JOHN ROBBINS has nice article around it, See that Microsoft symbol servers are configured in symbol file path and run !analyze -v on windbg prompt, this will do the trick it will download relevant sos files. To verify run .chain on the prompt and you will see the loaded dll.

You can use the Windows debuggers (WinDbg, CDB, and NTSD) to debug target applications that contain managed code. To debug managed code, you must load the SOS debugging extension (sos.dll) and a data access component (mscordacwks.dll).

Windbg Sos.dll Download


For version 1.x of the .NET Framework, sos.dll is not included in the .NET Framework installation. To get sos.dll for .NET Framework 1.x, download the 32-bit version of Windows 7 Debugging Tools for Windows.

When you use .cordll to load the DAC, the SOS debugging extension (sos.dll) might get loaded automatically. If sos.dll doesn't get loaded automatically, you can use one of these commands to load it.

In the preceding output, you can see that the debugger first looked for mscordacwks.dll and sos.dll on the local computer in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET and in the symbol cache (C:\ProgramData\dbg\sym). When the debugger did not find the correct versions of the files on the local computer, it retrieved them from the public symbol server.

In this post i want to write about using windbg and sos.dll. I often have the problem that there is a bug at a client system and the only chance to debug it is windbg (with sos.dll). Every time i do so i have to search in many posts and forums to get all the information i need. So in this post i want to summerize the things you need to do find a bug in a .net 4 application with windbg. First of all the are a x86 and a x64 version of windbg (to find out what version you need read Choosing the 32-Bit or 64-Bit Debugging Tools). The next step is to download the windows sdk. The actual version is this one (windows sdk). After installing the sdk you can start the windbg.exe (the good thing is that you can copy the windbg.exe to every client system and start immediately with the debugging). Most of the time i have a scenario where there is a bug in the application on that specific client system and i need to find where the bug is. To do so there are several steps:

If you get no error from windbg every thing is ok.When i use windbg most of the time i search for Exceptions that occur in the client application. When i have found the exception that occurs i have a clue where i have to search in my source code to find the bug. So i want that windbg stops the execution of the client application if the client application rises an exception. To do so i use Debug -> Event Filter and search for CLR exceptions and put the value Execution at Enabled. That means that windbg stops at every CLR exception.After all that work is doen we can realy start to find the bug. To do so we need some sos commands. We need:

This are the commandos i use to find the bug in the application. A list of all sos.dll commands is shown at the msdn.

Now i want to show how i use this commands to find information that gives me a hint to the code that produces the bug. To do so i have implemented a simple program that raises Exceptions in the actual thread and in a different thread.

!DumpIL 00146be4

ilAddr = 00102050

IL_0000: nop

IL_0001: newobj WinformsWindbgApplication.WindbgCustomException::.ctor

IL_0006: throw

Here we see the creation of the WindbgCustomException object and the throw of that exception object. If the exception is raised in another thread sometimes windbg does not jump to the correct thread, so we have to find the thread and make that thread the active thread.

or the one provided by the customer into the same directory of the memory dump. Then in the memory dump console I enter .load D:\path\sos.dll which loads the debug extension. Once the extension is loaded I can execute the extension methods.

The SOS (Son of Strike)[13] Debugging Extension (SOS.dll) assists in debugging managed programs in Visual Studio and WinDbg by providing information about the internal common language runtime (CLR) environment. This tool requires a project to have unmanaged debugging enabled. SOS.dll is automatically installed with the .NET Framework. To use SOS.dll in Visual Studio, install the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).[14] To debug a process or memory dump, the sos.dll version must match the .NET Framework version. Psscor2 and Psscor4 are a superset of SOS.

In addition to being able to debug unmanaged code, .NET code, and .NET code in unmanaged code, you can also use WinDBG to debug Silverlight code. As it turns out, when you install Silverlight, sos.dll is installed in your %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Silverlight\2.0.31005.0\sos.dll folder (or on a 64-bit system, %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Silverlight\2.0.31005.0\sos.dll). Just attach your debugger to the unmanaged browser to debug the managed Silverlight application.

SOS debugging extension is the primary tool in this post, it helps us to inspect the internal CLR environment. SOS.dllis installed by default with the .NET framework. If there is managed thread in the process, windbg will load SOS, ifnot you can load it by:

This is all fine but is not quite what I expected to see and leads onto the issue with using SOS. As you can see, SOS is supposedly loaded by the above command but normal SOS commands/invocations still will not work. The above DLLs gave me some clue to what was going on here and when I looked to see where this mrt100dac_winarm_x86.dl was located it led me to find the SOS DLL. In my environment, everything can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\.NetNative\arm and I can see here a DLL named mrt100sos.dll and a few variants thereof. So it looks as if there is a special distribution of SOS for the Universal platform, which makes sense.

The version of the clr on my computer doesn't match that loaded by the process running on the server. One way around this is to copy sos.dll and all msc*.dll files from the server's C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework64\v2.0.50727 (or equivalent, depending upon windows location and framework version) into a local folder and then load sos with the following: ".load C:\DllsFromServer\SOS.dll". I must admit, I think I came upon the set of files to load through some trial and error rather than comprehending the full depth of the issue. But it's worked each time I've encountered the issue so far! :)

I confess that I'm not an experienced user of windbg, so I google how to catch memory issues using windbg. There's a ton of information out there. The problem is that I didn't found a guide on how to do it with a .net core application.

Yesterday our issue tracking software was hanging and the vendor was not responding to our ticket requsts (They are nine hours ahead of us). The application is a .NET application so I decided to capture a crash dump and dive in with windbg. I have a love/hate relationship with windbg. I love it because it provides a vast wealth of informationvirtually telling me EVERYTHING thats going on with my process. It has saved my behind several times. I hate it because I don't use it frequently enough to have all of the cryptic commands memorized and often have to relearn and reresearch the commands I need to use in order to solve my problem. Windbg is not for the faint of heart. There is no drag and drop here. But if you have an app bugging out on a production server and don't want to attach a debuger to it, windbg is the tool for you.

A word of caution is in order: windbg is a pain to use. At least that has been my experience. There is almost no documentation included and the commands are very unintuitive, and this is compounded by the fact that you (hopefully) rarely use it.

The first step is to setup the symbols, so you can see method names, instead of addresses. The second will use the CoreCLR SOS dll (note, if you have different versions, you might need to get the sos.dll from the machine that the user is running along with the dump). And finally you are reloading the symbols (this will be slow on the first time).

sos.dll: shortfor Sonof Strike, this library contains WinDbg .NET extensioncommands. By utilizing mscordacwks.dll (and by natively inspecting thedump), these SOS commands query and interpret CLR data structures andsurface those in a digestible format. Without mscordacwks.dll andsos.dll, we'd be looking at CLR data structures as they're layed outin memory.

Because CLR internals, and by implication the SOS commands, aresubject to change with new runtime versions, specific versions ofmscordacwks.dll and sos.dll ship with each runtime. Thus, collectmscordacwks.dll and sos.dll from the .NET framework folder andtogether with w3wp.dmp copy these files to the C:\debug\w3wp-sp2007folder on the WinDbg machine.

What .cordll does is search locations, including thepublic Microsoft symbol server, for the DLLs (WinDbg prints/hides thepaths searched through the !sym noisy/!symquiet commands). Activating noisy output, we can tell that forthis version of the CLR the DLLs aren't on the symbol server, and wesee failed attempts at locatingmscordacwks_AMD64_AMD64_2.0.50727.4253.dll before it's finallylocated. Then WinDbg starts looking forsos_AMD64_AMD64_2.0.50727.4253.dll but cannot locate it. The outputindicates that we should rename sos.dll tosos_AMD64_AMD64_2.0.50727.4253.dll and rerun.cordll -ve -u -l.

An Azure App Service supportsmemorydumping without terminating the process throughKudu. Furthermore, Kudu enablesnavigating the App Service's file system todownloadsos.dll and mscordacwks.dll. At this point the dump is ready tobe loadedinto WinDbg, like any other dump of a .NET process.

At this point, we'll assume that the dump is ready to be loadedinto WinDbg. From the output below, we see that WinDbg ships withappropriate versions of sos.dll and mscordacwks.dll, rather thanloading the ones we supplied. Process uptime is reported at close to25 days. From later analysis of visits we know that for about 21 ofthose the consumer hasn't been operational: e24fc04721

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