Bottle Cap Designs

Welcome back from Spring Break!

I hope you had fun in Afterschool over the past couple of weeks. I am so excited that the fun is going to continue. Check out the activity below to learn how to make bottle cap designs with me (Maddie!).

Bottle Cap Designs

When I was in 5th grade, I started my own children's jewelry business. In the beginning, it started off as a hobby, but by the time I was in high school, it became a real business. My product was called Snap Caps. They were magnetic bottle cap necklaces that kids could trade and collect.

Today you will make your own bottle cap designs. What will you create?

Be creative and have fun!

This is a picture of some of my earliest prototypes.


These are just some of the materials I used, but feel free to be creative!

  • Bottle caps

  • Glue

  • Paper

  • Paint / markers

  • Scissors

  • A quarter

  • A pencil


  1. Take a quarter and draw the outline of it on a piece of paper

  2. Inside your circle, draw or paint your design

  3. Cut out your design and glue it to the inside of the bottle cap

  4. Now you have a beautiful bottle cap design! What will you do with it?

Want to share your bottle cap designs with me? Email us at