To ensure that your devices can connect securely and reliably to your network, apply these settings consistently to each Wi-Fi router and access point, and to each band of a dual-band, tri-band, or other multiband router. Before changing the settings, you should take these steps:

After changing the settings, you might need to forget the network on each device that previously joined the network. This ensures that the device uses the router's new settings when rejoining the network.

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If possible, set your router to automatically install software and firmware updates as they become available. These updates can affect the security settings available to you, and they deliver other important improvements to the stability, performance, and security of your router.

Radio mode settings, available separately for 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz bands, control which versions of the Wi-Fi standard the router uses for wireless communication. Newer versions offer better performance and support more devices concurrently.

On my printer the plug (the plastic part) is broken and bent backwards.

I advise against bending it back as this might cause the traces on the printed circuit board to break or cause issues with the USB port (I suspect the wifi dongle is a sort of USB device itself).

I have just purchased a Phaser 6510 and following the setup procedure straight out of the box, plugged the wifi adapter provided into the back of the printer but when accessing the settings via the control panel there is no 'wifi' option on the menu as described?

As the administrator, only you would like the power to log in and make configuration changes to your Network. As seen above, the router comes with a default username and password that can be found online. If someone is able to identify your router model, they can simply find these credentials on the internet. It is always recommended to change these default settings.

After a power outage, my Nighthawk router's wifi settings were gone and only I found default Netgear SSID's. I was able to log into the router with my admin password and other network settings seem to have been kept.

@UnderPressure, along with what @antinode said, I don't think it was 'normal'. Normal in the sense that losing power should have that happen. The settings and even the F/W is held in NVRAM... that should not be cleared at all with the general loss of power.

I unable to replicate the problem by turning on/off the router as well as moving the router to another power outlet. I also turned on/off the wifi button. The power outage was several hours long so it was likely the memory not being able to hold its data as you stated @IrvSp.

I can reproduce this exact issue on my R7900P simply by disconnecting the power overnight. Last night I disconnected the router power at 11:30pm, and then plugged it back in at 7am. Upon bootup, the Wireless settings including the Wireless name and password were reset to the default values (name NETGEAR, with no security enabled). Other settings were not wiped.

Same issue here. I reset my cable modem and router once/day. I have used always used a timer to shut off my cable modem at 4 am and turn back on at 4:01 am, then use a second timer to shut off my router at 4:15 am and turn it back on at 4:16 am. I never had any issues until I bought the X6S at Costco yesterday. This morning my settings were erased, and the router was back to factory. I am taking the router back today.

Same issue. Power has nothing to do with it. Loss of settings has occured when rebooting the router from the admin screen. After the reboot all defalt settings have been loaded. The unit makes me log into my account at Netgear, then I am told I cant buy a contract, then I have to attempt login to the router several times, and finaly get the the admin page so I can restore my setting from the backup file. I should have done a little more research before buying a Netgear product. Their support is very poor. I am going to Amazon to leave feedback on my purchase, not going to be very good.

Same issue for me with a C7000v2, and power loss/spikes have nothing to do with this. I had to cycle power to the device and it happened. This will NOT work for me because what if I'm not home and there's a power outage? I will be out of internet in my house until I get back (could be days or months before I can restore the config settings). In the mean time, I rely on the internet for both home automation and home security, and an incidence like this would leave all of that dead in the water. This is a deal breaker. I had owned many Netgear products in the past, but this one really shake my confidence in Netgear.

Your router stores the settings for your home Wi-Fi network. To change something on your network, you have to log into your router's software, also known as firmware. From there, you can rename your network, change the password, adjust the security level, and set up or alter a variety of other options.

Checking your security settings is another item on the to-do list. Under Security Options, or a similar section, make sure the security for your network is set to at least WPA2-PSK [AES], which will be the strongest level available for most home routers.

Newer routers with the latest Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E technology will offer the more secure WPA3 option. If your router has it, use that option. Apply your new settings and close the browser window when finished.

I tried to add a 5GHz to my Ionic during setup, not knowing that you have to use a 2.4 band. Now when I try to open the WiFi settings in the app, I get the blue spinning circle. The settings do not load no matter how long I wait. Anyone have any idea what I can do to fix this? I really do not want to remove it from my account and re-add it since I have everything set up (including credit cards) and I do not know if that will erase all of those settings.

I had this a couple of times. First time I opened the WiFi settings page on my phone while WiFi was off on my phone and that worked. Second time I signed out of the FitBit app on my phone and back in.

Hi so I have the newest Smartthings app and is it just me or is there not a way to change your wifi settings or what wifi you connect the hub to? I have a friend who just changed to a new mesh wifi router and hes trying to change the wifi the hub is connected to, and im trying to help him out. But I cant find anywhere in the new app to change wifi settings? Is it just me or is it not an option in the new app?

Here exact the same problem. Also when setting up WIFI settings by the local IP or Guest wifi settings ik actually creates the WIFI acces by name but impossible to set Password so now i am stuck with open WIFI. Can only reset to and then use the standard name and password. I do not want that.

NOTE: there is now an easier way to edit the WiFi settings than the method described below. Instructions for using the Raspberry Pi Imager to download and install OctoPrint and edit the WiFi settings can be found at - Download & Setup OctoPrint

I've left the description below for those who prefer to edit WiFi settings via other methods, or who may run into problems and need to adress this by other methods. The trouble-shooting methods found in later sections of this write-up should still be helpful.

In the /boot/ directory, open octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt with the appropriate text editor. (The use of /boot/octopi-network.txt which was used in OctoPi version 0.14 has been discontinued in version 0.15). There are instructions within that file for editing your network settings. Be sure to use an appropriate text editor. For most WiFi networks, you'll edit the section that looks like this:

Special symbols in WiFi passwords

Another problem that I noticed is the use of the "@" symbol in your WiFi password. For some reason the Pi converts this to a " and thus your wifi log in will not be successful (wrong password). After putting in your SSID and password with something like Raspi-Config, go back and make sure that your @ (ASCII character) is in the correct place and has not been replace by something else. (I used Shift+" on my keyboard to replace the " with a @ but you may have to find a different way or just change your password to something without a @ in it).

Just wanted to drop a tip. Configuring WiFi country is outlined in when talking about editing the txt file in the boot folder, but is kind of glossed over when talking about configuring with keyboard+mouse+monitor. I've never had good luck getting my card reader to work with partitioned SD cards, so I always just plug a monitor in to my Pi's. This is my first board newer than a 3B, and I had no idea about having to configure wifi country. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure it out. While sudo raspi-config'ing, wifi country is in the localization options.

I have initially had my OH running on WiFi while I set it up but now I want to install it in its permanent home, where I would like it to use Ethernet. I thought that as I had connected it to Ethernet whilst setting it up which was working before entering the WiFi settings it would be as straight forward as saving the WiFi settings in the config tool as blank but this did not work. I also tried to set a static IP for eth0 in the dhcpcd file but again got no joy.

Today in my new RPPi 3B+ with openhab runing I configured the wifi without problem, but I lost the ethernet lan conecction.


Create a new plain file in /etc/network/interfaces.d folder. Inside of the new file (does not the matter the name) I define the lost interface:

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet dhcp

Wait, do you mean the screenly screen that shows up when your device is not configured for wifi? this doesnt work for you? how so?

Unless you connect to that wifi, and then type in your URL browser , and configure the SSID of your wifi there, this will always come up as the AP mode, unless you connect an ethernet cable which will then prevent this from coming up since the ethernet connection (if properly working) will establish the connection thus the RPi no longer needs you to give it wifi. 2351a5e196

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