The Backup Manager is the part of Cove Data Protection (Cove) installed on the backup devices which runs the backup and one method of recovery. The Client is a web application, or command line interface where you configure the backup selection and schedule, along with other additional settings.

The Backup Manager is your primary tool for backup and recovery. It specializes in enterprise-level data that cannot be handled with the help of mass-market solutions: databases, virtual machines and content management systems.

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I'm looking for a solution to schedule(Windows Environment) the backups via SAS Backup Manager.I checked all the configuration Settings and Looks fine to me. We have 3 Tier(1 Meta, 1 compute and 1 Mid-Tier) Environments. From SAS SMC, backups are scheduled and it is working fine but the Problem when we try to schedule or manually run start backup from SAS Backup Manager it is failing with Status 999 and the error is C:\SAS\Config\Lev1/Backup\backupserver.log. I dont know where this '/' (backslash) is coming from. even I have checked backupserver.ini which is configured on mid-Tier Server and Looks good to me. I have observerd "Vault" and "dropzone" Folders are empty and do we have Need to create "results", "vault" and "dropzone" Folders on metadata and Compute Servers also? In SMC, SAS Deployment backup and recoverytool 9.4 advanced Settings, sasbackkupevm.configured.Hosts "metadata" and "midtier" Servers are including with config we Need to Keep both host names?

99% of the answers are usually in the logs, your need to locate it/them, read them, and if still no enough information, you would need to increase the info level of some logs (error - warn - info - debug - trace).

Thank you for the quick reply. Even i thought the same on the backslash. I checked on the logs and ist not clear. but i can say if i remove metadata Server Name from sasbacksvm.configured.Hosts (SAS Backup Deployment and Recovery tool 9.4 SAS SMC Settings), it is throwing different error with Status code 672 like below

ERROR [sasadm] - Error Start||| 672None of the backup operations will be able to complete except sas-list-schedule.ERRORERROR_CODE_BACKUP_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_FAILUREGENERALThe backup server configuration failed.

my current feeling is that your new error is directly caused by your modification, I would change that config file to its original status and continue trying to understand how your initial error was caused.

- After each change,specially if they are manual changes, and depending on the changes you do, it is possible you might need to restart the SASServer1_1, so the Deployment Backup tool picks up the changes.

If this path does not help you, I would definetely try to reach the great SAS Technical Support team and they will work with you on looking for a solution, wven with a remote session, if it is ultimately required.

What I observed from the logs, Schedule backups via SAS Backup Mananger never worked whereas via SAS SMC, the daily schedule backups are working fine. I have increased log files in Detail and i can only find the error code i.e, Status 672 >

on Metadata, I see only C:\SAS\Config\Lev1\SASMeta\MetadataServer\Backups Folder and the backups which are scheduling via SMC are backing up in this Location. I dont find the path " C:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Backup" on metadata Server. do i Need to create backup, vault, dropzone, results, logs Folder under "backup" as like Mid-Tier Server?

The backup path should be configured under the properties for SAS Deployment and Backup tool in SMC. Could you go to SMC -> SAS Application infra and check for this entry? Right click and look under properties -> advanced properties.

That said, you can always manually create a backup anytime by clicking backup in the top right corner of (I think) every screen. The bonus of this backup feature (for me at least) it remembers my last saved locations and allows me to backup to NAS, USB, external whatever or even locally.

@lubos the only improvement I would like to see to the backup feature is to have the date in the format of the selected manager system, or by ISO 8601. I have a personal predilection for the ISO format and all files in the backup dir are always sorted in date order (I know this can be achieved by sorting the folder BY date created order, but the naming structure would be so much nicer in the system or ISO style).

The current backup system is very OK. But if there us more room for improvement that will be greate. My suggestion is that if the system can be made such that there will be a prompt when a particular number( be it receipt, payment, journal etc.) is repeated. This is because it is only on invoice which is auto numbering the other form of numbering are all manual. Thank you.

the only improvement I would like to see to the backup feature is to have the date in the format of the selected manager system, or by ISO 8601. I have a personal predilection for the ISO format and all files in the backup dir are always sorted in date order

Just want to share my idea. Since many people want to access from different places to the same data like i add trasanctions at the work place and see reports from home when free. So I have google drive installed in all computers and phones i have so i backup directly to a dedicated google drive folder and then import the back up to anywhere i want. Since once the drive snycs the backup you can access it over web or application.

@AaiRIz, a Manager backup file can only be generated from within the program, not by some external script. Backing up does not simply copy a file. There is more to it. And a backup file applies only to the single business for which it was created.


I am not able to take automatic backup from Kuka Backup manager with version 8.3.32.It only works when i take backup manually.

Does anybody has an idea?

is it possible that taking an automatic backup is not possible in this version?

Hi, panic mode! I search the solution for the same issue. Can you say if it needed to install additional software like 'kuka backup manager? I wonder to find the signal description for start process of making backup.

regardless of problem, it is always a good idea to check relevant documentation. the key documentation, including how to find it is listed in pinned topic READ FIRST. the very first of the key documents mentioned there is Programming Manual for System Integrators and it covers exactly what you are after. Btw i recommend everyone working with KUKA robots to do just that and get familiar with at least the few manuals listed there - even before running into a problem. Reading documentation for other products is interesting but sure way to spend a lot of time with little to no chance of finding what you are really looking for. so if you are dealing with KSS8.2, get documentation for KSS8.2. Not for VSS or Sunrise or who knows what... Stay focused on your product type and version.

It is always recommended to keep backup copies of your website contentto safeguard against accidents and malicious attacks. Plesk facilitatesthe creation of backup copies with the backup and restorationfunctionality. It enables you to create backups of both configurationand content, including website content, mail accounts, databases andmore, and restore the data should the need arise. You can also downloadbackup files created in Plesk, as well as upload backup files, eventhose created in earlier Plesk versions.Created backups can be stored either locally or in a remote FTP storage.

You can select which objects to restore froma backup file. You can restore a particular site, file, database, andso on. This enables you to restore only the objects you want torestore, without overwriting other objects. For example, if you onlywant to restore a DNS zone of one domain,, there isno need to restore configurations of all other domains.

Thank you @BearPaw. Have you, or did you, make a backup from with Roon from your Linux VM, and saved it to a USB drive or a network location? You will need to point the Roon Backup settings to the USB or network location, which should present you options similar to this:

As per docs, I have to enter FTP details in **Tools & Settings > Backup Manager > FTP Storage Settings **. Even though settings are correct no backup is being made. I have also tried enabling ftps and passive mode. Still the folder to which backups have to be made is empty! It's been some time and normal weekly backups don't end up in FTP storage. Did anyone else experience this issue? Any fixes for this?

In Plesk, in order to transfer a backup to a remote storage by FTP, first a backup is provided on the server, then it is transferred to the remote server via the FTP. Even if you use the command line, there still needs to be enough free space to back up.

The backup is a zip file that contains all files in the directories you specify along with a dump of your database. Thebackup can be stored on any of the filesystems you have configured in October. You can backup your application tomultiple filesystems at once. In addition to making the backup, the package can also clean up old backups, monitor thehealth of the backups, and show an overview of all backups. The plugin can also notify you via mail when something goeswrong with your backups.

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