Braided Friendship Bracelet

Welcome back to DIY with Monze!

Today we will be learning how to make braided friendship bracelets.

Items Needed

  • String

  • Scissors

  • Tape


  1. Cut an arms length of string I chose 3 colors and tripled the amount to make a thicker bracelet.

  2. Next you want to tie a knot like this (see image). You want to leave a loop for when we finish.

  3. Place a piece of tape over the knot we just made and section your string.

4. Braid your string until you reach your wrist length.

5. To end the briad you want to grab the middle string inward and make a 4 and pull the end in the loop to tie a knot around the braid.

Final Step:

Lastly, you want to cut the end off and pull your end into the loop knot we made in the beginning. Once your end is in all the of the loop and know it is tightly sealed. Cut off your end and you have got a braided friendship bracelet.

Want to share pictures of your braided bracelets? Email us at