The default wireless settings are also printed on the back of the powerline extender, including the wireless network name and wireless password, and the wifi card is to make you customers to get the wireless password without unplug the extender.

I see there's a patch in the net-snmp package which adds support for WiFi 802.11 info, before diving into reading that code, I wanted to ask here if is there any documentation regarding how to use that?

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We're implementing support for SNMP in OpenWISP and would be great to pull the information of WiFi stations, I still haven't been able to figure out if that patch includes support for this information in net-snmpd or not. Anyone can help?

Were you ever able to figure out how to retrieve the information for WiFi stations from snmpd?

I have the following script that returns the information, and it could be done as an exec module, but I don't think that is ideal?

Thanks. I did download the 80211 MIB referenced from the usage notes above, and walked the entries that net-snmpd provides within that MIB. However, I only saw entries corresponding to the Access Point itself (i.e. MAC addresses were of my AP's wlan0, wlan1, etc interfaces), and did not reflect anything related to e.g. SSID's being advertised or actual station MAC addresses of connected stations, etc. Hence asking the question.

Also note that there are a number of other non privacy risks with sharing connection with others. For example, if your neighbor accessed illegal activity, they could potentially implicate that on you and you could be dragged into these legal problems.

All communcation by any party on the network is fully visible. Security can be applied on top of the unsecured communication, but an open wired network has next to no security built-in (other than being able to physically connect to the wires).

Some wired networks packet switch, where only the packets you are supposed to see are sent to you. Wifi networks are not that secure, they are as only secure as the wired networks that send every packet to everyone (which is not very).

However, DNS lookups are not that private. DNSsec provides origin authentication of DNS data, but not confidentiality. So even over https, someone on your open wired network (or wireless-equivalent wifi) can tell what websites you are visiting. With https, they won't see what you are looking at, but they will know what websites.

I do not know the security state of facebook messages. But, presuming the engineers are competent (encryption/security is hard, so not guaranteed), it is probably roughly as secure as https, where the fact you are using facebook messages is public, but what and to whom you are sending it is not.

On top of the above, if they have access to your wifi, they could try some man-in-the-middle attacks; things like protocol degrading to an easier to break protocol. This is relatively advanced, can be mitigated by upgrading either the client (your web browser) or the server (to refuse to provide insecure protocol connections), and is not nearly as passive as what can be gathered over insecure connections.

The easy way to to mitigate this is to set up a guest wifi. With a poor configuration they might be able to do some mischief, but the level of sofistication goes from "relatively easy" (most of the above) to "it would be easier for them to hack your router".

Hi everyone, I'm migrating from SmartThings to HE and am slowly removing devices and adding them in, and finding my way through the HE interface. I have the recommended wifi dongle and a compatible OTG cable and would like to get the Wifi option working so can cart the hub around to exclude and include some devices which default to low power mode once excluded from the network.

I'm not sure if I missed a step in setting it up, or if I've done something else wrong, but there doesn't seem to be a way for me to reset everything to try again. I have done a soft reset, restored from an older backup and searched for a few topics here which seem to revolve around the drivers not downloading and installing, but nothing resembling this issue.

That's after a "Reinstall Drivers" and whether the TPlink is dongle in or out, with "WiFi detected" or "Wifi NOT detected" present in the status line at the top. No WiFi settings field or menu option ever seems to appear.

I don't get that setup like you do. That screenshot was my C5 where I had previously installed the drivers in Beta. But I just tried on my C7 which has never had the driver installed, and after installation that settings box is identical to my screenshot above.

I have tried reboot, and I know I have power cycled these hubs at various times. Like I said, I don't have a dongle to test, but I can't resolve what the instructions say vs what is happening. It says that the settings should appear before you even plug in a dongle, is that not so?

Yeah, at the very top you can see "Wifi is detected". That seems to correlate with the dongle being plugged in (and the drivers installed?) but it says "Wifi is not detected" if the dongle is out.

Background / PurposeI'm setting up a wireless network in which a Raspberry Pi works as the router & access point (following Adafruit's Guide). After getting it all set up, I tested the network by connecting my Samsung S6 to the new wireless network (having disabled mobile data, of course), and successfully accessed the internet (and double-checked by watching the RasPi's syslog).

I'm not asking about those settings & such, I know that's a question for a different forum -- rather, I want to know if it's possible to get detailed information from Android about the WiFi network it's connected to. Perhaps through the developer/debug mode, or using an external tool or application connected to or installed on the Android device?

I have had info-beamer running without issues on my RPI Zero W. Yesterday I received my Zero 2 W and am having issues. I finally found out that I need to run the testing release as the stable release does not contain the .dtb files for the zero 2. I noticed that the testing release does not have the .dtb file for the zero 2 w. I tried pulling it from another working build of raspberry pi OS, but it is not helping. I can get the zero 2 w to boot to the info-beamer loading screen, but it never connects to my WiFI in order to do the initial setup and configuration. Has anyone else had this problem?

My computer just crashed while I was in the hospital. Stupid PC tech couldn't locate info on reset so hooked me up with local, very insecure network! I found original booklet but can't make heads or tails of it. I used to be able to deal with all my tech problems, but age, disability, poor eyesight, lack of mobility, and some bumps on my head have lessened my skill with all things tech. I have no children, relatives or friends nearby to help me. The web doesn't appear to have anything on this system, so I am hoping I can find help here. I don't even like going online to things like this let alone financial or personal... Connected are my PC, printer, cable modem, and DirecTV. If more info is needed, please advise.

Be careful in your assumptions. Not every bad actor cares about the encrypted traffic. Some of them do not care for banking information, the latest Facebook update, or the last email received. The information and capabilities that the Pineapple can provide can be leveraged to devastating effect in malicious hands.

Not all sites of interest have SSL encryption. Someone's browsing habits can help establish a pattern of life. Not to mention can be fantastic fodder for blackmail. If an attacker gets a room in a hotel next to a the room of a prominent politician and said politician happens to have a certain taste in sexually deviant websites, associating his or her MAC address with salacious photos can cripple a career. If you give this presentation to an audience, ask them if they would approve of their significant other knowing their browsing history for the past 2 weeks.

In addition, a MAC address associated with an individual's name makes for a great tracking mechanism. Retail stores have toyed with targeted advertising to your phone based on the MAC address that walks in to an establishment. With a handful of pineapples, I could keep track of when you leave home, when you arrive at work, when you arrive at the gym, or when you visit your mistress. If I set them up correctly and place them well enough, I might be able to get your phone to associate through the pineapple before you arrive at any of these places thus following your browsing habits at these places.

Another interesting fact is that you can use the Pineapple to force newer phones to give up the SSIDs they've associated with (older phones would do this automatically). If you tell me you've never been to "X" establishment / city / country and the Pineapple makes your phone spit out SSIDs from a particular region or area, you're busted. The great thing is I can do this without letting you connect to the Pineapple at all.

I use the Pineapple on a daily basis and depend on people walking out the door and not shutting off WiFi before they leave their house. For my specific application, I just want the device to talk. I don't care what the client device sends, as long as it stays connected and makes packets. The Pineapple enables this activity. If I can achieve this, I win.

Know that there are many edge cases. 95% of the Pineapple's use falls neatly into the infosec / pentest arena it was meant for, but there are plenty of other esoteric ways of leveraging this device that can have serious consequences for a victim. 152ee80cbc

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