6. Improving local contrast and light corrections

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By selecting the second tab using the green highlighted tab selector the local contrast and light corrections panel appears.

6.1 Improving local contrast

A new filter "Enhance locally" has been added since version 5. This filter serves very well when requiring to reveal very faint details by increasing their contrast. At the same time it will leave very distinct details that already had higher contrast mostly unharmed. This filter corresponds to the G'MIC filter "Enhance local contrast".

Moreover there are 3 sliders that work  on different detail size ranging from small to medium to large details. When increasing the value for small details it will increase the contrast on the smallest details found in the image. Medium details are usually cloud bands such as on  Jupiter and Saturn. Large details will work on larger areas such as plaines on the moon. This function works in a similar way as the lower sliders in wavelet sharpening functions of other software.. 

6.2 Light corrections

This menu offers a couple of ways to improve the light, such as gamma, overall contrast, the brightness and background darkening.  This menu is quite self explanatory. By increasing the brightness you can use the histogram window to prevent overexposing the image.