Why A Wikipedia Page Is A Perfect Choice For Content Marketing?

Wikipedia that was merely considered as an online encyclopedia is now considered as one of the finest content marketing platforms. The reason behind the same is the excessive reach of the website. Wikipedia is listed among one of the most visited websites in the world and almost 40 million people regularly visit the website for getting the information. This was one of the things that were noticed by the marketers who started to contemplate on this as a content marketing platform. The marketers then started to create a Wikipedia page for the branding and marketing of their organization. However, this was not the only reason that made them consider Wikipedia for marketing. Here we have listed a few more reasons why this is one of the finest marketing platforms.

Allows SEO and Back linking on the content

SEO is one of the other forms of digital marketing which makes the website to be listed in the google rankings. The SEO could convert the readers to other website and even to your homepage if you have back linked the same. This increases the conversion rate and thus when Wikipedia allows the same it allows the marketers to turn their Wikipedia visitors to visit their homepage which is a commendable benefit.

You can track the viewers or visitors

Well, on how many platforms can you track who have visited your blog or the article? Well, not on many of the platforms you would be able to this but if you create a Wikipedia page you can make this to happen. The website allows you to get the idea about how many users have visited your page and from where they are.


Well, unlike many of the other platforms at Wikipedia you don’t have to bear any costs. Wikipedia does not charge any costs to post the content yet one thing that you have to care about is following the requirements and guidelines that Wikipedia has posted and have to manage the same.

These are some of the benefits or the reasons that have made marketers consider the Wikipedia as one of the best content marketing platform and why won’t this be when it has a wide reach on regular basis and you can get to the same with no costs.