Wilson Middle School

Health Office

            Hours: 8:15 - 3:00

Phone: 619-362-3400 ext 3050/3051

Fax: 619-362-3474

Your School Nurse is:  Joyce Peterson RN MSN

Registered Credentialed School Nurse, Public Health Nurse

Your Health Technician is:  Mary Torres

Ms. Mary makes many of our phone calls. She speaks Spanish and English.

Email:  mtorres10@sandi.net 

If the nurse or health tech are not available during school hours, please contact:

Cluster Coordinator:  Lisa Olmos RN MSN

Email:  aolmos@sandi.net

Office: (619) 584-4344

Mobile: (619) 988-6878

Website: Crawford/Hoover Nurse Cluster Coordinator

Information Links

SAY San Diego: https://www.saysandiego.org/   

Mid-City Resource Center (619) 283-9624

UPAC (Union of Pan Asian Communities):  https://www.upacsd.com/about/ (619) 232-6454

Access and Crisis Line: 988

It's Up to Us: Up2SD - It's Up to Us San Diego

Teen Guide to Mental Health and Wellness

Teen Line Online http://www.teenlineonline.org  (800) 852-8336

Immunization Requirements (English):


Immunization Requirements (Spanish):


Immunization Clinic Schedule - County Health Department:




