Wimmer Lab
Computational Neuroscience @ CRM

Research focus

We study the dynamics of cortical microcircuits, that is ensembles of hundreds or thousands of neurons in the cerebral cortex. Using a combination of computational modeling and analysis of neuronal and behavioral data we address the question of "How do cortical networks compute?"

CNS group

The Computational Neuroscience Unit at the CRM is a joint effort of Alex Roxin, Alex Hyafil and Klaus Wimmer.

Research in the Wimmer Lab

We study neural circuit dynamics underlying cognitive function. In particular, we work on developing computational models of cortical circuits to shed light on the neural network dynamics underlying an animal's behavior during elementary cognitive tasks such as working memory and perceptual decision making. Modelling efforts are complemented by analysis of typically high-dimensional neural data obtained by collaborators (e.g. simultaneous recordings from large populations of neurons or human neuroimaging data) involving state-of-the-art statistical and machine learning tools.

We are member of the Barccsyn community and the Spanish network of Clinical Systems Neuroscience.

Contact info:

Centre de Recerca MatemĂ tica

Campus de Bellaterra, Edifici C

E-08193 Bellaterra - Barcelona


Tel.: +34 935 868 515

Email: kwimmer@crm.cat

Open positions

If you are interested in joining the lab (for a Master's, PhD, or Postdoc project) please contact Klaus for further info.