About me
In Autumn 2023, I am on the market for PhD programs starting Autumn 2024.
Hello! My name is Will, I'm a first-generation college student, and my goal is to work in academia as a mathematician, pursuing my passion for mathematical research, teaching, and outreach. I am mainly interested in the intersection of probability, combinatorics, statistical physics, and algorithm design.
I am currently an Exponent Fellow at the National Museum of Mathematics in New York City. I was an undergraduate at the University of Washington, Seattle, near my hometown of Everett, WA, and received my Bachelor of Science with Honors in Mathematics in Spring 2023. Before transferring to UW to take graduate-level mathematics courses in 2021, I was an undergraduate at Carleton College, a small liberal arts school in Northfield, Minnesota.
In Summer 2022, I was a participant in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor REU, working in analytic number theory with Nicholas Rome.
In Winter/Spring 2022, I was a participant in the eCHT Kan Seminar. As President of the Husky Math Club, I started and co-organized Husky Math Talks.
In Autumn 2021, I participated virtually in the Math in Moscow program.
In Summer 2020, I was briefly a visiting student at Columbia University.
In Summer 2020 and Summer 2021, I participated in the Polymath Jr. REU, first in the group of Professor Adam Sheffer (CUNY Baruch College), and then in the group of Professor Ben Brubaker (UMN Twin Cities).
Earlier on in my undergraduate career, I took advanced neuroscience and computer science courses before deciding to leave these fields to pursue pure mathematics. Back then, I also interned at New York's Brookhaven National Laboratory as a scientific software development intern and Decryption Capital, a hedge fund based in Chicago, as an analyst.
Feel free to contact me at wdudarov [at] uw [dot] edu.
Future Travel/Conferences:
I will be participating in the Notre Dame Summer School on p-adic L-functions and Eigenvarieties in late May/early June.
I will be giving a 2-week-long course on random matrix theory and number theory through the University of Texas, Austin's Summer Mini-Courses.
Recent Travel/Conferences/Service/Talks:
I was at Anabelian Days Down IN Georgia (ADDING) at the University of Georgia, Athens, from April 30 - May 1, 2022.
I gave a talk on some of Henri Darmon's work at the Bhaskaracharya Pratishthana Trimester on Modularity and Generalized Fermat's Equation on April 23, 2022.
I gave a talk at Joint Mathematics Meetings, on April 7, 2022. Another talk had to be cancelled since the special session hosting it was cancelled during the shift to an online JMM.
I gave a talk at the University of Notre Dame Graduate Student Seminar on April 14, 2022.
I was a virtual participant in the Arizona Winter School 2022 - Automorphic Forms Beyond GL2 in early March, 2022.
In January 2022 I became President of the University of Washington, Seattle's Husky Math Club, after becoming an Officer in Fall 2021. In April 2022, I co-organized the first Integration Bee at the University of Washington, Seattle through the Husky Math Club.
Oregon Number Theory Days Fall 2021. Portland State University. October 2, 2021.
In Summer 2021, I gave a joint talk on summer research at the Young Mathematicians Conference, I participated in and gave a talk at the University of Minnesota's graduate student representation theory seminar, and I participated in and gave a talk at Columbia University's undergraduate mathematics society's summer learning seminar on the foundations of mathematics.
Many Zoom seminars and conferences.
I strongly believe in Federico Ardila's axioms:
Axiom 1: Mathematical talent is distributed equally among different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries.
Axiom 2: Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences.
Axiom 3: Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.
Axiom 4: Every student deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
Some more things about me:
Erdős Number: 3 (William Dudarov -> Adam Sheffer -> János Pach -> Paul Erdős).
Einstein Number: 5 (William Dudarov -> Adam Sheffer -> János Pach -> László Lovász -> Ernst G. Straus -> Albert Einstein).