7. Color enhancement and dispersion correction

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The third tab to the right will bring forward the Color & Dispersion panel.

7.1 Color enhancements

This function as 2 essential color enhancement functions:

Increase the saturation of the image by dragging up the saturation slider. By increasing the "Reduce Purple" slider value the application will suppress the undesired introduction of purple fringing and glow than may happen when increasing the saturation or correcting the color balance (see section 6.2). Purple fringing is a particular problem that can happen with OSC color recordings where the color balance was not optimal. Often the green channel tends to overcast the blue and red. This can be corrected using the balance function, but a side effect can be the introduction of purple fringing and glow. This slider will filter out the purple gradually while leaving other colors intact.

7.2 Color balance

This function can be used to optimize the red, green and blue balance.  This balance is almost never spot on in any recording and can also vary due to atmospheric conditions. And as said in 6.1 OSC color camera tend to overcast the green channel if the balance values were left to the defaults in Firecapture.

7.3 Dispersion correction

Finally LuckyStackWorker introduces a simple manually controlled dispersion correction function. This function is only meant for small corrections that may be needed on recordings where the dispersion corrector was not set optimally (which is hard to get spot on to begin with). The dispersion correction settings are also not persisted in the profile, since the dispersion will vary with every recording session.