A land of rampant innovation

Parthenyx is a collection of city-states situated around an ancient crater. Six cities sit around the crater, each one home to a unique culture and socioeconomic emphasis. While each has a local government, they all fall under the guidance of The Archive and its Keepers, who guide Parthenyx towards eternal progress. 


Dove is a young man entering adulthood sought out by the Archive for his deep understanding of the world's technology, as well as a penchant for more personal inventions. Both his bird and his hearing aid are of his own design. He wants nothing more than to continue his studies and bring them to the larger population, but as he spends time in the Archive, he'll find that there are many people keen on keeping society the way it is.

(Left: Protagonist Explorations)

Galatea and The Archive

Galatea is a wizened and eccentric woman - her inventions are the foundation of many modern technologies in Parthenyx. She serves the Archive as both a member of their political council and the head professor. She much prefers teaching the younger generations and nurturing their inventive spark to political debate and will do her best to steer clear of those circles. 

(Right: Galatea Explorations)

Minerva Eos and Rennova

Minerva Eos, founder and CEO of Eos Research Co., is a cunning and ruthless businesswoman. Her company is devoted to medical research using science and technology as opposed to the magical practices, now deemed dangerous and unpredictable. 

Though she has not been on the Archive council long, she commands an air of utmost authority, and many view her as the guiding hand in most of its decisions. 

Storyboard_Scene___Willem_Lent (1).mp4

In this scene, Dove is on his usual route to the Archive for his studies - upon boarding the gondola, however, he meets Minerva Eos herself for the first time, and she has a proposal to make.

Murrhelm, the Dregs of Progress

Murrhelm is the industrial sector of Parthenyx, established solely to match the ever increasing energy consumption of the cities as well as to process all the resources extracted from the crater. Homes, workplaces, sweatshops, generators, etc. are all stacked on top of each other just to maximize the use of space.