I have a D70 which I cannot connect directly via WIFI to my Toshiba Z10t computer (Windows 10) for remote control. I successfully connected the remote control feature to my Android phone but the computer cannot connect to the computer.

----- Do you have any suggestions how to get past this and connect so I can remotely control the camera from my computer --- I am not usung a wireless router but connecting computer directly to camera instead---

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Just wanted to give you an update. I was able to connect the 70D via WIFI and wireless router to my Toshiba Z10t for remote camera control. This works well although it dose restrict use of the remote control option of the camera to the availability of a router.

As I plan to use the 70D for astrophotography, many times a router will not be available at remote telescope viewing sites, and I will need to connect the 70D directly to my computer via WIFI (connection of computer to the 70D via USB connection is not practical as the USB cable attached to the camera which is mounted to my telescope increases the potential for movement of the setup, thus motion on the image).

Yeah and that's frustrating. I can connect via my android to the camera wifi SSD. I can use that to connect from Windows 10 but the eos utility won't allow remote shooting. Having to use a router in this scenario is really annoying. The whole point of using Windows is it's the only way to set up numerous shots automatically. If the android app had that ONE feature, I could use my phone and let it run over night, etc.

I purchased 3 brand new QW9104-840 IQ Remotes to replace the same number of QW9102-840 units that were working prior to being unpaired to my IQ Panel 2. Powered them up, connected to wifi and paired with my IQ Panel 2. Each of them promptly downloaded a patch and restarted.

Well after several attempts and googles it appears I have ran into this same issue where my remote will no longer turn the wifi on after the patch was downloaded. Has a fix been found or is my unit bricked?

The hF R80 doesn't come with a remote but says you can use the Canon COnnect software to control the camera from your phone. has anyone gotten this to work? I'm baning my head against the wall with how horrible this setup seems.

Anyway, I try to connect via the built in wifi and the camera says Connected but the app just sits there doing nothing. After the tablet/phone connects to the camcorder, and I tap the notification bar that says to tap it, it just goe sback to the screen asking if it should open the wifi settings. This is insane.

If you dont' want to build remote controls, Canon, that's fine, but at least spend a littl effort on the supposed alternative. I now have a camcorder without ANY remote capbilities. I would NEVER buy another Canon camcorder.

I have a Thinkpad T430s running a fresh install of Windows 10 Pro (Build 10.0.14393), and it has an issue with inbound remote desktop sessions that causes the wifi connection to be dropped as soon as the remote desktop logs in, resulting in the termination of the remote session.

That tells me that the problem is not the drivers, rdp/port mapping or the authentication. It's to do with how the credentials are shared in the windows "multi-user" environment. If my memory serves me correctly, in previous versions of windows there was an option to automatically connect wifi on lock screen. However with "newer-is-always-better" update of the interface, I can't seem to find this option and I doubt it will have found it's place in the reworked UI. So possible a register hack will solve this, however windows-fu reghacking skills elude me.

I have an Ethernet cable for now I can use but I think after I disconnected the Ethernet cable the Apple TV won't connect to WiFi, I have the some TV app and my iPhone's connected to the some TV before but I don't own a bluetooth keyboard nor do I have an old apple TV remote. I have a regular old TV remote but it's not universal will that work?

You didn't state your Roku model number. If your new router is using the same SSID and password as your old router, then the Roku should reconnect to the WiFi without an issue. But if the SSID and/or password is different, you must have a remote to reconnect the Roku to the WiFi. You have no other option. This of course doesn't apply if your Roku has an wired Ethernet connection. In that case your Roku should be visible in your Roku app on your phone, unless there's a security setting in your new router that is blocking connected devices from seeing other connected devices on your network. You'd have to check the router settings for that.

As long as your Roku is NOT a Roku Stick (the kind that connects directly to a TV without a cable), you can get an inexpensive universal IR remote to control the Roku. I see them available in local stores that sell remotes for less than $10. Just make sure they list Roku as a supported device. If you do have a Roku Stick, you MUST have an official Roku remote, as the Stick models are all WiFi Direct only for the remote. And if you have the old purple Roku Stick, you can't get a new remote at all, as that device is no longer supported by Roku.

The 4620 is the only Premiere with dual band WiFi, so it can connect to 2.4 and 5 GHz. It does not have an Ethernet port. It does support an IR remote, so that would be the simplest way to get a cheap remote. You could also edit your SSID and password on the new router to match the old one, in which case your Roku should reconnect without a problem and you could then use the phone app.

I have a few MPPT 75/15 at various locations and want to be able to remote monitor. I'm aware that you need to add in a GX device or a Raspberry PI to achieve this, but to pay $400 for a GX unit just to monitor is insane and the Rasberry PI's aren't supported.

Thanks for the reply. Yes I'm aware of that and without being an electronics engineer I just wonder how hard it would be in the future to implement a wifi module onto the board of the mppt controller. Seems like everything can be remote monitored these days.

Hi @CV05, depending on your location you could also use the GlobalLink 520. It's essentially a VE.Direct to VRM module that uses the 4G LTE-M network. You don't need to buy a data subscription as that comes included in the price for the first 5 years.


RAX 40 connected to EX7000 Range extender. Two questions! Wondering what sort of remote management capabilities are available outside of the nighthawk app. The EX7000 also claimed to be compatible with the nighthawk app but when pairing/setting up it took me to mywifiext.com instead. In any case, I would also like to be able to see what home devices are connecting to each network device. Due to the compatibility issue I would imagine that the Nighthawk app cannot tell which device is connected to which signal, it simply states, "this device is connected to RAX40 via Wifi". I have not been able to find anything analytical in the windows suite outside of netgear genie, which is limited. Is there any other medium I can use, that isn't part of the paid business analytical service(s), to look at various device connections?

I upgraded my latop's Win10 Home to Win 10 Pro and got RDP working when the laptop is connected via ethernet to my home LAN. For the life of me I can't get RDP to connect when the laptop is using wifi outside for telescope control. Any idea what I maybe missing here? I read about VPN and issues around connecting via the Internet but that's not what I'm doing. Or at least I assume connecting over my home wifi is NOT somehow looked at by Microsoft as being over the Internet. I can see I'm connected to the laptop for file sharing and working with TeamViewer but RDP just fails straight off with that message about making sure it's turned on (it obviously is), connected to the network (I can see it over the network), and has enabled remote connection (it does).

I was using TeamViewer and at times it was laggy but the other day I got the Win10 Pro upgrade for $40 so I thought why not go the RDP route. Well it works over fine over the ethernet conection just not over the home wifi. I have to say that TeamViewer was a piece of cake to set up compared to RDP. Why so difficult with Microsoft I just don't understand.

I've been using using the IP v4 address. i.e. 192.168.1.xxx given by the Remote Desktop Assistant I used while installing RDP since I first attempted to connect the two PCs with RDP and it connects fine when hardwired via the ethernet but fails when I try to connect when the laptop is connected through the home's wifi.

The only problem I had to start with was for the requested Windows Credentials (WC). For some reason the Password that worked was an older one even though as far as I know I synced my new password across all my devices. I tried my current and the three older WC passwords and the older one still works when the laptop is connected via the ethernet but none of them work for the wifi connection.

Sheesh! So for giggles I went and set up a Remote Desktop connection using the name for the laptop instead of the IP address that the Remote Desktop Assistant provided and it connected straight off with the laptop outside by the scope over wifi. Go figure?!?!

When I get the laptop back inside I'll retry the remote setup that is currently using the IP address again when the laptop is on the ethernet and see if that still works, which has worked numerous times so far. And try the new remote setup using just the name that works over wifi and see if that happens to connects when the laptop is connected over ethernet too. If it does I'll just delete the one that's using the IP address and call this issue solved.

To be honest I don't know. But that maybe why using the name of the laptop instead of the IP address provided by the Remote Desktop Assistant works over the wifi and the IP address didn't. (See my posting just above this one.)

Thanks to all for the help povided. It was actually tkottary's post that made me try the name instead of the IP address. I really wasn't expecting it to work after the setup that was working with the IP address failed with the wifi but low and behold it did. 2351a5e196

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