
Audio ©2020

William Martin Freese

All rights reserved.

All characters are fictitious with no attempt to portray or parody anyone in our reality. Do the author the courtesy of assuming he has the imagination to make people up.

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Author's Forward (but listen anyway)     3:11

Part One: Giving Visions

1 — Demonstration     30:46

2 — Presentation     35:54

3 — A Good Cigar     20:05

4 — Dexter's Deck     47:21

5 — Burning Down the House     46:52

6 — The Ring Arrives     43:49

7 — Jaguar and Sapphire     33:31

8 — Wizards Duel     35:34

9 — All's Well That Ends     31:00

10 — Revelation     18:57

11 — Balancing Acts     38:32

12 — First MICA     44:34

13 — Then the World     28:06

14 — Windows     34:21

15 — The Dream of Free Will     41:02

16 — Second MICA     33:56

17 — A Tarot Terror     29:22

Part Two: Taking Pains

18 — The Abigail Gate     24:25

19 — All Apologies     38:44

20 — The Pleasures of Travel     48:52

21 — In His Master's House     36:48

22 — Bitter     38:38

23 — Necessity is a Mother     42:43

24 — Options Open     46:00

25 — Desert Dessert     39:14

26 — Of Fungus and Fire     36:19

27 — Sweet     51:43

28 — A Visit from a Friend     33:51

29 — One Word     39:55

30 — Bubbles     30:22

31 — [unwritten]     42:02

32 — Gulf     43:10

33 — Trust     43:14

34 — After and Before     31:12

Author's Afterword     3:58