Geometric Cardboard Structures

Find some cardboard and make some structures!


  • Cardboard

  • Mod podge

  • Foam Brush

  • Exacto or craft knife, cutting mat or board (ask your grown-ups to help you!!!)

Step 1

Draw shapes on colorful paper. You’ll want two sides for each piece of cardboard. Cut them out and use them as templates to trace the cardboard.

Step 2

With your Mod Podge, add a layer on top of each cardboard, then add your printed cut out shapes, with another layer of Mod Podge on top. Allow to dry, then do the other side the exact same way. The Mod Podge adheres the printed shapes to the cardboard and gives it a nice stiff and sturdy finish.

Step 3

Use your exacto knife and cut slits (ask your grown-ups for help!), you want to actually make a very thin rectangle, so the shapes can slide in and out of each other. Make sure to make the width of the cut a bit smaller than the width of the cardboard so the shapes slide in and stay put.

Step 4


Step 5

Share your sculpture!

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