When troubleshooting basic Start issues (and for the most part, all other Windows apps), there are a few things to check if they aren't working as expected. For issues where the Start menu or subcomponent isn't working, you can do some quick tests to narrow down where the issue may reside.

If either component is failing to start on boot, reviewing the event logs for errors or crashes during boot may pin point the problem. Booting with MSCONFIG and using a selective or diagnostic startup option will eliminate and/or identify possible interference from additional applications.

Windows 11 Start Menu Download

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If Background Tasks Infrastructure Service fails to start, verify that the Power Dependency Coordinator Driver (PDC) driver and registry key aren't disabled or deleted. If either are missing, restore from backup or the installation media.

If a user is having problems with a PC, it can be refreshed, reset, or restored. Refreshing the PC is a beneficial option because it maintains personal files and settings. When users have trouble starting the PC, "Change PC settings" in Settings isn't accessible. So, to access the System Refresh, users may use the F12 key at startup. Refreshing the PC finishes, but Start Menu is not accessible.

In Windows 7, I could click on the start menu, then right-click on "All Program" and I would get a menu that popped up saying "Open All Users" and then a Windows Explorer windows would open up with all my start menu items and I could rename them to whatever I wish. How do I do this in Windows 10?

To open the Start Menu shortcuts folder you can open "Run", write "shell:start menu" and hit Enter. Then you can rename the shortcut you want to rename or add another one. However this still didn't do the trick for me, so if the name doesn't change try right-clicking the shortcut, go to "Properties" and change the "Comment:" property with the new name, this did it for me.

Hi tried these settings and still there, i also gone through the WEM settings and in advanced - cleanup actions I have also disabled Delete Start menu shortcuts / Pinned shortcuts in case this meant by rebuilding the menu it saw them as new again, but still have the 'new' tag

After updating Adobe Premiere, whenever I close the application my Start menu, Action Center, Microsoft Store and Settings cease to open or respond. Only work around I found was ending the process for Adobe Premiere from task manager. I'm going to try to restart hopefully that solves the issue entirely.

Stardock will be closed for the holidays starting on December 25th and we will be returning on January 2nd. We will be monitoring support tickets and forums during this time but expect delays in responses during this time.

Hello, KB5026446 update just came out and it seems to have broken the start 11 start menu. Regular Windows menu now pops up when pressing the Windows key instead of start 11. Already checked my settings and reinstalled the app, but no luck. Start 11 start menu still shows up when clicking on the start menu icon, it just shows the regular Windows start menu when I press the Windows key. I believe it may be fixed on the next start11 update?

Updating my desktop to 1.45 and rebooting still results in the Windows menu appearing when pressing the Windows key instead of Start 11 menu. Clicking Start button opens Start11 menu as expected. Win 22H2 (22621.1778) Full disclosure, my "vintage" Northgate keyboard creates a pseudo Windows key from Right-Cntrl using Smartkeys, but it has worked flawlessly throughout Start 8, 10, and 11 until this past couple of days. Malfunction was observed in 1.43, 1.44, and now 1.45.

Quoting cuelph, reply 4

Updating my desktop to 1.45 and rebooting still results in the Windows menu appearing when pressing the Windows key instead of Start 11 menu. Clicking Start button opens Start11 menu as expected. Win 22H2 (22621.1778) Full disclosure, my "vintage" Northgate keyboard creates a pseudo Windows key from Right-Cntrl using Smartkeys, but it has worked flawlessly throughout Start 8, 10, and 11 until this past couple of days. Malfunction was observed in 1.43, 1.44, and now 1.45.

Thanks, you've helped me fix my setup. I was in fact using a remapped *right* win key and it was the latest win update that caused the problem. Rolling back the Windows update restored the functionality (for both remapped left and right win keys) and going forward again broke them again. Fortunately, by running the Sharpkeys (randyrants.com) utility *after* the Windows update (and with Start installed) apparently rewrote the registry mappings over whatever Windows did and now the left win key is calling up the Start 11 menu (no longer the right win key however). Thanks again, and I also can confirm Start 11 fixes the menu problem for me.

I have tried logging out, restarting, uninstalling 3.9 (so there are no current versions of python), and restarting Cortana in task manager. An old post on Microsoft recommended renaming this file: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy on reboot, but I don't believe this file exists anymore. I would have just ignored it, but it seems to conflict with 3.9.

I have had this same problem. I cannot get version 3.8 to get off the start window, however, I have resolved the conflict. I first, after uninstalling 3.8 normally, I found the leftover files (the manual) in the C:\Users\CHfar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python pathway. I deleted all the 3.8 files. I also uninstalled python 3.9.1.

To check to see if everything was correct I typed in 'env' into the search at the windows start button and clicked on edit environment variables for your account. I went to Path and clicked Edit. Make sure the python pathways are at the top.

I installed DCS World and all modules (which includes BS2 upgrade from BS1). All of my Windoews (windows 7) starmenu items were there including "check for updates" which was great. However, when I uninstalled BS1, all of my DCS start menu items dissappeared. This seems to be a bug.

At the business where I work, we have had a few machines have an issue. Following a Windows Update and reboot, the start menu stops working and Office 365 desktop applications start to play up. By stops working I mean the start menu won't open and by play up I mean the O365 desktop apps will no longer activate, or if they do open then they don't work properly - such as Outlook gets stuck asking for the password. Have any of you faced this before?

We have lets say 500 machines and this has happened to approx 1% of the machines. The users that it has happened to have different makes and models of laptop, different sets of software and work at different geographical locations. However they all use Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 365 Desktop apps from our E3/E5 license.

When the issue occurs it only happens to the specific user profile. If you log in to the machine as another user, then the start menu works OK and the Microsoft Office apps behave normally, and activate OK. Therefore whatever issue or corruption happens, it is specific Windows user profile on the machine.

I have looked at other articles and tried a whole host of fixes, such as running Powershell commands to reinstall the start menu, restart Windows Explorer, repair MS office, DISM restore health, SFC and the humble reboot. None of these have fixed the issue. 

The workaround is to just delete the user profile from the machine and then re-create the user profile by getting them to login again. This fixes the issue 100% of the time. It is just not the best practice for us to keep doing this, now that it is not a blip of 1 or 2 users. 

We are going to do some work to identify which updates may have caused this, but I can't find anyone online who has had this same experience in the past 6 months. However if anyone can share their experience with this, that would be great - it can't just be me!

Could you boot one of these units to safe mode, and see if you have the same issue with the start button? At least this might help you rule-out third-party start-up services having conflict with the updates.

option 4 of -adventures-of-the-broken-store-apps-across-the-8th-s-1-15-2-1/ Opens a new window is indeed the solution for the start menu not working, it's a registry hyve permission issue and can be solved by putting permissions in on the user shell folders for all application packages and give it read permission.

in fact, yes. here! Today our servicedesk was reporting a unusual large numbers of "broken start menu" issues. The fix we know about, which was posted above, still works though. The sudden larger number of reported issues in our company is strange though.

Creating this will still require elevated admin rights. But any future updates to the source in C:\ptc\startup_scripts_3 will not, and the contents will be visible an accessible as if they existed under C:\ProgramData\...

There are several different ways to get to the Settings app. You can either press the Windows key and the letter I at the same time, or click the Start button and click the Settings gear icon in the Pinned apps section. Another option is to open the Start menu and start typing "Settings." There are, of course, other ways to get there, but I think you get the point.

One of the most important features in Windows 10 is the Start menu. You'll use the Start menu to open apps, access commonly used folders, and a whole lot more. Because it's such a commonly used feature, you may want to customize the Start menu to suit your needs.

In earlier versions of Windows, such as Windows 7, the Start menu was confined to a narrow column. In Windows 8, the Start menu was replaced with the Start screen, a large, full-screen menu.

However, many users complained that the Start screen was confusing and difficult to use. As a result, the Start menu was added back to Windows 10. And while it's similar to the Start menu found in earlier versions, it's also been expanded to include tiles, which were originally introduced in Windows 8. 


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