5. Batch processing

Batch processing is probably the most important feature of LuckyStackWorker . In fact there are 2 ways to do it, either by 

Both ways will result in fully post-processed image stacks that are stored as 16-bit TIFF files in a seperate folder named lsw_<profile>,  where <profile> is the name of the selected profile (jup for Jupiter etc).

5.1 Direct batch processing 

By pressing the Start [>] button in the Batch Worker panel (on the bottom of the control window) you will start the  built in batch process directly. A progress bar will indicate how far the batch process is and the status field shows the details of the files being processed. 

The files that will be processed are all the image stacks that it can find in the root folder and all subfolders below that that match the selected profile. As mentioned before in the chapter 2 the profile of an image stack is determined by the filename where it should contain a profile code that was given to it by Firecapture (jup, sat, etc.).

To stop the batch processing before it is finished, simply press the Stop button which will be active when the batch process is running.

5.2 Connect to the batch processing of the stacking software used

By checking the [v] Realtime checkbox to the bottom right of the control window (on the Batch Worker panel) you will enable the real time discovery feature of image stacks arriving in the root folder (or subfolders). This way you connect the LuckyStackWorker batch processing directly to an ongoing batch processing of the stacking software used (e.g. Autostakkert), thereby effectively integrating the two applications as if they are one! 

If you recorded a large number of ser or avi files in Firecapture, depending on the size (ROI), the speed of the hardware and available RAM batch processing in stacking software such as Autostakkert can be time consuming. But by enabling this "Realtime" feature you can do all at once and fully automatically, stacking and post-processing to the final image result while you can go have breakfast with coffee, or go to bed at night and wake up with the end results available as TIFF files on your SSD.