (to boot up Win2K) to recover data.

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