Learn to Code, and Change the World

Defining the Need and Selecting a Topic (Wednesday)

Welcome to Maddie's Virtual Classroom!

I am so excited because I have a really fun project planned for us over the next 5 weeks. Be sure to visit the Afterschool page everyday to keep working on this project. In my virtual classroom, we will practice prototyping, design thinking, research, and even digital citizenship.

I cannot wait to see what you create, and I’m here to help guide you along the way.

Essential Questions:

  1. What is creativity? How can we see creativity inside ourselves?

  2. What problem do you want to solve?

Today you will:

  • Watch two videos

  • Revisit your mind map from yesterday

  • Submit 5 topic ideas, or world problems that you would like to try to solve

Part 1: Watch the videos below

Start with the video on the left. Then, watch the video on the right.

Class 3.mp4

Part 2: Choose between the two options

To open each document, hover your mouse over the image below. Then, click the button in the top right corner that looks like this picture →

Do not recycle your topic ideas because you will need them for tomorrow's activity!

Print and Complete

Five Topic Ideas.pdf

After you open the document, press "File" → "Print."

If you'd like to share your work with me, ask your grown-ups to email a picture of your notes to wildwoodremotelearning@gmail.com

Google Form

After you open the form, type your responses. Press "submit" when you are done.

Want to let me know you are excited about this class? Ask your grown-ups and email me at wildwoodremotelearning@gmail.com